If it weren't for Sun Ce's prudence, even if Tai Shici had no support, Jingzhou's soldiers and horses would have suffered heavy losses.

"Please punish the king!"

Zhou Yu cupped her fists and bowed her head, deeply ashamed.

"It's not Gongjin's fault for this battle. It's because his skills are not as good as others!" Sun Ce took on the responsibility.

He is different from the other protagonists, it is a fault, and he must admit it.

This will undoubtedly damage Sun Ce's image.

Zhou Yu insisted on not agreeing!

"Your Majesty, now that Jingzhou has been defeated, it is even more necessary for you to suppress Xiao Xiao with your supreme prestige. How can you..."

"Needless to say, if I can't even stand up to this failure, how can I, Sun Bofu, take over the world!"

Zhou Yu's heart trembled, and he let out a long sigh.

It is precisely because of Sun Ce that he is willing to follow.

If it weren't for Sun Ce's great charm, Zhou Yu would have gone to Liu Ke long ago.

Unfortunately, they were out of luck.

After many fights, they were completely defeated!

Lost to Liu Ke.

Lost to Zhao Yun.

Lost to Zhang He and Tai Shici.

King Liu Ke of Chu is very strong, and he has countless elite soldiers and strong generals.

Sun Ce's defeat seems to be a matter of course.

This is not something unacceptable.

However, for Sun Ce, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow.

It's fine if it's not Liu Ke's opponent, even his subordinates can't win.

The reason why Sun Ce's belief can continue to be supported is because of his inner strength.

He is a proud king!

It's a pity that he was born at an untimely time, and met Liu Ke, King of Chu.

Liu Ke is the real destiny.

Sun Ce could only regrettably live in a corner.

"Retreat for the time being and return to Jiangxia."

This is a helpless decision.

"As ordered!"

The defeated army in Jingzhou retreated to the territory.

At first, Sun Ce was worried about Sun Yi's situation, but later he didn't have to worry about it.

Sun Yi was defeated earlier and was released.

Zhou Yu keenly sensed the conspiracy, Sun Yi was defeated, and nothing happened after that?

This is incredible.

Even if Liu is the son-in-law of Jingzhou, he will not let the tiger go back to the mountain.

At least until the end of the war?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu was startled, as if he had figured out something, and said hastily:

"Your Majesty, we must return to Xiangyang as soon as possible, otherwise there will be changes!"

Sun Ce was astonished when he heard this.

"But Zhang Liao is going to attack Xiangyang?"

"That's not the case!" Zhou Yu shook his head, and continued, "It's not that simple."

When the army was defeated, Zhou Yu's face was not so dignified.

In the end what happened?

"Gongjin, tell me in detail."

Zhou Yu took a deep breath and said, "It's like this. My subordinates guess that the counselors of the King of Chu must be instigating Xiangyang. Only by going back to the town can you prevent problems before they happen."

"You mean, Zhongmou will turn against Gu?" Sun Ce was really taken aback.

"Yes, people's words are formidable. Moreover, the second son is gentle and has no conflict with Yangzhou. It is very likely that the King of Chu will support him to the throne."

Liu is Jingzhou's son-in-law, so it's not worthwhile to fight to the end directly, the way to nibble away step by step is king.

After digesting Cao Cao's territory, gradually reach out to Jingzhou.

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