"I agree too!" Liu Ba said immediately.

Everyone's eyes turned to Jia Xu, who smiled wryly and nodded, his attitude was already relaxed, and he would not refute the lord's face just because of this trivial matter.

Liu Ke thought that the ceremony alone was too blunt, so in order to get the locals of Jiaozhou to participate, he ordered Jia Xu to add some harvest elements.

mmp, Jia Xu only has this sentence in his mind at the moment, a good death ceremony will almost change beyond recognition.

However, this trick is indeed good. If it is only a unilateral declaration, it cannot be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It will be different if Jiaozhou people take the initiative to participate, and it will greatly help the future rule.

So, the matter was settled properly.

After the two brothers Liu Ji and Liu Shang heard about this incident, they were even more grateful to Liu Ke.

"Brother, you must keep the great kindness of the Marquis of Dongyang in your heart!"

Liu Shang quickly said yes, how could he forget?

"I know there are some rumors spreading outside, don't believe them. If you don't listen, I will expel you from the Liu family." Liu Ji warned.

"Brother, I'm worrying too much. I don't know how much I have. How can I resist Dongyang Hou?" Liu Shang said with a curl of his lips.

When Liu Ji saw Liu Shang's confession, instead of being annoyed, he was very happy. He held his hand and kept saying, "That's good! That's good!"

As a result, grand ceremonies were held in various places in Jiaozhou, and the most solemn one was of course Jiaozhi.

On this day, Liu Ke personally read the inscription in front of the people of Jiaozhi, which aroused bursts of cheers.

After the whole ceremony, even if he was physically strong, he was exhausted to death.

Next, there are other operations such as horseback riding around the city.

Liu Ke believes that this is probably Jia Xu's silent revenge, who made Liu Ke complicate his ceremony.

Beating gongs and drums along the way, it was even more lively than getting married.

Liu Ke also arranged some entrustments, and ran around telling everyone, the whole Jiaozhi was boiling.

"Brother, the weather is so hot, when will we call it a day?" Dian Wei complained.

Liu Ke was even more pitiful, the muscles on his face were stiff, and his heavy dress was soaked through, but that guy Guo Jia seemed to have expected it a long time ago and prepared several sets specially.

"It's impossible to call it quits, and it's impossible to call it a day in this life!"

Dian Wei also suffered along the way.

The last part of the journey was to pay homage to Liu Yao. Brothers Liu Ji and Liu Shang knelt down for a long time in linen and filial piety.

This is Liu Yao's tomb.

Liu Ke got off his horse and walked a mile earlier, bowed to Liu Yao according to the etiquette, and said a few words of comfort.

"Father, the Marquis of Dongyang has avenged you!" Liu Shang cried out suddenly.

When Liu Yao was granted the title of State Shepherd, his family happily took office. How could they have thought that the scholar's family had ulterior motives and killed him.

Afterwards, in order to get revenge, they first found Liu Biao, who was the most powerful. At that time, Liu Biao was suppressing bandits and kept evading.

Fortunately, finally Dongyanghou, the man who was destined to help them.

After Liu Ji and Liu Shang knelt down to worship their deceased father, they immediately expressed their allegiance to Liu Ke, and Liu Ke readily accepted it.

In history, Liu Ji was recorded like this, "When he was fourteen years old, he lived in mourning, and the old officials did not receive any payment. Sun Quan loved and respected him because of his beautiful appearance."

In other words, handsome people have always been reused by rulers.

Of course Liu Ke was no exception, and gave Liu Ji enough courtesy.

The matter of Jiaozhou came to an end.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiaozhou has a lot to do.

After appeasing the people and advocating sovereignty, the next step is to attack the diehards.

Among them, the most powerful one is not Shi Yi who fled to Hainan Island, but the [-] army who is responsible for guarding the Jiaozhou-Yizhou main road.

Before Shi Xie died, he transferred the [-] troops to guard there to prevent Yizhou from raiding.

And these [-] people strictly abide by their duties. Due to the lack of news, they don't know the situation outside.

Their leader was Shiyan. Liu Ke sent people to surrender many times, but they were all rejected.

Therefore, before Liu Ke left, it was impossible to let them run amok.

Thirty thousand horses were a huge threat, so Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao led the battle.

Shi Qian was in danger, and when he was restless lying on the bed, suddenly a confidant ran in and hurriedly reported:

"The enemy is attacking!"

"What? What enemy?" Shi Qian jumped up from the bed.

"It's Yangzhou soldiers and horses!" The confidant added, "We're almost at the foot of the mountain!"

Shi Qian stared at him, grabbed his collar, and said, "Listen, it's broad daylight now, if you lie about the military situation, you'll lose your head!"

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