But even if he said that, some people still continued to come forward.

Some people even made it clear that they did not seek the truth to see His Highness the King of Chu.

All you need to do is hand over the name card and teach His Royal Highness the King of Chu to know what you want.

Seeing this, the porter knew that if he remained indifferent, these people would really not leave.

But if this continues, the door will definitely be blocked.

When the time comes to investigate, you still have to bear the responsibility yourself.

Therefore, he had no choice but to say: "Since this is the case, the younger ones will be accepted first.

Please don't keep blocking the door.

It would be a serious crime if His Royal Highness Chu was delayed. "

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people under the door also changed slightly.

So some people leave after posting famous posts.

Driven by these people, the originally crowded Wangfu finally gradually became deserted.

But Xi Fu did not leave, he waited for more people to leave before going forward.

This is the experience he has honed over the past few decades.

Seeing that there were not many horses and chariots outside the door, Xi Fucai finally stepped forward slowly.

"Brother, I am Xi Fu, the steward of Lord Guanglu Xun Xi, and I am sending a famous post to ask to see Lord King Chu.

Please tell me brother. "

While talking, Xi Fu took out a gold cake from his bosom and was about to stuff it to the other party.

Unexpectedly, when the man saw this, his face immediately sank.

"Please don't do that. And today, the King of Chu has important military affairs, so we don't see any guests."

Xi Fu was a little surprised by the other party's rejection.

Unexpectedly, there are people who can resist the temptation of gold.

After hearing the same words from the other party as before, he immediately said:

"The king of Chu has a lot of things going on every day, so of course I know about it. It's just that my lord really has something very important to report.

I also hope that my brother will be convenient! "

But the other party remained unmoved, with the same attitude as rejecting other dignitaries from other aristocratic families.

Seeing this, the housekeeper had no choice but to return.

"Master, the concierge said that the king of Chu will not see any visitors today!

The little one exhausted his lips and tongue, but he couldn't move, and hoped that the master would forgive him. "

Seeing this, Xi Xi waved his hand, not blaming the other party for his incompetence.

After all, he could see clearly from the sedan chair.

Not only him, everyone who walked up before was ruthlessly rejected.

How many of them are the three princes and princes, so what is Guang Luxun himself?

He came to see the King of Chu this time, in fact, to show his merits to the King of Chu in advance.

In fact, Xi Xi was very shrewd in his calculations.

The reason why I pulled those people with me was to increase my momentum and avoid being the target of public criticism.

And at this moment, the purpose of expressing merit in private is to show the king of Chu that all this is planned by himself.

If he succeeds in supporting him, he will be the one who made the first contribution.

It's just that there is no chance to see him now, which really makes Xi Xi feel a little regretful.

He had no choice but to sigh, and waved his hand to signal to return home.

Just as the sedan chair turned around, a person suddenly came from afar.

This person undressed and wore a sage crown on his head, riding a fine horse, walking leisurely towards this side.

The crisp sound of horse hooves immediately attracted Xi Xi's attention, and he quickly raised the curtain to look.

Seeing the identity of the person coming, Xi Ji hurriedly ordered the bearers to stop.

But before the sedan chair settled down, he hurriedly rushed down from inside.

"Gongda, Xixi is being polite!"

"Oh? So it's Mr. Guang Luxun! Disrespect, disrespect!"

Xun You, who was riding on a horse, said politely when he saw the person coming, but he just bowed his hands and didn't even get off the horse.

Xi Xi was not annoyed when he saw this.

After all, the other party is a celebrity in front of the King of Chu, and he is just a subordinate of the emperor with no power.

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