At this time, Zhang Xiong suddenly raised his halberd with both arms.

But the halberd had already pierced Chang Diao's body and became entangled with him.

So he actually lifted Chang Diao high and hung it on the halberd.

Before that, Chang Diao beheaded Guan Cheng and hung his head in front of the horse.

Unexpectedly, in just a short moment, he was picked up by the other party.

Zhang Xiong's current performance is as brave as a god descending into the world.

Cao Jun's general was beheaded, but fearing Zhang Xiong's bravery, no one dared to step forward to snatch the body for a while.

Zhang Xiong's performance also delighted everyone on the city wall.

"Okay! The little general is doing well!"

Zhang Xiong has not been in the army for a long time, and now he is only a captain.

But since Zhang He is the main general, as his son, Zhang Xiong is naturally called the little general by everyone.

The generals saw their formation beheading the enemy generals, avenging the dead General Guan Cheng, and at the same time venting their anger for everyone.

So one by one did not hesitate to praise them and applauded them loudly.

Zhang Xiong didn't get carried away with complacency, but took advantage of this good opportunity to lead the soldiers outside the city to charge forward together.

The enemy army has lost its main general, and the morale of the army has long been underestimated. At this moment, there is no courage to resist.

Seeing the enemy army who had killed the general rushing towards him, Cao Jun was frightened and fled in despair.

In the end, only three or four out of ten were killed by Zhang Xiong's army and finally ran back to the camp.

But Zhang Xiong led his [-] men and chased them all the way to the opponent's camp.

Seeing that the other party was already waiting in full battle, he reluctantly returned.

After returning, the generals immediately surrounded Zhang Xiong and congratulated him.

"Little general, I didn't expect your halberd technique to be so outstanding."

"Yeah, I have to compete with you when I have time. I lost to your old man back then, and now I can't lose to you again!"

Everyone talked and laughed, surrounded Zhang Xiong and came to Zhang Yun.

Seeing such an astonishing performance of his son, Zhang Yun, as a father, was also very relieved.

He patted Zhang Xiong's shoulder hard and gave him a positive look.

Afterwards, he turned around and ordered: "Put away the body of General Guan Cheng, even though it is a time of war, it is not a good time.

But it is also necessary to have a good burial. Tomorrow everyone will go to pay homage to the heroic spirit of General Guan in person.

After the army returns, I will report to the imperial court to pay for General Guan's wife and children! "


Everyone shouted in unison, they were all very touched by the actions of the general.

General Guan Cheng died on the battlefield, and Zhang He was able to make this arrangement, so when it was his turn to wait for others, Zhang He would definitely not be ambiguous.

With a general who pays such attention to the life and death of his subordinates, everyone can go to the field to kill the enemy with more peace of mind.

That night, Zhang He didn't sleep for a long time.

It was Zhang Xiong's night watch tonight. When he was patrolling and passing by, he saw the lights here, so he walked in with concern.

"Father, it's late at night, why don't you go to sleep?"

"It's Xiong'er, it's not because my father doesn't sleep, but because my father is worried about the future!"

"Haven't we already beheaded the enemy's chief general, so why worry?" Zhang Xiong looked puzzled.

Facing his son, Zhang Yun wanted to teach, so he inspired:

"Although the opponent has lost their main general, their strength has not diminished much.

Moreover, this enemy army itself came to investigate the truth.

Now that the first battle is lost, people will definitely be sent back immediately to report the battle situation here.

Therefore, within a few days, the enemy's army will have a larger army.Until then, we will face a bitter battle! "

After hearing this, Zhang Xiong suddenly realized.

He is smart and eager to learn, and he has long known the current situation of his army.

As my father said, when the opponent's main force arrived, it was the most difficult moment for me.

After all, I only have five thousand soldiers alone, even if I don't want to die, how long can I last?

Therefore, Zhang Xiong also said with some concern: "Then, aren't we in danger?"

Zhang He's expression remained unchanged.

He pondered for a moment, but suddenly said something that didn't make sense.

"According to the calculations, the messenger has been away for five days, and my letter must have reached His Majesty's hands!"

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