As long as they can win Cochin, they will be remembered in the history books.

"Han Sheng, the Shesheng Battalion has good eyesight and is responsible for guarding the coastline. Once there are strange ships approaching, they must be stopped!" Liu Ke reminded.

"Yes!" Huang Zhong said.

"Gao Shun, if you fall into the camp, you will be responsible for the defense of the camp. Be careful of all kinds of beasts, especially poisonous insects, and don't enter the island at will!" Liu Ke said to Gao Shun.

Gao Shun also took the lead.

The guard battalion is responsible for setting up camp, lighting fires and cooking.

However, Liu Ke asked them to pay attention to communicating with Sheshengying before starting the fire, and to extinguish the flame immediately if something happened.

As for exploring the island, Liu Ke had no idea at all.

During the period of Emperor Qin and Han Wu, in order to explore South Vietnam, many people died. Liu didn't want to go through it again.

Two days later, the second batch of troops arrived on the island.

After a while, the [-] troops finally arrived.

The whole sea is calm.

Liu Ke boarded the boat again and bared his fangs to Jiaozhi.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Cochin fishermen were the first to spot the huge monster on the sea, trembling standing on the small fishing boat.

Liu Ke ignored them. Generally speaking, these people had never dealt with the government and would not tip off the news.

Even if you say it, someone has to believe it!

Therefore, a hidden harbor was chosen, and [-] people landed in large numbers.

Zheng Sanqiu, the spy leader who had been waiting for a long time, was very excited. When he saw Liu Ke and others, he bowed and saluted.

Xun You was the first to stand up and confirm Zheng Sanqiu's identity.

"Thank you, how is the situation?" Liu Ke asked.

"The people staying nearby have been expelled by us. It's safe here." Zheng San said.

"Very well, so do you have any clues about the marching route?" Liu Ke asked again.

In fact, Liu Ke was still not at ease when entrusting the task to these inexperienced people.

"The guide recommended a route, and we have gone through it too. It is surrounded by dense forests and only passes through a few villages." Zheng Sanqiu said.

"Okay, if the route is safe this time, no matter whether the attack succeeds or fails, I will remember your great contribution!" Liu Ke promised.

Zheng Sanqiu immediately bowed to the Prime Minister to pay homage. This is the Marquis of Dongyang himself, and his promise is certain.

After waiting for a long time, Gan Ning finally completed the task, and [-] people gathered together.

"My lord, I'll go too!" Gan Ning volunteered.

"But, you went, what about the boat?" Liu Ke glanced at Gan Ning.

"It doesn't matter. I won't take the soldiers away. The deputy general will be in charge. I will follow you alone." Gan Ning said, he was afraid that Liu would not allow him, so he added, "My lord, you can't just let me run errands, right?"

Liu Ke thought, yes, Gan Ning is a fierce general, always tied up in the navy, it is also a kind of torment for him.

"Okay! Follow orders." Liu Ke said.

"Sure, I'm here to make meritorious deeds, how dare I spoil the Lord's event!" Gan Ning laughed.

So, the [-] army began to sneak, all the way to Jiaozhi.

Along the way, he also encountered innocent people several times, but Liu Ke let them go.

With their personalities, whether they will report it to the government is still a matter of opinion. Even if they report it, whether the government believes it or not is another story.

Even if the government believed it, it would take time to verify it. After a series of procedures, Liu Ke had already arrived at Jiaozhi.

But once when he met government servants who went to the countryside to collect taxes, Liu Ke still ordered them to be eliminated.

He is not a soft-hearted person, he knows the seriousness.

In this way, they are getting closer and closer to Cochin.

At the moment, Jiaozhi is also full of troops. It turns out that Shixie, the governor of Jiaozhou, is counting the troops for the expedition.

"What do you think my son thinks about Yangzhou's invasion this time?" Shi Xie asked. Behind him was a young and handsome young master, wearing armor at the moment, which made him even more mighty.

This person is Shi Hui, the second son of Shi Xie, the prefect of Jiaozhi, and the commander-in-chief of this reinforcement.

Being able to be taught by Shi Xie's side must have some ability.

Shi Hui hit the nail on the head and said: "Brother is mature and stable, things may not be as urgent as he said, but it's just to prevent problems before they happen."

Following Shi Xie's topic, he said, "Yangzhou Mu's revenge for Liu Yao is false, and it is true to avoid the Central Plains war."

"My son is right!" Shi Xie was very pleased that his son was so smart.

The Central Plains began to be chaotic, and Yangzhou Mu made a move to avenge Liu Yao, and he got away directly, which is very clever!

Shi Xie also received a letter from Shi Wu, and his narration was even clearer. The Yangzhou army had been attacking for seven days in a row, but they did not go up to the city a few times, obviously releasing water.

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