This is because the young master is not enough to protect the country, so he is bullied by foreign enemies.Does Yizhou have to repeat the mistakes of Jingzhou? "

The two parties said that the father was right and the mother was right. They couldn't argue for a while, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Seeing this, Deng Zhi hurriedly pulled the two away and said: "Don't argue here, you two, so as not to hurt the friendship.

From the perspective of the next, it is better to hold a morning meeting tomorrow and call all the Ministers of Culture and Industry to discuss together.

It just happened to make this matter public, so as not to be used by the young people to make unfavorable actions by using various rumors. "

When the two heard the words, they looked at Deng Zhi, and they all nodded in agreement.

Therefore, after Deng Zhi returned home, she hurriedly started to notify everyone.

On the second day, all the ministers of civil and military affairs in Chengdu gathered in the conference hall of the palace.

In the past, Liu Bei discussed affairs here, but today is different from before, the throne in the middle is empty.

But everyone who came to the hall looked at the throne as if nothing, and seemed to have their own plans in their hearts.

They go among the crowds, listen carefully to what other people have to say, scout out like-minded people, and look for allies in advance.

But not long after, Deng Zhi, Jiang Wan, and Fei Yi entered the hall one after another, and the discussions in the hall stopped immediately.

Then Deng Zhi came to the center of the arena, and solemnly announced to everyone the news he had heard from Liu Feng.

When the ministers heard this, some of them couldn't help crying.

After all, Liu Bei is known for his benevolence, and he is especially concerned about his subordinates.

Some people who had been favored by him on weekdays couldn't help crying for Liu Bei's death.

Therefore, under the auspices of Deng Zhi, everyone first performed a ceremony of silence for Liu Bei.

After the ceremony, we have just entered the most important part of the day, the successor's support!

Since the concept of concubine, concubine, and young has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, under the premise of Liu Chan's existence, more than half of the people in the venue support Liu Chan.

However, there are exceptions. These dissenting voices are all key generals in the army.

These people are not as rigid and polite as civil servants, but pay more attention to reality.

Liu Chan is of course Liu Bei's legitimate son and the first in line heir.

But he is still young now, and it is impossible for him to be the leader and lead the people to gain a foothold in the troubled times.

On the contrary, he ended up with the reputation of being an orphan and widow, attracting more foreign enemies to covet him.

Therefore, in the hearts of the generals, there is more hope to find a strong lord.

Only when you are strong can you lead everyone to settle down.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The military generals long for a strong leader in their hearts, but from a legal point of view, they have no objection to Liu Chan as the heir.

It's just that I want to have a strong person to assist me temporarily, so as to avoid being controlled by those civil servants.

However, all the elites in Yizhou have been taken away by Liu Bei, and I am afraid that nine out of ten will be lost at Yangping Pass.

Civil servants and Jiang Wan, Fei Yi, and Deng Zhi were sitting in command, but the representatives of the military generals had a fault in an instant.

These generals couldn't find anyone who could lead them for a while.

At this moment, a person found out and said to the crowd: "My colleagues, now that the king has passed away, Yizhou is empty.

If you can't choose a strong person to lead everyone to rise up.In less than a month, Yizhou will change hands.

Therefore, someone must be able to stand up and lead Yizhou to defend against the enemy and govern the country is the best choice.

Now that the son of the heir is too young to establish a country, it is better to temporarily establish the son of Liu Feng.

He is known for his military exploits and is in the prime of his life. He deserves this job!It is enough to abdicate the throne after the son of the heir becomes an adult. "

This person is naturally Liu Feng's subordinate, Liu Feng is too embarrassed to fight for it directly, so he sent his confidant to point it out.

After saying these words, he really received the support of many low-level generals.

After all, Liu Feng's military exploits can still convince these people, it's better than getting some literati leaders who don't know anything about military affairs.

But the reaction of those civil servants and officials was different.

How could these people allow other people to destroy them all the time.

Besides, Liu Feng is not even Liu Bei's concubine son, just a adopted son, it is even more impossible to convince them.

For a moment, two camps split into two camps in the hall. Everyone was arguing with each other, and the situation was very chaotic for a while.

Seeing this scene, Deng Zhi was very anxious.

Because the two sides insist on their own words and refuse to give in to each other, if there is a little carelessness, it is very likely that an armed conflict will break out.

At that time, Yizhou will collapse without fighting, and it will be meaningless.

So he hurriedly stood on a high place and said: "It's okay to put it as an argument, don't hurt your peace!"

Under his continuous loud stop, the heated discussion finally stopped slowly.

It's just that the debate just now has aroused some people's anger, and the eyes they looked at each other were already full of anger.

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