"I don't blame him, the Yangzhou army has always been so domineering, and I have collected some information recently." Shi Wu said with confidence.

When Shi Zhi heard this, he immediately became interested and said:

"Uncle, please tell me."

"It is said that the current Yangzhou herdsman is called Liu Ke, styled Dingfang, granted the title of Marquis of Dongyang, and is a relative of the Han family. Maybe he has an old relationship with Liu Yao, so he is actively moving south." Shi Wu said.

No wonder!As soon as they met, they beat the messenger.

You even killed the state shepherd, and the Han family clan didn't take it seriously. What happened to beating your emissary?

It's troublesome now, and the battle must continue, unless Jiaozhou is bleeding heavily.

However, how could this be possible, Jiaozhou people are also bloody.

Shi Zhi nodded, motioning for his uncle to continue.

"This Marquis of Dongyang made his fortune during the Yellow Turban Rebellion. I heard that hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans were killed, and Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang were also killed." Shi Wu said.

The Yellow Turbans are just a group of farmers, nothing special.Jiaozhou is a poor place, but the soldiers are absolutely brave.

Think back then, Qin Shihuang lost troops and lost generals in Jiaozhou, isn't there nothing wrong?

In the end, Zhao Tuo's army of [-] troops went south, and it was only then that he could conquer this country.

And how many people does Liu Dingfang have?There are only [-] people, even if the entire Yangzhou army is raised, it is only [-].

What's more, Jiaozhou is no longer the Jiaozhou it used to be. It didn't even have weapons in the past.Now, the weapons and armor are excellent.

"Later, he defeated the nomads in the north and defeated Dong Zhuo who wanted to get his hands on Yangzhou. It can be said that he made great achievements in battle." Shi Wu was surprised.

Shi Zhi still wanted to refute, but he had to admit the ability of Yangzhou Mu. The nomads have always been a serious problem in the Central Plains. It is indeed awesome to be able to repel them.

As for Dong Zhuo, he had [-] soldiers in Luoyang, and he stole the limelight. He was also a big man, but he was also defeated.

"Then what should we do?" Shi Zhi said.

"Yangzhou Mu is strong, but he doesn't understand Jiaozhou. As long as he uses the strategic depth and complex terrain, he will be able to wear him down." Shi Wu said.

Yes, it is possible to wear him down, but what will the people of the world think of him?

A lost dog who escaped from the South China Sea?

Even if Yangzhou Mu is defeated, he will only lose troops and generals, and he can make a comeback at that time.But as for the South China Sea, it hasn't been more than ten years that it can't recover.

No, this kind of thing must not happen.

Fortify the wall and clear the field, stick to it and wait for help!

Shizhi sent three waves of messengers in a row, all the way to Jiaozhi, asking for help from his father, all the way to Hepu, asking for help from the prefect Shiyi, and asking for help when he saw anyone along the way.

The South China Sea is urgent!

The South China Sea is urgent!

Those who don't know the truth may think that the South China Sea has fallen.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As planned, Zhao Yun assembled a large army and began to attack the South China Sea.

The Nanhai prefect resisted desperately and repelled Yangzhou's attack for seven days in a row, becoming a man of the hour.

"Yangzhou Army is nothing more than that, I have overestimated them as much as possible!" Shi Zhi laughed.

Shi Wu nodded. Every time the Yangzhou Army attacked, Shi Zhi took the lead, and even though the battle was dangerous, he did not retreat from the city.

What a role model for a leader!

"Uncle, how about I wait to attack the camp tonight when the Yangzhou army is exhausted?" Shi Zhi's heart was about to stir.

The enemy is weak, so we should take the initiative.

"It's feasible!" Shi Wu also wanted to test the reality of the Yangzhou Army, so that night, he selected [-] soldiers and quietly walked towards the Yangzhou Army camp.

Sure enough, the temptation came out, and none of the five thousand people came back.

Hearing the news, Shi Zhi was shocked. Fortunately, he listened to his uncle's persuasion and did not lead the army himself, otherwise he would not be able to come back!

The next day, as if the Yangzhou army had eaten heavy gunpowder, countless catapults were erected and hurled boulders frantically.

On the city wall, the defenders of the South China Sea fled with their heads in their arms.

The scholars only hid in the tower, not daring to probe.

It is so, it is so!

The Yangzhou Army preserves its strength just for this moment.

They're secretly building trebuchets.

Suddenly there were shouts of killing from the city, and the scholar only held a big knife and led the crowd to defend the city wall.

On this day, the South China Sea suffered heavy casualties.As it was getting late, the Yangzhou Army retreated.

"Damn it!" Shi Zhi yelled, and sent another wave of envoys to ask for help.

On the other side, seeing the fierce attack, Zhang Liao couldn't help worrying:

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