woo woo


A unique sound of horns spread into the distance.

Lu Su responded.

Tai Shici finally felt relieved.

Looking back at Jingzhou soldiers and horses, the situation is not so good.

"Don't panic! Gu has already ordered someone to guard him, and concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of him." Sun Ce buzzed.

Whoa whoa--

The Jingzhou soldiers once again burst out with the will not to admit defeat!

The fighting between the two sides became more intense.

Everyone is fighting with their lives.

Just when Sun Ce was concentrating on dealing with Tai Shici, another horn sounded.


Zhang Xi has already completed the deployment of troops and generals to raid the flank of Sun Ce's army.


Tai Shici couldn't help admiring.

It is worthy of being one of our own!

"A bluff?" Sun Ce was skeptical.

As the fighting became more and more intense, Sun Ce denied his previous opinion.

He could only send his personal guards to stop Zhang He.

Crowds are crowded, pennants cover the sky.

With a glance, Tai Shici could already see Sun Ce's Wang Banner.

The iron gun swung across.

Explosive drink.

"A certain one is Tai Shici, the King of Xiangyang dares to fight?!"

After Sun Ce heard it, his face darkened.

On his side, morale was relatively low.

it's good now.

The soldiers all looked at Sun Ce!

Sun Ce is the god of war, fearless.

This is his image in Jingzhou!

Faced with Tai Shici's provocation, Sun Ce can dismiss it.

Because he is the king!

Tai Shici is just a general under Liu Ke's command.

However, Sun Ce naturally likes to meet challenges!

He needs to take risks and win.

Sun CE galloped out, and Taishi Ci went up to meet him.


Both of them fought with all their might.

The iron gun was bent and trembled.

As the two staggered, a thought popped up in their minds.

Encountered an opponent!

Between lightning and flint, the two played against each other for more than ten rounds.

There is no winner or loser.

Fight again.


In the middle of the battlefield, Jin Ming exchanged blows.

During the entanglement between the two, Zhang Yun took the opportunity to attack!

He became the most handsome boy in the audience.

The iron gun dances like a dragon.

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