It could also be, cheating.

Liu Bei narrowed his mind and listened attentively.

"Youchang, Gu has always trusted you very much. If you dare to deceive Gu, the friendship between monarch and minister will end here."

Ma Di looked awe-inspiring, cupped his hands and said:

"Your Majesty, I absolutely dare not!"

Liu Bei nodded in satisfaction and motioned for Ma Su to continue.

"Liu Ke, King of Chu, is the same as the great king, and he is a relative of the Han family."

"As the royal family, it is natural to take the responsibility of revitalizing the Han Dynasty."

"I have overlooked one person, and that is Emperor Xian Liu Xie!"

"As we all know, King Liu of Chu did not accept Emperor Xian because he was afraid that Yangzhou would have two masters."

"When the time comes, the soldiers will listen to the King of Chu, or His Majesty?"

Liu Bei fell into deep thought.

Ma Di's reasoning makes sense.

"However, after King Chu defeated Cao Cao, the situation is different. He has to make a choice."

"We must fight for power with Emperor Xian!"

"If it were a hero like Cao Cao, he would naturally coerce the emperor to command the princes. But the king of Chu is different, he is deeply favored by the emperor."

"Emperor Xian's own sister, Princess Wannian is still King Chu's concubine!"

"When he arrives, will he respect the Han family, or not?"

Ma Su spoke eloquently.

Cao Cao, Sun Ce, and Liu Bei are now unable to compete with the King of Chu.

But they overlooked one person, a person who lacked a sense of presence.

That is Emperor Xian Liu Xie.

With Liu Xie in control of the orthodox, will King Liu of Chu live in peace with him?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chang'an was originally the name of the hometown of Qin Dynasty.

In the Qin Dynasty, there was Xingle Palace.

On the basis of Xingle Palace, Liu Bang built Changle Palace and Weiyang Palace...

Gradually, Chang'an became the capital of the Western Han Dynasty.

Witness the prosperity of the big man.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu established his capital in Luoyang (that is, Luoyang), and still regarded Chang'an as the capital of Xijing.

Until the reign of Emperor Xian, the situation in the world was unpredictable.

First, Dong Zhuo hijacked Emperor Xian to Chang'an, and later Dong Zhuo executed him. Under Liu Ke's persecution, Cao Cao moved the court to Xuchang.

Soon after, Cao Cao became the King of Wei and opened the Palace of the King of Wei in Chang'an.

Going round and round, Emperor Xian went to Xuchang, Luoyang and other places, and returned to Chang'an.


After secretly signing the edict of abdication.

Emperor Xian went completely crazy.

With the help of Liu Ke's power, he trapped and killed court ministers, princes and nobles who opposed him and despised him.

Enjoy the fun of power.

Unfortunately, the good times are not long.

Guo Jia saw this and killed Liu Xie's trusted eunuch, making him recognize himself.

Emperor Xian began to restrain himself, and acted as Liu Ke's butcher knife to eradicate dissidents.

Pave the way for Liu Ke.

The effect is very obvious.

Princes and nobles, rest with the country.

Especially in the reign of Emperor Ling, buying and selling officials was serious.

The imperial court was bloated.

He Jin's death, eunuch chaos, a group of princes and nobles were liquidated.

Died in the chaos.

Later, when Dong Zhuo came to power, he killed a group of princes and nobles who were not pleasing to the eye.

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