"Master Han, what do you mean by coming here?"

Han Rong coughed, and said, "The Grand Master wants to negotiate peace with all the gentlemen, so I'm here to ask the Taiwei for help."

"You go back!" Liu Ke drove away without saying any nonsense.

Then in the afternoon, Liu Ke took everyone to go hunting in the deep mountains, and returned to the barracks for barbecue in the evening.

Life is okay.

Han Rong has been waiting outside the camp, with a rigid look of not crying when he sees the coffin.

Liu Ke originally had the attitude that he would die if he loved it, but Xun You advised him:

"My lord, don't neglect Mr. Han! He is very famous among scholars."

It's these old bastards again!

Liu Ke knew that his reputation was not very good among scholars. If this matter spread again, no one would trust him again.

He patted his buttocks and stood up. Liu Ke planned to persuade Han Rong to leave the camp, and said:

"Master Han, why are you bothering?"

"The world can no longer fight endlessly. Marquis Dongyang think about it for the people of the world!" Han Rong said tremblingly.

"It means Master Han is optimistic about Fatty Dong?" Liu Ke asked back.

One sentence choked Han Rong to death.

Liu Ke has no respect for Han Rong at all. This kind of person can sell his soul in order to become an official.

It doesn't matter who is in power in the world, as long as I can be an official, that's the mentality.

"Dong Gong is cruel, so why not the princes of the world?" Han Rong said angrily.

"Why didn't Uncle Cai Yong accept Dong Zhuo's call? Is there a beggar in Yangzhou? Don't babble, you can't complete the task, and you use this kind of rogue move? This Marquis can tell you right now, there is no way!" Liu Ke said.

Feeling uncomfortable again, he continued:

"If all the scholars in the world are like you, what's the problem if no one comes to vote? I train myself in Yangzhou!"

"You..." Han Rong was trembling with anger, but someone was applauding.

"Okay! My lord is wise!" Xun You laughed loudly. It was the first time that he, who was originally calm and serious, laughed so happily.

What's the matter if no one comes to vote?I cultivated it myself in Yangzhou!

Thinking of the scene where the college is blooming everywhere and full of talents, Xun You couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

It didn't take long for Dongyanghou's wild words to spread all over the world, and it was also known that he rejected Dong Zhuo.

And the object of peace negotiation is not only Liu Ke, but also Wang Kuang recently.

Wang Kuang could not make up his mind, so he notified Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao's attitude was very clear and he did not agree to negotiate a peace.

Originally, everyone thought that Wang Kuang would be hesitant, but his performance this time was impressive, directly killing Hu Muban, Wang Gui, Wu Xun and others.

He was clearly defeated, where did he get the courage?

Nobody knows.

Yuan Shu also killed Yinxiu, and now it was fun, several people sent by Dong Zhuo, except Han Rong, were all killed.

Dong Zhuo was furious and vowed to tear the allied army into pieces.

Cao Cao was overjoyed, thinking that the time had come to restart the alliance, and began to contact the princes again.In order to keep his position as leader, Yuan Shao responded positively.

Yuan Shao even wrote a letter to Yuan Shu, roughly saying:

Brother, brother is wrong, you can help brother again!

Among them, the princes from all walks of life received similar letters and were moved to tears.

The writer of these letters is Chen Lin, one of the Seven Sons of Jian'an.The full text is hearty, full of literary talent, and intense emotions, making people feel that Yuan Shao's ancestors were all wrong!

This article is more like the three fathers of the family of four generations and three fathers are apologizing to you, and they are sincere.

What would it be like if a superior person suddenly bowed his head to you and confessed his mistake?

As if time would go backwards, everyone reconciled as before.

As a result, the allied army quickly gathered a large army, the number exceeded [-], which was about the same as that of Dong Zhuo.

Everyone was valiant and high-spirited, wishing to have a fight with Dong Zhuo immediately.

However, Yuan Shao made another foolish move.

The two rivals Yuan Shao and Han Fu actually reached a consensus, thinking that Emperor Xian was young and ignored the government, so he was not a good emperor.

What's more, Emperor Xian was controlled by Dong Zhuo, separated by a fortress, and it was impossible to know whether he was safe or not.

Another point is that random stamping... and so on.

A lot of reasons were brought up, just to suggest that Liu Yu be made emperor.

Liu Yu is a clan member of the Han family. He has been the patriarch of the royal family. He knows how to behave and has enough prestige.

Therefore, Yuan Shao asked everyone to show their hands to vote.

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