As a result, all the land of thousands of miles was buried in the hands of Liu Ke, and Liu Ke's strength instantly increased, so that he surpassed the king.

The past is not far away, and everyone knows it, the king will feel it, right? "

When Cao Cao heard this, his expression changed instantly.

The relationship between Yuan Shao and him was very good when they were young. The two were both captains of the Eighth School of Xiyuan back then.

Thinking back to this day, Cao Cao misses him very much.

Therefore, he knew almost all of Yuan Shao's changes later on.

Especially the stories of his three sons Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang fighting each other and killing each other, Cao Cao often used it to educate his sons.

Now that Liu Ye mentioned it again, Cao Cao finally had an answer to his wavering heart.

Cao Cao suddenly sat up and said to the crowd: "The eldest son of the orphan, Cao Ang, was born to the Liu family. Unfortunately, he died early;

Bian's sons: Pi, Zhang, Zhi and Xiong.The third son Zhi who was lonely and loved all his life.

However, he is vain and less real, addicted to alcohol and indulgence, and cannot stand up.The second son, Cao Zhang, is brave but not resourceful, and can only be a general.

The fourth son, Cao Xiong, has mediocre qualifications.Only the second son, Cao Pi, who is honest and respectful, can inherit my career.

I wish to establish him as the heir alone, and hope that all the public will assist him! "

When Zhong Yao, Hua Xin, Wang Lang, Liu Ye, and Dong Zhao heard the words, they quickly got up and accepted the order, not daring to say anything more.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After hearing Cao Cao's decision, the five important ministers quickly took orders.

Although their opinions were different before, some people recommended Cao Pi, while others recommended Cao Zhi.

But in the final analysis, he is still the most loyal to Cao Cao.

Now that Cao Cao has decided, they will naturally go all out and do their best.

However, just as they were about to leave, Cao Cao suddenly spoke again.

"Wait a minute, gentlemen! Although Gu already has a candidate in his heart, it's not the time to make an official announcement yet.

Please keep this a secret for now, and Guzi will officially announce it after one month!

In the meantime, please do not leak it! "

At the end, Cao Cao's tone was also instantly cold, and the few people who were frightened hurriedly promised that they would never leak it.

As for why Cao Cao insisted on announcing it a month later, everyone has no time to take care of it.

However, Cao Cao had his own ideas.

He was waiting for the publication of the classic book a month later.

Cao Pi assured himself that the publication would be completed within a month.

If it is successful, it will naturally show that his ability is strong, and it is enough to rest assured that the throne will be passed on to him.

If he can't succeed, it means that Cao Pi is just an eloquent, vain and talented person, so Cao Cao will have to think carefully.

In fact, this is also because Cao Cao loves Cao Zhi so much.

Even though he's been doing so badly lately, they want to give him a chance.

After Zhong Yao, Hua Xin, Wang Lang, Liu Ye, and Dong Zhao returned to their respective residences, their family members naturally asked curiously.

But thinking of Cao Cao's instructions, no one dared to reveal half of it, and could only shirk it to discuss the strategy of withdrawing troops.

Naturally, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi still knew nothing.Among them, the most anxious one is naturally Cao Pi.

He sacrificed the priceless altar of Lanling incense in exchange for Cao Zhi's chance to make a fool of himself this time.

But Cao Cao actually only punished him to think about his mistakes behind closed doors. This kind of punishment was too light, and Cao Pi also felt Cao Cao's preference for Cao Zhi.

But although he was dissatisfied in his heart, he was helpless, and it was impossible to fan the flames.

Therefore, Cao Pi could only call a few people to discuss together.

It was Wu Zhi who spoke first, and he said, "Master, although Mr. Zijian has not been severely punished.

But still drinking excessively at such a critical moment, the king has already understood his unbearable side.

So son, don't worry, there will be good news in the future! "

Sima Yi also quickly added: "Ji Chong is right. You only need to wait at this moment, and don't show your feet in a hurry.

Fan quilt seized the handle under the door of Mr. Zijian.We succeeded in plotting against each other this time, and Ding Yi, Ding Zhen, and Yang Xiu are holding back their strength to win back a victory.

So don't rush into it now.Some things can be left to our subordinates to do. "

Cao Pi nodded slowly after listening to Sima Yi's words.

So, Sima Yi continued: "Now this subordinate has lived up to his trust, and has subdued most of the general's forces.

Except for some people who are loyal to Mr. Cao Zhang, there are very few people who are loyal to Cao Zhi. "

"Okay!" Cao Pi was overjoyed when he heard the words, and finally gained confidence in his heart.

After all, in today's troubled times, only when you have soldiers in your hands can you sit firmly in your seat, otherwise it would be like a castle in the air.

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