Just when Du Kuan was about to bend down and lift the other person's face towel to see if he knew him.

Two muffled "Puff! Puff!" came from the courtyard again.

The original assassin's accomplice finally got over the wall after receiving his signal.

In fact, it was only a few breaths from the time the first assassin sent the signal to the moment he died on the spot.

When the later two assassins came in, they were still a little puzzled, why their companions had disappeared.

They looked into the house by the moonlight, and finally saw a figure standing on the spot.

It's just that the person's body shape is definitely not his companion.

Therefore, a bad premonition suddenly flashed in the hearts of the two of them.

Sure enough, when they observed carefully, they finally found that there was still a black shadow under that figure's feet, and there was no movement.

The two didn't hesitate any longer, and rushed forward before taking off the cloth strip on the knife.

But he said that Du Kuan had just dealt with an assassin, but unexpectedly two more came.

He was so scared that his hairs stood on end in an instant.

The reason why he killed the opponent just now was not because of how strong Du Kuan was.

In fact, it still took advantage of the other party's eagerness for success and paralysis.

And at that time, there was no time left for Du Kuan to think about it.

Only with a strong desire to survive did he finally manage to kill his opponent.

So after Du Kuan solved the opponent, more than half of his momentum had been vented.

This time it was two people again, and the fear in Du Kuan's heart instantly eroded him.

"You, who are you?"

He asked nervously.

Even if it was really doomed, he didn't want to be a fool.

But his reply was silence.

The two assassins approached slowly, like Mount Tai mountain pressing down on the top, putting more and more pressure on Du Kuan.

Finally, Du Kuan couldn't bear the pressure any longer, and took the initiative to initiate a total attack with his sword.

As they gradually approached, the two assassins could already confirm that the person lying on the ground whose life and death were unknown was their companion.

So this also makes their hearts more vigilant.

The two didn't dare to be careless, and they showed their full strength when they came up.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Du Kuan stabbed with his sword, even though his heart was full of fear, he did not dare to relax his hand.

However, his strength can barely hold on against an assassin.

When facing two desperadoes, he was already at a disadvantage.

One of the assassins saw Du Kuan's sword coming, and immediately swung Du Kuan's sword away.

And because Du Kuan was nervous, when he was blocked, he rushed to the side suddenly, almost losing his balance.

The other assassin was also unambiguous.

He saw the right moment and slashed at Du Kuan who was off guard.


When the knife went down, it hit Du Kuan's back, and his skin was split open instantly, and his robe was soaked with blood.


The severe pain caused Du Kuan to take a sharp breath, and his whole body trembled.

Fortunately, Du Kuan had already passed the two of them after the knife.

The yard was not big, so Du Kuan quickly leaned against the wall and faced the two of them with his sword in order to avoid being attacked.

With one strike, the two assassins found out the details of this person in an instant.

Although they still wonder why their companions fell to the ground.

But now is not the time to delve into it. Only by solving the person in front of him can we slowly investigate.

The two, one on the left and the other on the right, attacked Du Kuan at the same time.

Facing the two knives with a cold light, Du Kuan quickly blocked them.

I saw that he first tried his best to block the attack of the man on the left.

Immediately sweep to the right with the force of the rebound.

But how can the other party be of the younger generation?

The person on the left who was blocked by him swung his knife again.

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