"Hmph! A plan to alienate? Jiang Wei, what virtue and ability does he have, and the other party wants to alienate him on purpose?

Moreover, it is already a fact that the enemy army passed through Longwanggou. Even if there is a separation, Jiang Wei's crime of dereliction of duty and collusion with the enemy will not escape.

Besides, how could the enemy army be so careful to pick up his mother? I'm afraid no one would have imagined it except himself! "

The crackling words instantly rendered Liang Xu speechless.

And the person who said this was the prefect Ma Zun.

He now completely believes that the other party has surrendered to the enemy, and in order to clear his suspicion.

The awe-inspiring righteousness shown at this moment has actually become the most determined person in the field.

Xia Houyuan no longer wanted to continue to worry about it.

Whether the other party has joined the enemy or not, there is no point in arguing here.

The only way to prove the other party's innocence is to go there in person.

Therefore, Xia Houyuan said: "The general will always suspect that there is fraud in this, who dares to go out of the city to find out?"

"The end will be willing to go!"

As soon as Xia Houyuan finished speaking, one of them responded loudly.

When everyone saw it, it turned out to be Ma Zun.

In fact, Ma Zun had no choice but to bite the bullet and come out.

Jiang Wei defected to the enemy. As the original boss, if he remained indifferent, he would definitely be suspected.

Moreover, he has firmly believed that Jiang Wei has surrendered to the enemy.

If it was really an enemy's trick, wouldn't his reputation be ruined?

Therefore, in order to prove his loyalty and protect his reputation, Ma Zun had no choice but to go out in person.

Seeing this, Xia Houyuan could understand what Ma Zun was thinking, so he nodded and agreed, and gave him three thousand soldiers and horses to go to Longwanggou to check the enemy's situation.

At the same time, Huang Zhong's troops were hiding behind a mountain to complete Zhuge Liang's arrangement.

He has already implemented all the requirements in the first kit.

Even Mother Jiang was picked up by Huang Zhong arranged by Zhuge Liang, and now she has taken advantage of the moonlight last night to go down the river and sent her to Linwei City for care.

And Huang Zhong finally opened Zhuge Liang's second kit.

After seeing the contents of the kit, Huang Zhong frowned, and after thinking hard for a long time, he finally eased slightly.

Ma Zun led his troops out of Shangyu and headed straight for Longwanggou, and he was very active.

But not long after leaving the city, his movements became slower and slower.

Because he didn't know how many soldiers and horses the opponent had come, Ma Zunsheng was afraid of encountering the enemy's large army and losing his life.

Therefore, he sent a group of scouts to investigate the situation ahead of time, while he followed up slowly.

An hour later, suddenly a bloody Cao Jun fled back in embarrassment.

"Why is it so miserable?" Ma Zun asked anxiously.

"General, we have encountered an ambush from the enemy."

"What? What's going on?" Ma Zun shuddered when he heard this.

The scout hurriedly said it carefully, which made Ma Zun's face gradually relieved.

It turned out that he had encountered a large army, and it turned out to be the same small army.

However, the scout continued to add: "Although the number of the troops is small, they are all elite soldiers. And the leader seems to be Jiang Wei."

"Jiang Wei? How dare he come here?"

This place is only more than twenty miles away from Shangyu, but even further away from Longwanggou. Ma Zun never expected to meet Jiang Wei here.

However, he thought for a while and said: "Hmph! It seems that Jiang Wei is determined to join the enemy, and he doesn't even act as a leader.

How many people are there on the other side? "

"There are less than a hundred soldiers!"

"Hahahaha! God help me, all the soldiers rushed forward to capture Jiang Wei, a traitor, alive!"

If the opponent had a large number of people, Ma Zun would not dare, but if there were only a hundred or eighty people, his mind instantly became active.

The army did not travel much distance, and indeed saw a small group of people appearing in the distance.

Although the distance is a bit far, I can't see clearly.

However, the Jiang character general flag in the middle and the attire of the leader showed that the identity of this person was Jiang Wei.

"Jiang Wei defected to the enemy, all the soldiers follow me!"

Ma Zun took the lead and charged forward.

Seeing this, the other side shot back a few arrows sparsely, and then ran away immediately in fright.

In a panic, he also dropped a wristband engraved with the word Boyue.

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