Therefore, the lower official decided to lead a thousand athletes to climb to the top of the mountain, condescending to control the enemy, and it will definitely make it difficult for the enemy to move an inch! "

Xia Houyuan was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Knowing soldiers and shapes, being brave and resourceful, these are rare generals!

Jiang Wei listened to the order, and I will use the order of the governor of Liangnan to designate you as the vanguard of breaking the captives, and the three of you will fight against the enemy's advance.

As long as you can persist until the reinforcements arrive, I will invite King Wei to reward you! "

"Subordinate to obey!"

Jiang Wei was dissatisfied with the weak crown in his early years, fledgling, and his reputation was not obvious, but now he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, so he was naturally excited, and immediately took the order to leave.

On the other hand, Ma Zun's eyes flashed a cold light indistinctly.

"This son is not a thing in the pond. It's okay to suppress it before. Who would have thought that he would be appreciated by the commander-in-chief of Xiahou now.

Wouldn't it be that the dragon enters the sea and the tiger emerges from the trap!I'm afraid that after this battle, I will really be overtaken by the opponent!

No, definitely not! "

Everyone didn't know what Ma Zun was thinking at the moment, but everyone saw that Jiang Wei had such courage at such a young age.

Those people in the army were bold and unrestrained, so they immediately stepped forward to meet Jiang Wei one by one, and gave them instructions as seniors.

After exchanging pleasantries with all the generals, Liang Xu, Yin Shang and others also came in front of them.

In this way, Ma Zun, Jiang Wei's immediate boss, could no longer remain indifferent.

Ma Zun walked up despite his reluctance.

"Bo Yue, you are still young, and you will have a bright future after a few years of growth.

This time the governor entrusts you with this important task, I hope you will not disappoint the governor's fancy.All of us in Ji County are waiting for you to make contributions and win glory for us! "

Ma Zun's acting skills are top-notch, and his words are full of care.

In an instant, Jiang Wei, who was young and innocent, burst into tears, and patted his chest to promise: "My lord, Jiang Wei will definitely live up to the commander's trust.

This trip is risking your life, and you must stop the enemy! "

After listening to Jiang Wei's words, Ma Zun finally laughed in his heart, but his face was controlled very well without showing any traces.

On the contrary, the other person frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

This person is Liang Xu who is standing next to him. He is older than Jiang Wei and has always cared for him as a brother.

But Ma Zun's words just now made him feel a hint of conspiracy.

The other party's words are very serious, and it is the trust of the governor, and the honor of the people of Ji County.

Where is my encouragement here?

Instead, it put more pressure on Jiang Wei, and it can even be said that he was forcing him to repay him with death.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liang Xu noticed that Ma Zun's words were wrong, but because the other party's performance was impeccable at the moment, he had no reason to expose it.

In the end, he had no choice but to sigh softly, stepped forward and patted Jiang Wei on the shoulder and said, "Bo Yue, everything is precious, don't be arrogant!"

He couldn't say it clearly, he could only remind him tactfully, but it instantly aroused Ma Zun's dissatisfaction, and he gave him a blank look.

Because of Jiang Wei's outstanding performance in the tent, Xia Houyuan personally organized a banquet for him that night.

Even Ma Zun, who led the troops to support him, didn't enjoy this treatment, so it made him even more jealous of Jiang Wei.

However, although Jiang Wei was young, he was not an unrestrained person.

Because of his military life, Jiang Wei only drank a few cups, and stopped drinking.

Therefore, Jiang Wei got up early the next morning without being affected, and led the army to rush towards the direction of the plank road.

On the other side, Ma Chao and Huang Zhong were very anxious after seeing the plank road burnt down.

"Meng Qi, this plank road is so complicated and the terrain is dangerous, I'm afraid it can't be repaired in a day or two!

If the deadline is missed, it will be bad for Liu Bei's army to come to Dasan Pass! "

This is indeed the case, because Ma Chao and Huang Zhong are also tasked with going south to Wudu County and taking the opportunity to threaten the enemy's west.

If you are trapped here on the plank road of Longwanggou, wouldn't it be a mistake for His Majesty's strategy.

Therefore, Ma Chao frowned and thought for a long time before finally saying: "Han Sheng is right!

It seems that we must not be trapped by the plank road in front of us, why not take the opportunity to open up another road.

When the time comes to give the opponent a surprise attack, won't the immediate predicament be solved? "

Huang Zhong's face was happy when he heard the words, but then it became dim again.

"Ah! Meng Qi's words are reasonable, but how can Xia Houyuan be mediocre, how can he not know this plan?

Now that he is so confident, he probably knew earlier that there is no other way out!How can I easily find the way when I first entered this place?

In addition, the Qiang people who live together in the mountains must be more careful! "

Huang Zhong's worry is not unreasonable.

Especially if you arrive in a strange place, you can only follow the instructions on the map without a guide.

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