Zhang Xiong, who was chasing him, fought him for fifty rounds, and gradually lost the wind, and seemed to be unable to hold on.

At this time, Cao Zhang and Zhang Yun fought and ran, and finally came here.

Seeing that his son was in trouble, Zhang Yun hurriedly gave up Cao Zhang and came to fight Guo Huai himself.

"Mr. Ziwen, retreat quickly. General Sima has led an army of [-] to meet him. Your Majesty is out of danger, so hurry up and join us. Leave this place to me!"

"Be careful, Boji, Zhang He is not easy!"

After Cao Zhang reminded him, he was finally able to get rid of it successfully.

At this time, Sima Yi finally led the army and rushed to the position where Guo Huai and Zhang Yun were fighting.

Seeing the large number of people on the other side, Zhang He was secretly startled, and hurriedly packed up the army and confronted him.

Cao Cao survived the desperation, rejoicing in his heart, and he no longer has the desire to continue fighting.

In order to preserve his strength, Sima Yi naturally didn't want to fight with his life, so he also stood still.

As for Zhang Yun on the opposite side, he was even more puzzled.

Obviously Cao Cao had already run out of fuel, and seeing that he was captured alive, who would have expected such a large number of Cao troops to rush in suddenly.

What's more, Sima Yi was bluffing, besides the army in front, he also made noise at the end of the team, so that Zhang Xi couldn't see the reality of the opponent at all.

What Zhang Xi can see now is more than tens of thousands, plus the movement behind, it really frightened him for a while.

However, he didn't want to let go of his fame easily, so he could only stand by for the time being, and make a decision after seeing Cao Jun's reality.

Sima Yi is not the case. After successfully saving Cao Cao, he has no extravagance, and now he just wants to retreat.

Therefore, after the two sides set up camp at a safe distance, Sima Yi just ordered the front soldiers to put on a show.

On the other hand, he surrounded Cao Cao and retreated quietly.

In order to make it more realistic, he even started to cook in a decent manner. After a while, smoke from the cooking was erected in Cao Ying.

That night, both sides died down, and no one took the initiative to attack.

It wasn't until noon on the second day that Zhang Yun saw that there was still no movement in the opposing camp, so he hurriedly led his troops forward to fight.

However, he was shocked to find that there was only an empty camp in front of him, and the other party had already withdrawn overnight, and he did not know how far he had gone at this moment.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiong quickly proposed to chase, but was stopped by Zhang Yun.

"Xiong'er, there's no need to chase him. Even if he catches up, I'm afraid it won't do him any good. Then Sima Yi is full of tricks, and there must be an ambush.

This time Cao Cao escaped, I can only blame you and me for not being blessed! "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhang Yun found out that Cao Cao escaped at night under the guard of Sima Yi, so he could only sigh helplessly.

Although he wanted this credit very much, but out of fear of Sima Yi's use of troops, he had no choice but to give up.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Xiong could only heave a long sigh, and was about to withdraw his troops and return to the city.

At this time, another group of people rushed from the east, which instantly attracted Zhang Xi's attention.

"Father, could it be that there are deserters from Cao's army behind us, we must not let them leave so easily this time!"

Zhang Yun nodded, and ordered Zhang Xiong to be the vanguard, and immediately went up to stop him.

When the army coming from the opposite side gradually approached, Zhang Xiong suddenly discovered that the people coming from the opposite side were not dressed in Cao Jun's clothes, but looked like friendly soldiers.

"Who is here?" Zhang Xiong rushed up to ask.

"This is General Zhechong Lejin, who is your Excellency?" the opponent pioneer replied.

As soon as Zhang Xiong heard this, he was pleasantly surprised and said: "So it's Uncle Wen Qian, and I'm Zhang Xiong, the son of General Ping Di!"

Immediately thereafter, he approached to pay homage, and sure enough, he saw Le Jin who was chasing him.

Le Jin also smiled and praised him when he saw him: "Xiong'er is becoming more and more brave!"

Afterwards, under the leadership of Zhang Xiong, Le Jin went to meet Zhang Yun.

The relationship between the two was relatively close, and they are very excited to meet each other at this moment.

But when Le Jin heard that Cao Cao retreated under the guard of Sima Yi's army this morning, he couldn't help but sigh.

Immediately, he took out Liu Ke's edict and handed it over to Zhang Yun, and told the news that Liu Bei and Sun Ce had invaded and His Majesty went south.

Hearing this, Zhang He said in surprise: "Liu Bei and Sun Ce resisted stubbornly and led His Majesty to conquest, this time they will definitely be completely wiped out!

It's just that you and I lost the opportunity to make meritorious service! "

Le Jin said with a smile: "Jun Yi doesn't need to worry, although you and I can't participate in the conquest of Shu and Jing.

But His Majesty handed over Liangzhou to you and me, so we will have no shortage of opportunities to make contributions. "

After hearing Le Jin's words, Zhang Xi also recalled it.

He said confidently: "Wen Qian's words are good! Now that Cao Cao is dying, you and I just take this opportunity to regain Liangzhou."

"That's right! Let's go to the city and talk about it!"

After Zhang He and Le Jin returned to Chaona City, they immediately began to carefully plan according to Liu Ke's arrangement.

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