When the other party saw his body, several people's chests were stained with blood, compared to staying behind when fighting the tiger, so they lost their guard.

A few people were about to walk in, when the guard suddenly said, "I thought you had encountered an enemy army?"

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

The dagger in Zhang Xiong's hand was gripped even tighter, and the rest of the soldiers had also quietly clenched their weapons, ready to fight at all times.

However, under the strong desire to survive, the elder hurriedly made a haha, so that he could be fooled.

"You kid, why don't you look forward to it? If there is an enemy army, can I still come back?"

There was a burst of laughter and cursing, and the atmosphere instantly eased up.

The other party immediately laughed and scolded him, and finally successfully sneaked into the checkpoint.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Shi Chang, the crowd temporarily walked towards their camp.

Because these people are recruits, their status is not high.

Therefore, the tents are all in the area close to the entrance and exit of the checkpoint. If there is an enemy attack, they will definitely bear the brunt.

But Zhang Xiong was very satisfied when he saw this, because it happened to help them start their operations at night.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was now the turn of Xu Hai.

Except for a bonfire every few tents, there is no light in other places.

In the barracks, there were already snoring sounds one after another.

Even the guard here has already fallen asleep after drinking and eating.

He never thought that this place would be attacked at all, so in addition to arranging a team of sergeants to patrol every day,

Others basically didn't pay much attention, drinking and eating meat all day long.

Zhang Xiongjian is about to reach the action time agreed with his father.

Then he quietly commanded the soldiers to go out of the tent and act separately.

Among them, he led five sergeants quietly towards the entrance of the checkpoint.

Other sergeants went to the exit of the valley to do their hands and feet, blocking the way of Cao Jun.

At the entrance, Cao Jun, who was on guard at night, was already drowsy. At this moment, he suddenly saw a figure coming from behind.

"What are you doing?" the guard asked.

"Hehe, get up and pee!" Zhang Xiong said pretending to be innocent.

When the guard heard this, he turned his head away and stopped caring about the other party.

But Zhang Xiong took this opportunity and quietly approached him.

The dagger in his hand slashed, and the opponent collapsed to the ground without saying a word.

At the same time, his subordinates also dealt with the other guards, so there was no obstacle here.

"Cuckoo, Cuckoo..."

A few bird calls came, but Zhang Xiong's eyes lit up immediately.

Because this is the contact signal they made an appointment with the big force before.

"Chirp, chirp!"

Zhang Xiong responded immediately, the voice meant that everything was ready.

As a result, the rushing army finally stopped hiding and rushed straight to Cao Jun's camp.


The earth-shattering shouts awakened Cao Jun in an instant.

But the other party never expected that there would be enemy troops attacking here.

One by one, they got out of the tent in a daze to check the situation.

But as soon as he walked out, a light and shadow flashed by, and the man completely lost consciousness.

When the other Cao Jun reacted, they immediately swarmed towards the exit.

Especially the guard, who ran away in a panic without even wearing any clothes.

However, the sergeants who sneaked into Cao Ying before had already prepared.

When Cao Jun was asleep, they had already placed all the roadblocks at the exit, blocking the way.

At this moment, Cao Jun was in a panic, so he couldn't care less about cleaning up.

Squeeze a passage out of the middle, and continue to flee.

At this moment, suddenly a group of people rushed out from behind the roadblock.

"Heavenly soldiers are here, surrender quickly!"

One of them yelled and killed Cao Jun who ran in front of him with a knife, scaring the people behind him.

Due to the dark sky at the moment, the other party couldn't see how many people were ambushing here.

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