Now coupled with the impact of the boulder cannon, these people no longer care about military regulations.The desire to survive takes over at the top.

At the beginning, Xia Houyuan was still sitting at the east gate to command and deal with Zhuge Liang's attack.

However, when he heard the soldiers report that the other walls were almost empty, his expression darkened instantly.

Xia Houyuan walked out of Qiaolou, looked in other directions, and found that it was so.

On the city wall that was originally overcrowded, there are only a few people who are still persisting, and the others are missing.

"Order all the soldiers to immediately return to the top of the city to defend. If there are any more daring to escape, behead them!"

Xia Houyuan's tone was stern and cold, and after he finished speaking, he handed Xia Houba a token and ordered him to personally supervise the battle.

Xia Houba held the token and formed a supervising team with his own guards and some tiger and leopard cavalry.

A group of dozens of people, the supervising team immediately rushed to every corner of the city, and drove those soldiers who were still passively avoiding the battle back to the top of the city.

Some of the soldiers themselves didn't have any opinions. When they saw the vicious supervising team, they were so frightened that they had to return to the city again.

But there are still some soldiers who have a strong desire to survive, and understand that when they go back now, they must be greeted by a thousand catty flying stones.

If you knock it, you will die, if you rub it, you will be injured, and there is almost no possibility of survival.

Forcing them to go back to the city wall now, isn't it forcing them to die?

Therefore, some people immediately quarreled with the supervising team.

"Captain Xiahou has an order that no one should passively avoid the battle, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy! You must return to the city wall as soon as possible, and you must not continue to shrink here!"

The voice of the Supervising Team was incomparably cruel, and anyone who dared to bump into him would be severely punished.

Still, some argue: "Now the enemy army is far away from the city walls, and the boulder cannon attacks are powerful.

Now that we go up in time, we can't play any role, and we can only sacrifice in vain.Instead of doing this, it's better to avoid the edge temporarily, and it won't be too late to go up after the army arrives! "

However, the supervising team replied expressionlessly: "Hmph! I have no control over these matters, I just come to carry out the military orders of the superintendent.

If he doesn't go up again, will he be dealt with by military law? "

"You, aren't you forcing us to die?" The man said angrily, but the supervisor team still insisted.

The two couldn't argue, and after a while they had a big quarrel.

Both sides are soldiers, and their tempers are already hot. Coupled with the tense situation outside, the nerves of both sides are tense.

The longer the argument, the tighter the tension, and finally one of them couldn't help it anymore.

"Defy the military order, kill without mercy!"

One of the supervisors suddenly pulled out his saber and slashed his head and face. The man died, and the quarrel stopped abruptly.

But although the quarrel stopped, the atmosphere became more and more tense.

You must know that that person is not yourself, and there are countless comrades beside him.

So what he said just now was for himself, but also for these comrades in arms.

But at the same time that the sudden knife made him shut up forever, other people's emotions finally broke out.

"Brother, brother!" One of them immediately threw himself to the ground, leaning on the man and screaming in pain.

The others even drew out their weapons and asked, "Why are you so cruel? Isn't what he said right?"

In the face of raging public opinion, the person who supervised the battle team was still tough.

"Being disrespectful is already a capital offense. Not only do you not repent, but you dare to contradict me, you deserve death!"

His words completely angered everyone, especially the boy who was still crying.

He even pulled out his saber and stabbed at the supervising team recklessly.

Isn't the force of the supervising team comparable to that of ordinary soldiers, let alone a young boy who has just joined the army.

The man turned sideways, avoided the boy for an instant, and then slashed to the back. The boy rushed over and immediately fell down, never able to get up again.

Killing two people in a row, the supervising team thought it would be able to deter others.

But who would have expected that this would completely anger everyone.

Seeing that his comrades were hacked and killed wantonly, and they were not the enemy, but their own people.

Those people rushed up immediately, desperately fighting with the supervising team.

Although the supervising team is powerful, the number is too small.

Under the siege of hundreds of people, he couldn't hold on for a while.

In the end, although dozens of people were beheaded, the entire army was wiped out.

After the battle, the mood of those ordinary soldiers gradually calmed down.

When they saw the corpses of those supervisors, they started to be afraid.

"Attacking the supervising team is an unforgivable crime! When the time comes to investigate, won't we all be killed for the crime?

How can this be good? "

"What are you afraid of? The supervising team treats me like nothing, and bullies me wantonly. Why did they ever regard us as teammates? I'm already killed.

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