"No! One year is too long. I only give you one month. Whatever resources you need, you can just mention them.

One month later, I want to see the printed classics! "

When Wang Xiang heard this, his face instantly collapsed.

But seeing Cao Pi's unquestionable expression, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and take it.

Afterwards, Cao Pi did not forget to comfort him: "Uncle Xi, don't make things difficult. This matter is of great importance, even directly related to our future.

Everything will be free from Xi Bo! "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Pi respectfully bowed to Wang Xiang, but Wang Xiang was at a loss.

He hastened to express: "My lord, this subordinate must live up to the heavy trust, and even Su Xing Ye Mei must complete the task on time!"

Hearing this, Cao Pi replied with satisfaction: "Then there will be Lao Xibo, and I will call Kongcai again. I hope you two can work together and finish it as soon as possible!"

The Kong Cai he was talking about was Liu Shao.

This person and Wang Xiang belong to Cao Pi's family, and he is also a capable scholar with outstanding literary talents.

With his assistance, this matter will naturally go smoothly.

After finishing all this, it was time for sunset.

Cao Pi did not return to his mansion, but went straight to the palace to return to his command.

When Cao Cao heard this, he was very happy.

It would take at least a year and a half before Cao Zhi gave him a reply.

Unexpectedly, Cao Pi dared to promise to complete it within a month. In this way, Cao Cao would have the opportunity to witness the publication of this masterpiece.

This also made him more interested in Cao Pi's ability.

After all, Cao Cao's painstaking efforts were poured into this classic.

Even if the military is not successful, this credit alone is enough to make Cao Cao famous in history.

Thinking of Cao Zhi, Cao Cao asked suspiciously again: "Zihuan, did you hear about Zijian after you left?"

When Cao Pi heard the words, he immediately showed embarrassment, and hesitated to speak.

But Cao Cao's eyes were sharp, and he immediately saw his performance, so he continued: "It's okay, just speak up if you have anything to say!"

Cao Pi knelt down and begged, "My father, please forgive Zijian, he is just a young man, he drank a few cups too much.

This is also my fault, I shouldn't have given Lan Lingxiang to him. "

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly!" Cao Cao said angrily, frowning.

Cao Pi had no choice but to explain obsequiously.

He only said that he occasionally got good wine, and thinking of Cao Pi's love for wine, he gave him Lanlingxiang.

Unexpectedly, Cao Zhi drank so much that he became unconscious.

Even the military affairs that Cao Cao arranged for him could not be taken care of, and General Chen Yi, who came to handle it, was turned away.

Cao Cao was furious when he heard the words, "Zhuzi, how dare you do that? Zihuan, you don't have to blame yourself.

Lanling incense is a famous wine in the world. Instead of eating for yourself, you first think of Zihuan who is a good wine.

This is enough to show your friendship and brotherhood. This is all due to Jian Jian's excessive drinking. "

After finishing speaking, he immediately ordered the soldiers to bring Cao Zhi in person.

At this moment, a person ran in in a hurry and bumped into the soldier who was going out.

"Ouch!" The man cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

Cao Cao was startled by the movement at the door.

Although Cao Cao couldn't get up, he stuck his head out and looked over there.

I saw an old man with gray beard and hair was being helped up, while muttering in his mouth: "What's the reason, what's the reason!"

Cao Cao finally heard the man's voice this time.

Immediately said with concern: "Yuanchang, is it okay?"

This person is Zhong Yao, character Chang, an important minister under Cao Cao, who is four years older than Cao Cao.

Therefore, Cao Cao has always respected him very much and appointed him as Wei Wang Xiangguo.

When he heard what Zhong Yao kept chanting, he also angrily scolded the soldiers: "How can you be so unreasonable, how can you bump into Xiangguo?"

Seeing this, several soldiers immediately knelt down and confessed their mistakes and begged for mercy.

But Zhong Yao hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't scold the soldiers, it's because I was walking too fast that I didn't see the person clearly.

It doesn't make sense to say that it doesn't refer to them! "

Cao Cao was puzzled instead.

"Then who is Yuan Chang talking about?"

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