"Ha ha!"

Cao Cao suddenly burst out laughing and said, "At that time, we were really close!"

No one could understand Cao Cao's laughter, as if this loud laugh was a mockery of his life.

His brilliant life started from forming an alliance with Liu Ke.

In the end, it ended with the betrayal of the covenant.

That's probably the only way to sum it up.

Cao Cao is not reconciled!

"What, Brother Meng Dexian, are you begging for mercy?" Liu Ke said solemnly.

It's a joke, and it's not.

"Not bad!"

Cao Cao admitted generously: "If the King of Chu doesn't let me survive, it will be difficult for me to escape to Liangzhou."

Liu Ke looked directly at Cao Cao and agreed with his words.

"I am not willing to fail, I can still fight!"

"I want to do an understanding, but not now, but Xiliang!"

"I, Cao Mengde, am also an indomitable man. The end of a hero should not be so bleak!"

"I want to fight, fight again!!"

Cao Cao's voice became louder and louder, spreading far across the river.

It was almost a roar at the end!

The voice became hoarse in pain.

Liu Ke took out his bow and arrow, but Cao Cao stood still.

Xiahou Dun wanted to step forward to pull Cao Cao back, but Cao Cao waved his hand to stop him.

"King Chu, you won't kill a dog that loses its family!"

Xiahou Dun was extremely aggrieved!

He couldn't even protect his lord!

Cao Cao's fate is in the hands of Liu Ke.

Liu Ke picked up the bow and set up the arrow, aiming at Cao Cao in one go.

Cao Cao held his head high, his eyes piercing.

bring it on!bring it on!


The strings exploded.

The purple gold crown on Cao Cao's head was shot by a bow and arrow and flew a long way.

"There is only one Cao Mengde in the sky and on the earth! Let the tiger go back to the mountain alone, and see how you can turn things around!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ha ha!"

Cao Cao laughed loudly, and the laughter was filled with endless desolation.

He was recognized by the King of Chu!

He was pitied by Liu Ke!

Cao Cao, a hero of a generation, put all his grievances into laughter.

He is extremely proud, there is only one Cao Mengde in heaven and earth.

But this pride is now shattered.


Cao Cao spat out a mouthful of blood, and passed out weakly.

Just as he was about to fall, Xiahou Dun rushed over and helped Cao Cao up.

He sniffed Cao Cao's breath, there was nothing serious, but he was overly sad.

Xiahou Dun cupped his fists at Liu Ke from a long distance away.

Xiahoudun can remember this gift for a lifetime!

What a powerful person the lord is, even if he knows he can't bear it, he still wants to live on it!

He will fight, and fight, until life stops.

Xiahoudun also admired the heart of the King of Chu, and he really let the lord go!

If one of the two has no intention of fighting for hegemony, they will definitely be able to become friends.

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