After a while, Guo saw a group of people rushing from the opposite side.

It's just that these people look a little embarrassed, they don't seem to be attacking themselves, but they look like deserters.

So, Huo Jun immediately slashed his sword and blocked the middle of the road.

"Who is coming? Report your name quickly! Otherwise, you will never pass!"

Seeing this, the visitor was so frightened that he quickly got off his horse, knelt on the ground and said, "I, we are all under the command of the three generals of East Wolf Valley."

"Since they are soldiers under the command of the three generals, why are they not guarding in the East Wolf Valley, and why did they rush here in a panic? Could it be that they are deserters?"

At the end, Huo Jun's tone was instantly severe.

At the same time, those people were frightened to kowtow again and again, because according to the military law, deserters would be shown to the public.

"General, we are not deserters, but because the East Wolf Valley has been breached. General Zhang Da ordered me to retreat south and report to the king!"

Huo Jun knew Zhang Da and knew that he was one of Zhang Fei's generals.

Immediately asked: "Where is General Zhang Da?"

"It's not far behind, I think it's almost here!"

"Take these people down to watch and arrest them first, and make a decision after General Zhang Da arrives!"

Huo Jun didn't immediately believe what they said. After guarding those people, he continued to stand in the middle of the road waiting for Zhang Da's arrival.

After a short time, I saw another group of people coming from afar.

This time the number was more than before, and the leader was General Zhang Da.

Zhang Da naturally also saw Huo Jun in the middle of the road in front of him, so he rushed over quickly.

"General Huo, is the King here?"

"Your Majesty is right behind, but why is General Zhang not in East Wolf Valley, leaving his post without authorization, and why did he come here?"

Zhang Da hurriedly said: "General Huo, the East Wolf Valley has fallen, and I'm here to ask the king for help!"

This time, Huo Jun's face finally changed drastically.

He didn't dare to continue to stop him, so he took Zhang Da and ran towards Liu Bei quickly.

Seeing Liu Bei, Zhang Da immediately fell to his knees.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"General Zhang, what's the matter?" Seeing Zhang Da kneeling in pain, Liu Bei was a little puzzled.

Zhang Da hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the East Wolf Valley fell, General Fan Qiang died on the spot, and the last general wanted to fight to the death.

But I thought about explaining the truth to the king, so that I could save my life. I have survived until now, and I beg the king to punish me! "

"What? How did this happen?" Liu Bei was shocked when he heard this.

Zhang Da had no choice but to tell the truth about what happened that day.

Liu Bei and the surrounding generals listened and understood the general situation.

Liu Bei even comforted him with kind words: "General Zhang Da, the loss of East Wolf Valley this time is all due to Yide's recklessness and mistaken enemy tricks.

It has nothing to do with you, and I don't blame you.Instead, reward you for waiting. "

"The last general doesn't dare to ask for any rewards, but he only wants to follow the king, swear to the death, and regain the East Wolf Valley!" Zhang Da said quickly.

Liu Bei listened and nodded in satisfaction.

Then he suddenly remembered, and hurriedly asked: "Where is Yide? Why is he missing?"

"Ah! That day after the three generals rushed out of the city, they never came back. Even the last general sent out beacon smoke and horns to ask for help, but he never returned.

Until the fall of the city, there was no trace of the three generals.

If the final general can't wait, he can only retreat.But while walking and waiting, until today, there is still no news of the three generals.

Could it be that..."

As he spoke, Liu Bei's face became more and more ugly.

At this moment, Guan Yu couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Da's collar, stared wide-eyed, and asked sharply:

"According to what you say, Yide has already been killed?"

In Guan Yu's heart, although Zhang Fei was indeed caught by the enemy's tricks, as a general, Zhang Da didn't care about the safety of the general, and only cared about his escape.

It made him deeply ashamed, and he wished to cut him with a knife.

Zhang Da was also so frightened by Guan Yu's aura that he trembled and couldn't even stand still, let alone answer.

But Liu Bei hurriedly stopped: "Yun Chang, Hugh scared General Zhang Da. According to General Zhang Da's words, when the city was broken, Yide should still be dealing with the enemy outside the city.

So no matter Yide is still trapped outside the city, has been captured by the enemy, or took the opportunity to escape.

Only when you get to the city and see each other can you know!After passing the order, the army speeds up to rescue Yide. "

Liu Bei gave an order, and the army immediately started to move towards the East Wolf Valley.

It's just that this time Liu Bei's original complacency has disappeared, replaced by only worry about Zhang Fei.

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