However, after Liu Feng retreated, in order to prevent the opponent from coming back, Ling Tong had already made preparations in Micang Mountain.

Liu Bei's army was immediately stopped outside Micang Mountain.

"Hahaha, Liu Bei, this road is blocked, why don't you catch him quickly?"

Liu Bei was furious, and immediately ordered Guan, Zhang, and Wei Yan to attack Guan Guan.

Liu Bei's emaciated camel was bigger than a horse, and he still had tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in his hands, while Ling Tong had only five thousand.

With the opponent attacking at all costs, Guan Guan finally gradually fell into a disadvantage, and was in danger of being breached at any time.

Ling Tong hurriedly defended desperately, constantly repelling the opponent's attack.

Just when he was almost broken, he suddenly heard a commotion behind Liu Bei's army.

Seeing success, Liu Bei was shocked by the sudden change.

But when he found out that the cause of the commotion was Liu Ke's army coming from behind, his face instantly turned pale.

On the other hand, Ling Tong, when he saw Liu Ke's banner, his morale increased instantly.

"Soldiers, His Majesty's army has come from the rear, we want to show His Majesty that we are not vegetarians!"

Ling Tong kept shouting to boost morale, and finally repelled the enemy's attack again.

Seeing this, Liu Bei frowned and fell into a difficult choice.

He clearly saw that Guan Guan was on the verge of collapse, but unexpectedly he came back to life again.

If you continue to attack, although you can break through, Liu Ke's army will also kill, and then you will fall into a passive position.

Therefore, Liu Bei thought for a moment, and finally shouted helplessly: "Retreat!"

When everyone heard this, they withdrew their troops quickly, and finally ran to the edge of Han River.

After snatching a batch of ships at the ferry, they were finally able to go straight down the Han River and flee towards Chenggu.

When Liu Ke's army arrived, Liu Bei had already fled.

Liu Ke hurriedly sent soldiers and horses to chase after him, while under the guidance of Ling Tong, he himself stationed in Nanzheng, temporarily using it as his base camp and commanding it.

In order to fulfill the military order he had issued, Ling Tong also immediately marched into the army.

Along with Zhao Yun, they pursued Liu Bei by water and land.

After Liu Bei arrived in Dagu, he found that the place was still in the hands of the guard Huang Quan. When he heard Huang Quan's reaction, he finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that there had been no enemy troops in Chenggu so far.

That being the case, it also means that Liu Ke has never set foot in the east since then.

At the beginning, Liu Bei thought about using Chenggu and Akasaka as bases to make a comeback from adversity.

However, when he followed Huang Quan to inspect the city defense, he discovered that the city was not only small, but also that the walls were low and damaged, making it vulnerable to a single blow.

This dealt an instant blow to his determination to fight back.

In the end, Liu Bei had no choice but to admit that Hanzhong was no longer guaranteed, and he had no choice but to enter Xichuan.

However, the entrances of the two roads entering Xichuan from Hanzhong, one Jinniu Road and the other Mi Cang Road, have been occupied by the enemy.

Liu Bei no longer has the best retreat route. If he wants to return to Xichuan, he can only continue eastward.

It has been going down the Han River until Shangyong, then turned south, crossed Daba Mountain, and reached Wuxian on the north bank of the river, before returning westward to Xichuan through Bajun.

This is literally going in a big circle.

But there is no way, the saying that the road to Shu is difficult and it is difficult to go to the blue sky still existed when Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty.

Fortunately, this road to the east is within Liu Bei's sphere of influence, otherwise, if he continues to fight all the way, he will have become a polished commander when he returns to Xichuan.

Therefore, after Chenggu made some supplementary adjustments, Liu Bei stopped staying and continued to march.

And this time, they did not do anything and did not stop. They cleared out all the defenders, food and grass in Chenggu, leaving only an empty city for the pursuers.

Sure enough, not long after Liu Bei left, Ling Tong rushed over from the waterway.

However, what he faced was an empty city.

So he didn't stop and continued to chase.

But when we arrived in Akasaka, it was still a step too late, and the city was also deserted.

"Unexpectedly, Liu Bei's escape speed is quite fast. Pass on the order, the army should not stop, and continue to pursue!"

But as soon as Ling Tong finished speaking, he was persuaded by someone beside him.

"Wait a minute, general, from the east of Akasaka, we have left the Hanzhong Plain and will enter the vast mountains again.

The water there is very fast and not suitable for sailing.Moreover, the mountain road is rugged and the terrain is dangerous. If you are not careful, you will get lost.

Although Liu Bei's retreat was not chaotic, in order to prevent pursuers, he would inevitably set up an ambush in a dangerous position in the mountain.

If you accidentally fall into an ambush, the loss will be huge!

What's more, the general has taken five cities in the Hanzhong Plain, fulfilling what the military order said.

So there is no need to continue to venture into the mountains! "

Under that person's persuasion, Ling Tong finally restrained his inner impulse.

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