"General, general, there is a change in the mountain, please make a quick decision, general!"

Wei Yan was still asleep, but the other party said it three times before he woke up completely.

"What? What happened to Dushan?"

"General, come out and have a look. There are crowds of people and shouts of killing. It seems that there is a surprise attack by the enemy!"

Wei Yan hurried out of the tent to check, and sure enough, he saw the shouts of fighting on the top of the mountain.

His face changed drastically in an instant, and he quickly put on his cloak, and ordered two thousand soldiers and horses to rush to support him.

Wei Yan understood the importance of the mountain very well, so he sent Chen Shi to guard it himself.

It's just that they didn't expect the enemy to attack the mountain in the middle of the night, so they were at a loss.

But at this time, he has made up his mind that he must rush to support and wipe out all the enemy troops who seized the mountain.

However, Wei Yan was too anxious, and had no time to consider the reality of the other party.

But after parting with Huang Zhong, Jia Xu, who was stationed at the foot of the mountain, had already made preparations.

At the beginning, because the army sneaked in from the west, the rest of the army was on the west side of the opposite mountain.

As soon as Huang Zhong left, Jia Xu led the rest of the army along the foot of the mountain to the east.

Although Dingjun Mountain is to the east, there is a danger of being discovered by the opponent's main force if you are not careful.

But the reason why Jia Xu still does this is because he has already made up his mind.

The two mountains are not far apart, and the noise on the top of the mountain here will definitely alarm the defenders on Dingjun Mountain.

As long as the enemy general is not a fool, he must understand the importance of Dui Shan.

So the other party will definitely lead the army to support in person.

If he was still in the west and didn't react in time, the reinforcements from the other side would force Huang Zhong to the top of the mountain.

Not only can they not win the mountain, but they are even in danger of being besieged and killed by the enemy.

Therefore, Jia Xu had no choice but to take the risk and turn to the east of the mountain, just to be on guard against the enemy's reinforcements at all times.

Sure enough, not far from here, Jia Xu's army saw a group of people holding torches rushing from the direction of Dingjun Mountain.

You can tell at a glance that they are here to support Duisan.

So Jia Xu immediately made preparations. As soon as Wei Yan's reinforcements arrived at the foot of the opposite mountain, Jia Xu led the army and rushed out.

He didn't fight with the opponent immediately, but looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha! The thief general is the trick of His Majesty! Quickly die!"

As soon as the words fell, the Shenbow team immediately fired all arrows at Wei Yan's reinforcements.

Wei Yan is sensitive and suspicious, and he can't see the enemy's reality in the middle of the night.

Adding Jia Xu's words at this moment caused even more turmoil in his heart.

For a moment, I had to wonder, did I really fall into Liu Ke's trick again?

But there was no time for Wei Yan to think at all, countless arrows were shot at him, forcing him to defend with all his strength.

However, even though the arrows of the Shenbow Team were shot in vain, many soldiers were still killed by arrows.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wei Yan finally did not suspect him, and hurriedly led the remaining soldiers back to the main formation.

Even in order to worry about the other party chasing and killing him, as soon as he returned to the camp, he would order the army to close the gate and guard against the enemy.

Just waiting left and right, but no enemy rushed.

During this period of time, Huang Zhong finally captured Duishan, and the guard Chen Shi fled in embarrassment and went to Wei Yan.

But it was almost regarded as an enemy attack, and it almost ended up being pierced by ten thousand arrows.

It wasn't until Chen Shi revealed his identity that he was put in the camp and met Wei Yan.

At this moment, although Wei Yan looked calm on the surface, there was still some worry in his eyes.

But when he saw Chen Shi's embarrassed face, he immediately asked about the battle situation.

Under Chen Shi's explanation, Wei Yan finally realized suddenly that the enemy's target was the opposite mountain from beginning to end.

What kind of ambushes, all the tricks are the enemy's deceitful deceit to deceive himself away.

Thinking of this, Wei Yan couldn't help clenching his teeth, and said viciously: "Chen Shi, I was going to entrust Duishan to you to guard.

However, you lost your troops and lost the battle. You should have been sentenced to death.But Ben will give you a chance to redeem yourself.

Tomorrow, you will be the striker and regain Dushan! "

Shocked by the military law, Chen Shi had no choice but to accept this arrangement with a face of reluctance.

So, early in the morning of the second day, he led his army and set off towards the opposite mountain.

Wei Yanjin mentioned all the defenders of Dingjun Mountain, followed closely behind, and rushed towards the opponent after Chen Shi.

At the same time, he also sent someone to rush to Yangping Pass to inform Liu Bei and ask for reinforcements from the other party.

And Huang Zhong was also prepared. After completely occupying the opposite mountain, he immediately stationed troops on the mountainside, waiting for Wei Yan's arrival.

The first person to rush to the foot of the mountain was the pioneer Chen Shi. He was so frightened by Huang Zhong's beating yesterday that he fled in despair.

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