This time it has become a fact, but it has attracted more people to come.

However, this time the door was not opened at all, and no one had the guts to knock on it.

So everyone can only stay outside the door, waiting for someone inside to come out.

At this moment, Xi Xi rode a steed and came slowly towards this side.

Along with him was Eunuch Ye, who had just been promoted to Huangmen Ling.

Seeing the two people coming, the people around looked over instantly.

Contrary to what they expected, when Chi Chi saw the closed gate of the palace, instead of stopping, he walked straight there.

There are still two soldiers guarding the palace.

When the two saw Xi Ji approaching, one of them immediately said, "Lord King Chu thanked the guests behind closed doors, please go back!"

But Xi Xi said with a smile on his face: "I didn't come here for personal reasons, but because your Majesty issued an edict, and the king of Chu needs to accept the edict in person.

This is the imperial edict, and this is Ye Gonggong, the order of the Huangmen.I still hope to report! "

As he spoke, Xi Xi also picked up the imperial edict in his hand as a signal.

As soon as he heard the imperial decree arrived, the soldier didn't dare to hesitate any longer, the man immediately opened the door and ran into the mansion.

After a while, the closed gate of the palace suddenly opened.

A group of people rushed out from inside, and the leader among them was King Liu Ke of Chu.

After he arrived here, he said respectfully: "Master Xi, please, Eunuch Ye has just made a trip. I don't know what your Majesty's intentions are?"

Chi Chi immediately picked up the imperial edict, stood on the steps at the entrance of the palace, and read it out in public.

The surrounding officials immediately knelt down to listen to the hadith.

The content of the edict is very simple, that is, for the sake of the country, the country, and the country, the edict is sent again, and the throne is abdicated to the king of Chu.

And sincerely stated that even if it is for the people of the world, the king of Chu must accept it!

"His Royal Highness, please accept the order!"

After the Huangmen order was read out, the imperial edict was to be handed over to Liu Ke.

However, Liu Ke suddenly took a step back, with an embarrassing expression on his face: "I dare not accept such an imperial decree!

Gu has already rejected the matter of the Zen seat, and now naturally he will not regret it again.

I also hope that my father-in-law will tell His Majesty my crime of disrespect on my behalf! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

They did not expect that the King of Chu would reject His Majesty's request for the Zen seat for the second time.

Does King Chu really have no ambitions for the throne?

Everyone was amazed.

However, because of this, he became more and more admirable for King Chu's lofty integrity.

Xi Xi and Huang Menling persuaded him again and again, but Liu Ke still didn't accept it, so they had no choice but to return!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke's performance stunned everyone outside the mansion.

Those people had come here to show their loyalty, but now they all knelt on the ground with a whoosh.

"I implore the king of Chu to ascend the throne, I implore the king of Chu to ascend the throne!"

There was a loud sound, and there was a tsunami in front of the door.

Seeing the support of all the officials, Liu Ke quickly put on a flattered expression.

"Please don't do this, everyone, this is a place where I am benevolent and unrighteous.

Don't wait here, gentlemen. From today on, thank you behind closed doors. Don't waste your time! "

Saying that, Liu Xing bowed his hand and returned to the mansion again, closing the door heavily.

But it is said that after Xi Xi and Huang Menling returned from the Chu Palace, they went straight to the Forbidden Palace.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for my incompetence! The King of Chu gave way and did not accept the imperial edict!"

After hearing this, Emperor Xian was also a little embarrassed.

"Hey! The king of Chu is so modest and tolerant, what should we do?"

I have already taken the Zen position twice, but the king of Chu still refuses to accept his resignation.

This made Xiandi, who had no idea at all, even more so at this moment.

This kind of thing is not to mention Xiandi, even Xi Xi and others met it for the first time.

They looked at me and you one by one, but they couldn't make up their minds either.

In the end, Emperor Xian had no choice but to say: "Forget it, you guys go back first! Let me think about it again."

Seeing this, Xi Xi and the others had no choice but to retreat.

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