"Ah! Ah!"

Following the screams, the Jingzhou soldiers were shocked to see that there were corpses everywhere in front of them.

The soldiers who charged in the first wave fell in a pool of blood one after another, and the blood overflowed.

Only some of them survived, hugging their heads, shrunk pitifully and tremblingly among the corpses, saving one life.

"This is the ballista, the power is amazing!"

In the eyes of the Jingzhou soldiers, there was an unprecedented look of fear.

Sun Ce couldn't help hesitating, should he continue to move forward or retreat?

At this moment, the army in the rear suddenly became confused, and the shouts of killing resounded through the mist.

There was an interception before, and a surprise attack later, and it really came true.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Ce is now riding a tiger!

Zhang Xi has already prepared himself, and it will definitely be thankless to continue to attack.

After a little thought, he made a decision.

First rectify the military situation.

Clean up the attackers in the rear!

"The whole army retreats!" Sun Ce retreated from the hillside.

Seeing this scene, it was his turn to hesitate.

The troops he sent were insufficient, so he could only set up camp here.

Use the terrain to ambush, or stick to it, and deal with Sun Ce.

But he never arranged for troops to attack Sun Ce's rear!

what's the problem?

"Could it be that this is Sun Ce's plan? Want to blackmail me?"

No wonder Zhang He was suspicious.


If Zhang He ordered the pursuit, he would lose his geographical advantage.

"Zijing, what do you think?"

Lu Su also has a big head at the moment.

Who is attacking Sun Cejun?

Fortunately, the scouts will report back soon!

"It's the flag of General Taishi!"

Zhang He was stunned. He did send someone to send information to Jianye.

The purpose is to make Jianye ready.

Once his ambush fails, or he fails to contain Sun Ce.

Then Sun Ce will come to Jianye.

This is the worst case.

Therefore, Zhang Yun said hello.

Unexpectedly, Jianye still has the energy to send reinforcements?

But the commander-in-chief of the reinforcements is Tai Shici, so it makes sense.

He must have returned from the Yanzhou battlefield.

"Attack, reinforce Ziyi!"

Zhang He's decision was also quick.

If he was alone, he could barely carry out an ambush.

It was just accidentally discovered by Jingzhou scouts, and Zhang He didn't do his best in ambush.

Now Tai Shici led the army to come to support.

With God's help.

If Zhang He didn't seize the opportunity, he would have let down Tai Shici's painstaking efforts.

"Down the hill from the trail and attack the flank."

I have to say that Zhang He was very lucky.

Tai Shici just arrived!

Smoke rises from the ancestral grave.

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