"But it doesn't matter."

"Your Majesty, what I am struggling with is between defeating Shu and attacking Jing.

Now that Liu Bei's vitality has been greatly weakened, our army can just take advantage of this moment to attack Shu, which should be the best time.

However, the road to Shu is difficult, and there are strong and dangerous passes in the middle, which cannot be opened by one man.

Therefore, if you want to conquer Shu, you must pay a huge price and loss.

This matter cannot be completed overnight, at least it will take many years and careful management to succeed.

However, the biggest hidden danger at the moment is not Liu Bei, but Sun Ce in Jingzhou.

Liu Bei only needs to send a general to guard Hanzhong, which will not affect the convenience easily.

However, Sun Ce, who ruled Jingzhou, was brave and good at fighting, and he was assisted by Zhou Yu and a group of powerful generals and ministers.

Jingzhou will be built rich and powerful, with sufficient soldiers and food.

And now Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are divided into two groups, attacking Wuguan all the way, threatening Guanzhong.

Another group of soldiers entered Luyang, intending to get involved in Luoyang.No matter which way it is, it will pose a very big threat.

Therefore, I am more inclined to go east to Jingzhou, and it is the best policy to attack Sun Cefang.

Ke Shou, in this way, must have given Liu Bei a chance to breathe.

It is up to His Majesty to decide how to decide! "

After hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Liu Ke also frowned, as if in deep thought.

Of course he wanted to do everything he could to completely wipe out Yizhou and uproot Liu Bei's power.

However, Zhuge Liang's words had to be considered, and the threat in Jingzhou seemed to be even greater now.

With Sun Ce's bravery, if the Wu Pass is broken, Chang'an will definitely be lost, so he has to choose carefully.

Therefore, Liu Ke pondered for a long time, and finally said: "I have made up my mind to send my troops eastward to attack Sun Ce!

After capturing Jingzhou, the two armies of Zaixing East and North attacked Shu together.Let Liu Bei live for a while for the time being. "

Zhuge Liang hurriedly took orders, and he did not forget to add afterwards: "Actually, your Majesty, besides attacking Jingzhou, can also take the strategy of exhausting the enemy to deal with Liu Bei.

At that time, General Huang Lao was ordered to move frequently on Jinniu Road and Micang Road to make the illusion that he was about to attack Shu.

Liu Bei didn't know the reality, so he would inevitably fall into tension and gather a large number of soldiers and horses at various passes.

Even if they don't attack for a while, the opponent must not dare to relax for a moment.

In this way, it will naturally consume a lot of money and food, and even if the land of Shu is rich, it will not last long.

When His Majesty pacifies Jingzhou and then sends his troops to attack Shu, I am afraid that Liu Bei will be exhausted and have no strength to resist! "

Zhuge Liang's plan made Liu Ke laugh happily.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke agreed with Zhuge Liang's proposal very much, so he followed his strategy and began to implement it.

However, he did not attack Sun Ce immediately, because the soldiers had gone through such a long battle.

They are already very exhausted from top to bottom, and now even if they rush over, they can't exert much combat effectiveness.

Liu Ke knows the way of relaxation, and now the soldiers are like bowstrings that are always taut.

It must be temporarily relaxed, otherwise it will be counterproductive for a long time.

Therefore, Liu Ke simply waved his hand and gave all the soldiers a month's leave to take a good rest in Hanzhong.

At Liu Ke's order, the whole army was instantly excited and shouted long live.

In this way, naturally he would not pursue the defeated Liu Bei, and he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Now Liu Bei has arrived at Shangyong after several days of traveling.

It was only here that they finally stopped, and they could rest for a while before continuing to retreat.

But Liu Bei didn't know that during the time he was resting, a fierce duel was also going on in Chengdu.

But that day, after Liu Fengcha heard the news of Liu Bei's death in Yangpingguan, he gave up on Nanzheng directly without further discernment.

Starting directly from Micang Road, rush towards Xichuan to seize the throne.

In fact, as long as he had a little doubt that day and stayed for one more day, he would be able to meet Liu Bei and protect him to return together.

However, Liu Feng was originally Liu Bei's adopted son, and the relationship between the two was more like a monarch and minister than a father and son, and the relationship was very ordinary.

So the selfish Liu Feng perfectly practiced the sentence of flying separately in the face of disaster, and fled in a hurry.

In addition to Liu Feng leaving some soldiers and horses to guard the pass along the way, in case Liu Ke's army went deep.

He went straight to Chengdu with all the troops in his hand.

During Liu Bei's Northern Expedition, he took away most of the capable ministers and generals, and now in central Shu, civil servants Fei Yi, Deng Zhi, and Jiang Wan jointly handle government affairs.

As for Liu Chan, he is only in his teens now, and he is still young, which is the time when he is most playful.

So Liu Bei didn't dare to entrust important military affairs to a child like him, and he was still studying with the famous scholar Yiji.

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