In the past few days, Zhang He's army fell wood from Beishan and rushed to make boulder cannons, ladders, and siege vehicles and other siege equipment.

He knew that with Cao Ren's determination, he would definitely stick to Wangyuan.

If it is a strong attack, it will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, Zhang Yun only besieged but did not attack, and did not fight recklessly with the opponent until the siege equipment was completed.

From the top of the city, Cao Ren looked at the hot scene behind Zhang He's army, and understood that the other party was rushing to make some kind of weapon again.

But he saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Because it was too far away from the city wall, it was beyond his reach.

Originally, according to the general way of defending the city, it was impossible to completely defend the city.

Generally, as a defender, they have to go out of the city from time to time to harass, disrupt the opponent's plan, and take the opportunity to damage the morale of the enemy.

As a famous general, Cao Ren naturally understood this truth.

However, this method is useless at this time.

The best way to go out of the city to harass the enemy is of course cavalry.

However, Cao Ren originally had [-] Qiang and Hu cavalry in his hands, but he fell into Zhang He's plan in Beishan.

The cavalry suffered heavy losses, and only a thousand of them returned. The most important thing was that they killed all the horses in order to save their lives.

Today cavalry has no horses, not even infantry.

Wouldn't it be suicidal to use such an army to go out of the city to harass?

So after Cao Tai tried to harass the infantry out of the city once, but was defeated by the opponent's bow and arrow.

The city gates of Wangyuan County were completely closed, and no one dared to go out of the city to harass them.

In this way, Wangyuan became a completely isolated city.

Fortunately, Wangyuan's food and grass reserves are still sufficient, otherwise Cao Ren would not be able to hold on to the title of being hungry for a few days.

But how big is the gap between this situation and destruction?

Therefore, Cao Ren's face was very ugly, and he wanted to solve it but couldn't do it, not to mention how irritated he was.

In less than three days, the news that Ji County was broken was sent back to Zhang Yun's army.

Holding the letter from Liang Xu, Zhang He smiled with satisfaction and said, "Unexpectedly, Liang Xu has two brushes.

A mere five or six thousand people took down the fortified city of Ji County.It seems that this general can't drag on any longer, otherwise all the credit will be taken away by others. "

"Xiong'er, pass on the order. The siege will officially start tomorrow. Wangyuan will have to be broken before noon!"


Zhang Xiong is a young man who can't sit still at all. These days, he has been so greedy that he can't take it anymore.

Now that he finally received the order from his father to launch an attack, he jumped up excitedly and went out to deliver the order.

Zhang Yun's order to launch the attack was not a sudden whim, stimulated by Liang Xu.

But according to the construction progress he has mastered, two boulder cannons can be completed tomorrow.

There is also a batch of god arm crossbows to be completed. With this configuration, it is enough to attack a small Wangyuan City.

So on the second day, Zhang He's army immediately gathered under the city after having breakfast.

Seeing the battle outside the city, Yao Qiong instantly understood the opponent's intentions.

His expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly sent someone to notify Cao Ren.

However, Zhang He was ready for everything, and his morale was at its peak, so why would he be chattering with the other party.

Without saying a word, he directly issued the order for the general attack.

The two high-rising boulder return guns immediately launched an attack.

Mixed with the sound of howling wind, the boulder rushed towards the city wall in an instant.

Before such a huge impact, the city wall of Wangyuan City was like paper paste, and the bricks and soil hit by the boulder splashed, and a big hole appeared to be smashed.

The defenders on the city had never seen such a powerful weapon before. The first round of boulders had been attacked, and some people were even frightened and froze on the spot.

Cao Ren and the others had tasted the power of the boulder cannon, and the boulder had already been released on the way he came.

The loud noise instantly reminded Cao Ren of his helplessness in Yangcheng.

His face changed drastically, and he couldn't help muttering: "It's over! Wangyuan can't keep it!"

If it is so pessimistic, it is not an exaggeration to be punished for the crime of disturbing the morale of the army.

However, it was said from the mouth of the chief general Cao Ren, from which we can also know the progress of the war.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Liu Ke brought the boulder cannon into this world, the siege battle that had suffered heavy losses instantly became easier.

Especially in a small county like Wangyuan, the city walls are entirely made of rammed earth, which cannot withstand the impact of boulders at all.

Therefore, in less than half an hour, the city wall was bombarded with several openings by boulders.

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