Huo Jun strengthened his heart.

When sacrifice is inevitable, he will not deliberately pursue stability.

If you can persist for a day, it is a day.

"My lord, the King of Hanzhong, will definitely lead the reinforcements!"

Huo Jun just needs to persist until that day.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the next battle, it was time for Gan Ning to play rogue.

Because the roads in Jiaozhou are not smooth, it is still relatively backward.

Therefore, there were not many ballistas in the Gan Ning army.

That's just a few dozen.

This time he attacked the city, he took out fifteen of them, placed them directly on the earth hill, and bombarded the defenders of the city wall indiscriminately.

Then cooperate with Jinglan.

Set off round after round of crazy shooting!

The defenders in the city have limited bows and crossbows, and it is impossible to waste them all the time.

Gan Ning was different, there were plenty of crossbow bolts, and they kept pouring into the city.

The Yuanrong crossbow has gradually replaced the bow and arrow as the main long-range weapon of the Yangzhou army.

Compared with traditional bows and arrows, Yuanrong crossbows are short and powerful.

It is impossible for the defenders in the city to "borrow arrows" to use them.

Model does not match.

This is also the reason why the Yangzhou Army gradually favored the Yuanrong Crossbow.

Not only lightweight, but also capable of continuous firing.

The defenders were miserable.

I can't afford to shoot at each other.

Once there is any negligence, the cloud echelon team will directly stand out.


The defenders hid in Tibet like a pack of rats.

While hiding, there was a scream from time to time.

That was the howling of the arrow!

Nobody wants to be next.

The defenders were trembling and demoralized.

Can't go on!

Once the defenders have no determination to resist, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Huo Jun gritted his teeth and said, "Let them fight on the city wall."

This is currently the best solution.

If the Gan Ning army attacked the city wall, they couldn't continue to shoot crossbow arrows, right?

Of course, the risks are also great.

Gan Ning is not a good stubble!

Neither is the Yangzhou Army.

Once the attack continues, the defenders may also collapse.

"Is this the only way?" Wu Yi couldn't accept it.

"Get through today first." Huo Jun made up his mind in an instant.

"it is good!"

Wu Yi is definitely not an indecisive person.

Seeing that the guards on the city wall were lax, Gan Ning saw through the defenders' plan at a glance.

Will he be cowardly?

Liu Ke has never taught them this way!

"The siege team is ready, go up the city wall!" Gan Ning ordered.



The siege team gradually moved closer to Longbian.

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