When Cao Pi heard the words, he was a little embarrassed for a moment.

But just as he was thinking about what to do, Sima Yi, who was sitting by the side, suddenly added.

"Wei Wang, although the young master's power buried in Chang'an is a bit lacking, but based on a certain analysis, it is not impossible!"

Seeing Sima Yi open his mouth to make a rescue, Cao Pi immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Sima Yi had already taken refuge in him in secret, and he was considered one of his own.

"What is Zhongda's high opinion?"

"King Wei, don't forget that we are not the only ones who don't like Liu Ke proclaiming himself emperor.

Presumably Liu Yizhou and Sun Ce would not allow this to happen either.

So it seems that our family is preventing it, but in fact it is the joint efforts of the three.

The goals of the three families are the same, and it will definitely stir up the situation in Chang'an and completely crush Liu Ke's ambitions! "

"Zhongda's words are justified. With Zihuan and Zhongda's plan, this matter is settled!"

With a smile in the corner of Cao Pi's eyes, he immediately said: "If the father allows it, the boy will write back and tell Chang'an's secret agents to start operations.

As long as a few assassinations are planned and then blamed on Liu Ke, it will definitely arouse everyone's hatred and hatred, and completely disturb the matter of Huang Chan's position! "

"Okay! As Yi Zihuan said, the matter is urgent, so hurry up and deal with it!"

With a big wave of Cao Cao's hand, it is considered to have confessed the matter to Cao Pi.

"Do you have anything to add, sir?"

"Nothing, Mr. Zihuan's plan is flawless, and he will succeed in one fell swoop!"

At the same time, such dramas were also staged in Yizhou and Jingzhou.

"Liu Ke is really daring, my elder brother is a dignified uncle of the Han Emperor, and he only has one King of Hanzhong.

He, Liu Ke, has fallen from the sidelines and dared to usurp the throne and stand on his own.

Brother, give me [-] soldiers and horses, and I will rush into Chang'an, take Liu Ke's head and present it to my brother! "

As soon as Zhang Fei got the news, he immediately shouted in a low voice.

"Yi Dexiu has to be impulsive. What's your opinion?"

Ma Di was about to speak, but was robbed of his speech.

The one who speaks is Fazheng.

"Your Majesty, I once met a man in Nanzheng. This man is a descendant of Emperor Wu's knight-errant Guo Xie, and his name is Guo Mao.

Guo Mao is a chivalrous man who upholds righteousness, has the fierceness to drive tigers and bears away, and has admired the king for a long time, so he can use it now. "

Liu Bei was very happy when he heard this, so he ordered Fazheng to take charge of this matter.

Therefore, Fazheng immediately revised a book, and Chen Yiwei asked Guo Mao to leave the mountain.

When Guo Mao received this letter, he was very excited.

He had always admired Uncle Liu Huang, and knew that this was the time for him to perform.

Therefore, Guo Mao immediately summoned his disciples, selected ten people with high martial arts skills, and set off for Chang'an immediately with him.

Besides, in Jingzhou, after Sun Ce returned, it took a lot of effort to finally suppress the atmosphere of surrender inside.

Unexpectedly, after a wave of ups and downs, another wave rose again, and the news that Liu Ke was about to proclaim himself emperor angered him again.

Originally, Sun Ce planned to call a group of ministers to discuss together.

But at the end, he suddenly dismissed this idea.

Because of the previous turmoil, he could see that there were still some people in his camp who favored Liu Ke.

If he made a big fanfare, those people might secretly pass the news to Liu Ke.

Therefore, he decided not to make it public, and only called Zhou Yu to discuss it.

Even his two brothers, Sun Quan and Sun Yi, did not notify.

After Zhou Yu got the news, he also frowned.

In fact, he also knew that Sun Ce was no longer Liu Ke's opponent based on hard power alone.

But in Sun Ce's heart, he still longs for that hegemony, and he will never give up on it.

Therefore, Zhou Yu also made the same plan as the Cao Wei and Liu Bei camps.

That is to send people to sabotage secretly, and use various shady means to obstruct the progress of this matter.

Sun Ce naturally obeyed.

Considering that the power of Chang'an is not enough.

So he selected more than ten people from the army and rushed to Chang'an immediately to solve the matter together.

In this way, under Liu Ke's scheme, the secret line of the three families buried in Chang'an was mobilized in an instant.

As a result, an undercurrent gushed out of the peaceful world once again.

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