Ling Tong nodded and agreed with Dong Xi's words.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At the same time, Sun Ce pretended to withdraw from Chaisang in an attempt to lure Zhang He.

As everyone knows, Lu Su has already seen through part of it, and told Zhang He what he thought.

Zhang He decided to make a big move and lay in ambush in Shangsangu.

Upper Sang Valley, located in the Mount Fu Yi Mountains, is winding.

Like most of the canyons, Shangsangu Mountain Road is rugged, and the straight-line distance is only three or four miles, but the army has to walk five or six miles to pass through it.

It's an excellent ambush location!

Fortunately, the cliffs on both sides of Shangsang Valley are very high, and it is difficult for people in the walkway to spot the ambush above.

According to local people, Shangsang Valley is often filled with heavy fog.

Under many favorable conditions, Zhang He chose Shangsangu to ambush.

Sun Ce never imagined that Zhang He would act so boldly.

After all, since Zhang Yun was stationed in Chaisang, he gave people the impression of being wretched.

Persevere and stick to it!

For this ambush, Zhang Xi was not too sure, after all, he was facing the little overlord Sun Ce!

Even the king praised him for his handsome talent!

Zhang He turned his head and glanced at Lu Su who was beside him with an expressionless face, and sighed worriedly.

"Zijing, don't hurt me. If you make a wrong judgment, the consequences will be disastrous."

"As a general, you can be regarded as the number one in Yangzhou. What are you afraid of?"

Lu Su calmly said: "When you sent troops, weren't you very confident?"

"Aren't I afraid of betraying the trust of the king?" Zhang He said helplessly.

Lu Su looked at Zhang Yun speechlessly, and said firmly: "Don't worry, even if the army is defeated, I will protect you with merit!"

A smile finally appeared on Zhang Yun's face. It was not easy for him to wait for this sentence!

For many years, Lu Su has been conscientious, staying behind for Liu Ke.

Great credit!

With Lu Su as the guarantor, Zhang Yun would not be left behind.

"You are..."

Lu Su shook his head, not knowing what to say.

He can be sure that Zhang He must be talking nonsense.

How can it be so easy for me to believe other people's words?

Zhang Yun waited and watched for a while, but he didn't find Jingzhou soldiers and horses, so he said in a low voice, "Zijing, do you think Sun Ce will find us?"

"Impossible!" Lu Su shook his head and said, "He must have chosen this place as an ambush point, and our army has made arrangements in advance."

Hearing this, Zhang Yun immediately felt relieved, and said, "Then I will just wait patiently."

Lu Su shook his head again, and said sternly, "It's possible that he won't come."

Zhang He looked at Lu Su in astonishment. If he didn't know the latter's character, Zhang He would have thought he had been tricked.

After a while, a scout cupped his fists and said, "General, Jingzhou soldiers have entered the valley!"

Lu Su knew it in his heart, turned his head to Zhang He and said, "Let them in, be careful."

"Be careful of what?" Zhang He asked.

"Sun Ce is very capable. Maybe he will send scouts to investigate Shangsanggu first. You must hold your breath." Lu Su warned.

Zhang He was certain in his heart, nodded and said: "I understand!"

After all, he ordered the soldiers to lie in wait in a low voice and wait for the opportunity.

The mist was hazy, and indeed there were advance troops entering the canyon to investigate.

It's just that they were not too far apart, only about a mile apart.

"No, there is an ambush!!"

A scout from Jingzhou seemed to have discovered something and yelled frantically.

Can't hide it!

Seeing this, Zhang Yun felt very sorry, why was he so careless.

"Don't panic, Sun Ce is a radical general, if he is unwilling, he will definitely chase after him!" Lu Su said.

Zhang He took it very seriously, and then sternly shouted:

"Fire arrows!"

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