That afternoon, Guo Jia opened the mouths of these people.

These people are Liu Bei's stronghold in Chang'an City, and the identity of the leader Yang Xi has also been found out.

Since then, Liu Bei's stronghold here has been completely eradicated!

In the evening of that day, Guo Jia took Hu Che'er to the Chu Palace to report.

Hu Che'er was very nervous, because he had only seen the King of Chu from a distance before.

Thinking of being personally received by His Royal Highness the King of Chu, I was very excited.

Guo Jia comforted with a calm face: "Hu Che'er, don't be nervous, although the King of Chu has a high position and authority, he treats his subordinates leniently and kindly.

You have made such a great contribution this time, and the King of Chu will definitely reward you heavily. "

With Guo Jia's persuasion, Hu Che'er finally felt relieved.

The two came to report, but they heard that the king of Chu was practicing martial arts in the backyard, and ordered the two to go directly.

So Guo Jia took Hu Che'er straight to the backyard.

Sure enough, Liu Ke had nothing to do today, so he called Dian Wei and others to practice duel with him.


With a loud bang, Dian Wei was thrown to the ground by Liu Ke again, causing dust to rise.

"I won't come, I won't come. Your Highness, I am not your opponent."

After Dian Wei got up, he immediately stopped by shaking his hands.

This is already the [-]st time he has fought with Liu Kelai since he met Liu Kelai, and he has not won yet.

In the beginning, I was able to persist for a quarter of an hour, but now I found that I was defeated after only a few breaths.

Seeing Dianwei's expression, Liu could only shake his head regretfully.

Recently, the system rewarded him with another martial art, and Liu Ke was going to test its power.

After picking and picking, he still set his target on the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Dian Wei.

Unexpectedly, this martial art is really powerful, as soon as they fight, the winner is already determined.

Liu can see that Dianwei was already scared, so he had to prepare to try with Lu Bu, Zhao Yun and others in the future.

While taking the teacup from the waiter, he looked at Guo Jia.

"Feng Xiao, do you have any good news for the lonely king today?"

After speaking, he glanced at Hu Che'er behind Guo Jia with great interest, which made the other party's heart beat faster again.

For some reason, Hu Che'er, who was so brave in the battlefield, was very nervous when facing the King of Chu.

In his heart, although the king of Chu has a gentle face, he has the air of a king who is not angry and majestic.

Moreover, Hu Che'er's sixth sense was still reminding him that the King of Chu in front of him was like a tiger ready to go, giving him endless oppression.

Guo Jia heard the words and immediately reported the achievements of the past two days to the King of Chu.

Liu Ke was very satisfied.

"Feng Xiao, you did a good job this time. Being able to eradicate Liu Bei's stronghold in one fell swoop can be regarded as solving a major problem in Gu's heart.

Tell me, if you want any reward, just mention it! "

Liu Ke has always been very generous to his subordinates.

He keeps in mind the way of controlling people with both kindness and majesty, and is majestic, but he is not stingy with any rewards for his subordinates after they have made meritorious deeds.

Guo Jia was already familiar with the style of King Chu.

So he didn't pretend to be humble at all, and went straight to the point.

"His Royal Highness Chu, this time I don't want gold and silver, nor do I want the title of land and house, I just want one person from you!"

"Oh?" Liu Kewen suddenly became interested.

Then he smiled and said, "Could it be the person behind Feng Xiao!"

"Wang Shang Shengming is exactly this person. This person is not only outstanding in martial arts, but also quite talented.

It was his words that disintegrated the thief's psychological defense, and finally found out the location of the stronghold.

Now that Chang'an has been taken for the first time, the law and order are very bad, and my Ting Wei Department is short of such a pillar.

Therefore, I am here to beg the king to make it perfect! "

After hearing Guo Jia's words, Liu Ke became even more curious.

Did he know that Feng Xiao was so proud of his talents, there were few people he could see in his eyes.

Now that he actually praised an uncle so much, Liu Ke became interested in him.

"Who are you?"

When Hu Che'er saw the King of Chu making an inquiry, he immediately knelt down and saluted.

"Your Majesty, my subordinate is an uncle under the command of General Lu, whose humble name is Hu Che'er."

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