As for those people in the stronghold, Guo Jia did not interrogate them immediately.

Anyway, everything that should be caught has been caught, it doesn't matter if they don't open their mouths, just shut it down first.

At that time, there will always be some people who can't stand it and will take the initiative to confess.

But Guo Jia called Hu Che'er directly to discuss the next plan with him.

"My lord, I don't have any plans for my subordinates. I can do whatever my lord tells me!"

Hu Che'er was very polite, after all, he was far inferior to Guo Jia in terms of strategy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In fact, when Guo Jia called Hu Che'er, he didn't want him to make up his mind.

I just want to hear some valuable information from the other party as a reference.

Now it is getting closer and closer to the start of the Great Court Meeting, and there are only five days left until today.

However, except for Guo Mao leading a team to assassinate Zhongsan doctor Du Kuan a few days ago, there has never been a similar incident in Chang'an City.

Even if the person who excluded Sun Ce was found out as soon as he entered Chang'an, he was then uprooted.

So at least there is still Cao Pi's stronghold in the city, how can the deal be so quiet, and there has been no action so far?

This is not in line with Cao Pi's style. You must know that his ambition is greater than that of his father Cao Cao.

How could he just watch Liu Ke ascend the throne smoothly and beat them into traitors?

Therefore, according to Guo Jia's analysis, there must be a deeper secret.

Not acting at this time is not because the other party has given up, but is planning a bigger conspiracy.

The other party was so calm, which made Guo Jia a little embarrassed.

After all, if they don't break out, the Ting Wei Department will not be able to find the other party's hiding place in a short time.

This was originally the base camp of Cao Wei. After a few years of Cao Pi's management, how can it be eradicated in a short period of time?

Therefore, Guo Jia was a little sad.

He thought of a very terrible thing.

The time for the Great Court Meeting is getting closer and closer. If the other party has not attacked for a long time, does it mean that they want to do it at the Great Court Meeting?

If that is the case, it will not only seriously affect the progress of the Great Court Meeting, but also lose the face of King Chu.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

If anyone dares to make the King of Chu lose face, then the King of Chu must make him lose his life to make up for it.

At that time, the Ting Wei himself will also be implicated.

Therefore, Guo Jia gratefully ordered to go down and release all the hidden threads, and must find the opponent's stronghold within three days.

Hu Che'er understood the seriousness of the matter, and immediately changed all Jinwei into civilian clothes and patrolled the city of Chang'an.

Those who were arrested have been kept in the Imperial Prison of the Tingwei Office, and no one has ever been interrogated.

This made one of them anxious.

He was naturally Xiang Ping, the person in charge of Sun Ce's stronghold.

Xiang Ping has always prided himself on being quick-witted and not inferior to others.

But now he is actually locked in the imperial prison, with those thieves.

However, the other party seemed to have forgotten himself, and no one paid attention to it, and he didn't even ask for his name.

No one cares for such a long time, do you want to spend your life in prison?

Xiang Ping was naturally very unwilling, so he couldn't sit still in prison these days.

At noon one day, Xiang Ping suddenly knocked over the food delivered to the ground, and then made a fuss to see the steward.

This day has reached the third day, and in two days it will be the day when the Great Court Meeting will be held.

However, Guo Jia, Hu Che'er and others found nothing.

Guo Jia reported this matter to Queen Chu, and Liu Ke couldn't help frowning.

Liu Ke frowned, feeling a trace of conspiracy.

For these strongholds, Liu Ke has always advocated cutting the grass and rooting out the roots, but he never thought that Cao Pi would be so cunning.

Guo Jia said: "Your Majesty, during this period of time, my subordinates' dark lines have almost covered the entire Chang'an City, but there is still no harvest.

Nowadays, there are only a few places that are not covered. In order to ensure the progress of the Great Court Conference, Wang Shangenzhun's subordinates are invited to investigate! "

"Oh? Where is it?" Liu Ke asked in surprise.

"The only ones left are the mansions of officials and princes with ranks above two thousand stones. Because these people have a high status, they have not been investigated.

But since Cao Wei's stronghold could not be found after searching the entire Chang'an City, the subordinates judged that the opponent's stronghold might be in the mansion of a certain prince or minister.

So I implore Wang Shangen to allow his subordinates to conduct a comprehensive search of those people's mansions. "

"No." Before Liu Ke could speak, Lu Su beside him spoke first, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

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