Holding the information from Long Bian, Liu Bei's expression fluctuated.

How could this be?

He showed doubts for a while, and anger for a while.

How many masks is this wearing?

Changing back and forth like this made Fazheng, who was familiar with Liu Bei, be puzzled.

In the end what happened?

In short, Liu Bei's mood is very bad.

His face was like frost.

In the end, Ma Di couldn't help but asked:

"Your Majesty, is the situation unfavorable?"

As Liu Bei's new adviser, Ma Di's status is not as good as Fa Zheng's.

But also a resounding figure.

Talent is not under the law!

Ingenuity is even better.

Liu Bei sighed, handed the battle report to Fazheng, and said:

"The dragon is lost."

"So fast?"

Ma Di was shocked.

Long Bian has veteran Wu Yi and Huo Jun who is good at defending.

It stands to reason that it should be foolproof.

Liu Bei's previous plan was to keep Chen Cang in the dark.

He secretly dispatched troops to Beidaicheng, and used dragon braids to contain the main force of Jiaozhou.

Then, he suddenly marched eastward to attack various lands, catching Chen Gong by surprise.

However, there was a problem with the second ring of the plan.

Who would have thought that Longbian would be lost?

But soon, Liu Bei remembered the conversation he had with Wu Yi when he set off.

Wu Yi is not optimistic about this plan!

Think it's likely to fail.

Of course, he was talking about the failure of Liu Bei's surprise attack.

Now it is indeed Wu Yi who is holding back.

The result is always the same, the plan fails.

It's just that Wu Yi is Liu Bei's brother-in-law, so he can't be punished for it.

Liu Bei sighed.

He underestimated Gan Ning!

I underestimated Chen Gong!

"My lord, don't be discouraged, I still have a chance."

After saying this, Fazheng handed the battle report to Ma Di.

Ma Su then took over the information and watched it carefully.

"Damn it! Huo Jun wronged the country!"

If Huo Jun hadn't exchanged the city for the prisoners, maybe the situation wouldn't be so bad.

Ma Di dare not speak ill of Wu Yi, but Huo Jun is different.

Liu Bei felt a little regretful when he heard Ma Di's words, and said, "Huo Jun... is a good general, and I don't know why he made such a mistake."

He also disapproved of exchanging prisoners.

People are inherently mortal.

"Your Majesty!"

Ma Su clasped his fists and said, "Please deal with Huo Jun, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public."

Liu Bei frowned, lost in thought, as if thinking about how to punish.

Fazheng said with a straight face: "Your Majesty, absolutely not. Now is the time to employ people, and you must not lose the big because of the small!"

"Because it's small, it loses the big? Is it not big enough if you lose the Longbian?"

Ma Di's tone was very unhappy.

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