What's more, Yangping Pass is still in the hands of our army, and it is impossible for the enemy's large troops to fly past Yangping Pass to the foot of Tiandang Mountain.

Therefore, Huo Jun concluded based on the conditions of Maming Pavilion Road that the enemy army would come to attack Tiandang Mountain in time.

It is impossible for the number of people who can arrive to exceed [-].

Huo Jun is confident that by virtue of the danger of Tiandang Mountain, he can completely block the ten thousand enemy troops in front of Tiandang Mountain.

Under Huo Jun's arrangement, all his generals were full of confidence.

But since the start of the war, Tiandang Mountain has never seen any enemy troops.

This also made the gatekeepers gradually slack off.

In the evening of that day, Zhao Yun's army finally arrived at the foot of Tiandang Mountain.

Zhao Yun stopped to look at it, and couldn't help sighing: "Tiandang Mountain is really steep and extraordinary, but if it can be taken down.

South can attack Hanzhong, and West can threaten Yangping Pass. This is really the key point! "

At this time, Xia Houlan took a step forward and said, "Zilong, the guard of Tiandang Mountain today is indeed a general.

Deploy troops at various dangerous passes in Tiandang Mountain, which are easy to defend but difficult to attack.If our army wants to attack, I am afraid it will be quite difficult! "

But Zhao Yun said with a smile: "It's okay, the Prime Minister has already explained before coming, let's see how Ben plans to take Tiandang Mountain!"

The soldiers saw that Zhao Yun was full of confidence, coupled with the prime minister's sign of resourcefulness, all the generals were confident.

Zhao Yun recalled Zhuge Liang's words before departure, and immediately launched an attack on the first pass.

According to Zhuge Liang's plan, Tiandang Mountain is far away from the main battlefield. Although it is important, it has not fought for a long time, so it is inevitable to underestimate the enemy and be careless and impetuous.

So after Zhao Yun arrived, he immediately launched a fierce attack.

The guard who has been in comfort for a long time must be unprepared, and the first pass can be easily obtained.

According to Zhuge Liang's arrangement, Zhao Yun launched a fierce attack on the pass while the sky was getting dark.

The general guarding the gate was named Wang Fu, he was arrogant, greedy for enjoyment, and was addicted to drinking.

Under his influence, the whole army went up and down and lived a very comfortable life.

So when it was time for dinner, the whole pass was already filled with the delicious smell of meat.

Wang Fu secretly took out a small jug of fine wine and drank it by himself.

Just when the pass was immersed in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere, Zhao Yun's army finally arrived.

The defenders on Guancheng didn't react at all, and they were shot and killed by Zhao Yun's army.

Then a group of brave warriors, led by Zhao Yun, climbed up the city wall with their flying claws.

However, until now, the other soldiers in the pass have not noticed, and they are still feasting.

In less than a moment, hundreds of brave men had already arrived at the top of the city.

At this time, I finally found a group of defenders who had had dinner and swaggered towards the top of the city to change shifts.

"Hey, brothers, let's go eat! Today's food tastes good!"

However, they did not receive any response, and those people were still a little puzzled, wondering why these people are not active in eating?Didn't you always complain that you couldn't eat meat when you were behind?

At this moment, Zhao Yun shouted: "Kill!"

The soldiers who were standing at the head of the city pretending to be defending the army acted instantly and rushed down the city together.

Before the defenders could react, they became dead souls under the knife.

Zhao Yun's army is like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, no one can stop it when they charge out!

It wasn't until they rushed down the city wall and came inside the city gate that the enemy finally realized it and reacted.

The defenders rushed forward to besiege, but Zhao Yun had already taken the lead and seized control of the city gate.

Then he arranged for a few people to open the city gate, and the rest of the soldiers, led by Zhao Yun, blocked the oncoming defenders.

At this time, Wang Fu was finally startled, he broke out in a cold sweat instantly, and rushed out.

"Who are you? Stop quickly, or the general's sword will be merciless!"

Wang Fu growled sternly, but Zhao Yun's reply was a straight shot.

I don't know if it's because after drinking, the reaction is slow, or the opponent's attack is too fast.

Wang Fu only felt a ray of light flash past, and it was in front of him in a blink of an eye.

He was so frightened that he rolled around like a lazy donkey and escaped the shot.

But how could Zhao Yun's attack be so simple?

After one miss, follow-up attacks came like raindrops.

Although he didn't know the identity of the enemy general, Wang Fu knew that his level would definitely not be able to handle it.

Scared, he ran back and hid behind the soldiers, using the body of his subordinates as human shields, only to save his life.

Under Zhao Yun's cover, although the enemy's army was several times larger than his own, they were completely unable to break through the defense line of the city gate.

After a while, the closed city gate finally opened slowly.

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