He finally opened his mouth and said, "Liu Ke actually threatened the emperor and wanted to usurp the throne. How is this move different from Dong Zhuo's?

What good countermeasures can you guys have? "

If it were the same as before, with Cao Cao's temper, he must personally raise an army to crusade.

But after going through several fiascos and losing troops, he didn't dare to fight lightly!

At this time, one person stood out from the group of officials, it was Hussar General Cao Hong.

Just listen to him shouting: "Liu can usurp the rebellion, and everyone will be punished if he gets it. I am willing to lead my troops to conquer and save the emperor!"

Cao Zhen, Cao Ren, Xia Houyuan and others also immediately came out and said in unison: "We are willing to be the vanguard!"

Cao Cao frowned even more when he heard this.

All the generals invite to fight, why don't you want to fight?

But there are only [-] soldiers and horses in hand, how can Liu Ke's opponent be with such strength.

If he loses more, he will really have no soldiers to use and become a bare commander.

Cao Cao was about to veto it, but he saw that the crowd was furious. If he refused directly, it would definitely hurt the morale of the soldiers.

At this time, Cao Cao saw that Sima Yi was closing his eyes and said nothing, so he asked, "Does Zhongda have any advice?"

When Sima Yi heard the words, he quickly bowed and said, "Your Majesty, according to what I have seen, the King of Chu has bullied and usurped us, so we must not just sit idly by.

But now the major general of Liangzhou soldiers is small, but it is not suitable for a big battle, which is indeed a bit embarrassing.

Therefore, I suggest that in order to express our opposition, the general can be ordered to lead a large army into Long County, and An Ding threatens Fu Feng.

Then we must have enough momentum to let the world know that one day when King Wei is around, then Liu Ke will not be able to mess around.

Then secretly contact the Sun and Liu families, and after the three families have enough food and supplies, they will attack from three sides, and the other party will be overwhelmed and have no time to deal with it.

At that time, General Miaocai can lead a surprise attack of [-] tigers and leopards riding thousands of miles, go straight to Chang'an, contact the old ministers inside and outside to echo, and welcome Emperor Xian back in one fell swoop! "

When Cao Cao heard this, his eyes lit up instantly.

Sima Yi's strategy was really good. Not only did he show his attitude, but he also avoided an immediate decisive battle.

So, he immediately said happily: "What Zhong Da said is exactly what Gu wants! Let's do it according to this plan!

Cao Hong, I order you to lead [-] tigers to Anding! "


"Cao Ren, I order you to lead [-] tigers to Long County!"


"You two only need to bluff at the border every day, only provoking but not fighting!

Xia Houyuan, I will give you [-] yuan to stay in Shangyu for a while. After Gu's order arrives, I will make a surprise attack thousands of miles away and go straight to Chang'an.

At that time, someone will take the initiative to contact you and open the door to offer the city! "

Cao Cao quickly made arrangements, and all the generals took their orders and walked out of the hall immediately.

At this time, Xiahou Dun said anxiously: "Your Majesty, I, what do I want to do?"

"Yuan Rang, don't worry, how can Gu forget you. You go to Hanyang to gather soldiers temporarily, and then Gu Wang will personally conquer Liu Ke!"

"Here!" Xiahou Dun heard this, his one-eyed eyes lit up, and he went down immediately.

At the same time, Emperor Xian's edict has also reached Yizhou and Jingzhou.

Naturally, Liu Bei and Sun Ce got the news at the first time, and immediately called their ministers to discuss.

Among them, Liu Bei was the most urgent, and he decided on the same day to personally lead [-] soldiers to station in Hanzhong, preparing to conquer the opponent.

And Sun Ce also decided to go out of Xiangyang, cross Nanyang, threaten Hangu Pass, and form a three-sided attack with others to encircle and suppress Chang'an!

17th Chapter [-] The Poor Court

The news that Emperor Xian was about to sit in the king of Chu, along with the spread of the messenger, had spread throughout the entire Han Dynasty in just over ten days.

Among them, some were expected, some were shocked, some were indignant and dissatisfied.

But none of these can affect the course of the matter.

After a month of intensive construction, the Zen Terrace has been completely completed.

If it was the past, Sikong, who received less money, would never be able to complete it so quickly.

But it is different now, because it was specially built for the King of Chu, so all the people under the King of Chu are very active.

At first, Zhang Yin was really worried about this matter.

Because of years of war, the national treasury has long been short of money.

Even the money obtained from selling officials and nobles is only enough for the royal family's food and clothing, as well as the annual tributes of the old officials.

It can be said that the treasury has long been empty.

But the matter was on her own head, and Zhang Yin didn't dare not to do it.

He is very clear about this, if it cannot be completed, it will not only offend the present Emperor Xian.

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