Cheng Bing didn't know either, so he simply pretended not to see it.Shi Hui didn't look away for a long time, so Cheng Bing had no choice but to bite the bullet and say:

"No matter what Yangzhou Mu is preparing, we will know when we are attacking the city, and we will just deal with it as we see it."

"Good!" Shi Hui nodded.

Another day, the Yangzhou Army finally made a move.

Shi Hui quickly climbed up to the top of the city, looking down, there are strange vehicles everywhere.

"what is this?"

Cheng Bing followed up panting, pondered for a long time, and said, "It may be a trebuchet!"

The trebuchet was actually made into a cart. The military industry in Yangzhou is really terrible.

"What about the other one?" Shi Hui asked again.

Cheng Bing shook his head, how did he know?

Even so, seeing hundreds of catapults erected under the city made his scalp tingle.

"My lord, we can't wait any longer! Send troops to destroy their machines!" Cheng Bing suggested.

send troops?

The word is horrible.

Shi Hui didn't even dare to think about it, how could you make such an excessive request?

The Yangzhou army is so powerful, wouldn't it be death if they went out?

"Cheng Gong, shouldn't I go out now?" Shi Hui's voice was very weak.

But Cheng Bing heard that his lord had no courage, but he had also seen the power of Yangzhou's siege equipment, so he kept waiting.

Intuition told him that he should send troops to destroy these things!

Suddenly, a ballista fired with a "bang", and made a buzzing sound after a while.

Shi Hui looked down and saw that half of the huge crossbow bolt had sunk into the city wall.

Nima, what the hell is this, throwing a gun?

So powerful?

And under the city, there are two hundred ballistas!

For a moment, Shi Hui's scalp felt numb.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It is already the hottest season at this time, and the mountains and plains are green and lush, and the sun is scorching.

The Yangzhou army lined up neatly, and the soldiers remained motionless without complaint.They were sweating profusely, still staring ahead.

Fortunately, the time was short and did not cause heat stroke.

However, their intention to attack the city is already very strong.

A tall guard battalion orderer hurried back from the outside.

"Report to the general, General Lu said, to..."

The big messenger stood in front of Dian Wei, hesitating, hesitating to speak.

"Say it! What is that guy going to do?" Dian Wei asked.

"General Lu wants to..." The messenger's face flushed red, but he still didn't say anything.

Whether he said it or not, it seemed that he did not end well.

Dian Wei's face darkened, he approached suddenly, and said, "What are you doing, let the fart go!"

"General Lu said that this time the attack will be the first to climb up the wall and laugh at you." After the orderly finished speaking, he quickly added in a low voice, "He's bragging."

Sure enough, the last sentence saved the messenger from punishment, Dian Wei was not only not annoyed when he heard it, but instead smiled and said:

"Ms. T's bragging, why are you trembling, get out and tell that twintail that he's useless!"

The messenger ran away in a hurry. As for sending a message, he naturally didn't dare.

During this siege, everyone showed a rare excitement. Liu Ke was not bad. He stared at the map in front of him thoughtfully.

"What happened to the matter at sea?" Liu Ke asked. He had already obtained information about the division of the soldiers into two groups, but due to various reasons, he did not do it himself, but handed it over to Jia Xu.

"General Gan fought bravely, but he was still lacking in searching for the enemy's tracks. However, it was also because the sea was too large, which was different from fighting on land..." Jia Xu said a lot, but was interrupted by Liu Ke.

"Okay, okay, I will still blame Xingba for this kind of thing, and you don't have to explain it for him, let's talk about the key points." Liu Ke said.

"Yes, General Gan has locked on the target, which is Dadao, but he got involved with the local aborigines and couldn't escape." Jia Xu said.

Liu Ke moved a little towards Hainan Island and shook his head, falling into guerrilla warfare, it was basically impossible to attack by force.You still have to kill a group, win over a group, and let them fight on their own.

This is also the management policy that Liu Ke explained to Jia Xu. He does not intend to deal with this kind of matter, and he will leave the finishing work to his subordinates.

Now he has only one goal, and that is to win Jiaozhi County, so he turned to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia coughed and reported:

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