
I will definitely avenge you!

Ding Feng's face was full of cruelty.


This battle lasted for three full hours, until it got dark before giving up.

The defense narrowly won.

Huo Jun let out a sigh of relief.

He was surrounded by a group of subordinates to announce the good news to Wu Yi.

"Fortunately not humiliated!"

Wu Yi patted Huo Jun on the shoulder and encouraged:

"Zhong Miao has worked hard. Today's defense is good, and you have contributed a lot."

Having said that, Wu Yi changed his voice and continued:

"As long as you stick to it, the king will definitely send reinforcements."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Defensive victory.

The morale of the defenders was high.

And the siege troops did not even improve.

The losses of the defenders in the city were even greater.

In order to hit the morale of the defenders in the city, Gan Ning ordered the soldiers to shout outside the city.

"My general has ordered a retreat, you can rest assured to clean up Pao Ze's body!"

The defenders suffered heavy losses.

Then let them collect the corpse and recognize the reality.

Only when they saw the corpses all over the place, the defenders would wake up completely.

Before long, they too will turn into corpses.

This is why Gan Ning chose to stay on the sidelines.

On the city wall, the defenders were indeed collecting the corpses.

"Ha ha!"

Gan Ning laughed out loud for no reason.

"Jiaozhi County is the king's territory."

"You are nothing more than doves occupying the magpie's nest. I swear here that I will kill you all!"

Gan Ning's domineering words were conveyed to each other by the defenders, and they all showed bitterness.

The defenders were terrified, and Huo Jun was angry.

"Tips for carving insects!"

"You Gan Xingba has this ability, why don't you go to heaven?"

Huo Jun responded arrogantly.

Gan Ning left readily.

As night fell, the camp became less peaceful.

The scouts came in a hurry.

"Report! The big thing is not good!"

"Wu Yi, the guard, is leading troops to attack our camp."

Gan Ning woke up with a start, and asked:

"How many enemy troops are there?"

"General Qi, the enemy's bluff and flags are fluttering, and it is impossible to judge."

This is blindfolding.

Gan Ning nodded silently, and left with his saber.

Flames have appeared in the back camp.

The sound of fighting kept coming.

Ding Feng also hurried over at this time.

Gan Ning looked at Ding Feng and judged:

"The rear battalion should be a feint attack. The strength of the troops is less than [-], so it will be handed over to Cheng Yuan."

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