I will never be greedy for life and afraid of death, and be a villain who turns his back on the master and surrenders to the enemy! "

Zhang Liao's righteous and awe-inspiring performance also conquered the two generals Cheng Pu and Huang Gai.

The two of them didn't want to waste such an outstanding general, so they deliberately showed mercy.

So they arranged for the soldiers to consume Zhang Liao's physical strength continuously, and after his physical strength was exhausted, they would capture him alive in one fell swoop.

Zhou Yu's arrangement was very vicious, he only ordered people to guard around, but did not take the initiative to encircle and suppress.

Only when Zhang Liao took the initiative to attack would he order someone to counterattack.

In other directions, shield soldiers were replaced, holding a huge shield as tall as a person to drive people back.

Under such an arrangement, Zhang Liao's army really fell into a bitter battle, not only unable to kill the enemy, let alone break out of the encirclement.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Liao finally had a trace of despair in his heart.

"Could it be that I, Zhang Liao, are really going to be defeated here today?"

Zhang Liao was very unwilling, so he tried his best to lead the soldiers to rush in one direction.

However, it didn't last long at all before being even more blocked by the opponent.

The constant charge made Zhang Liao feel very tired, so he could only support himself with his weapon to catch his breath for a while.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu shouted to him in high spirits: "Wen Yuan, you have nowhere to go, hurry down!

Your majesty has made it clear that as long as you surrender, everyone will be saved, and nothing will be blamed.

As for you, there are also other important uses, the king will never treat you badly! "

Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and others also tried to persuade them again.

But none of what they said could move Zhang Liao. Zhang Liao had made up his mind not to be a slave even if he died in battle.

The only regret is that he now only hates himself for underestimating the enemy and falling into the enemy's trap by mistake, so he cannot continue to assist Liu Ke to calm the world.

At this time, Zhang Liao looked at the increasingly difficult situation, and even had the idea of ​​not being captured alive if he committed suicide.

He stared blankly at the curled blade in his hand, and already made a decision in his heart.

At this moment, there was a sound of rumbling horseshoes in the distance, which instantly alarmed everyone in the city.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu stood at the top of the city, looking into the distance, and they first spotted a group of cavalry on the distant horizon.

Those people were all dressed in white clothes and armor, and even the horses on their crotches were all pure white horses.

After the horizon appeared, he first looked in the direction of the city for a moment, and then immediately rushed over.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu was shocked in his heart.

He suddenly remembered that there was such a cavalry soldier in Liu Ke's hands, because of the white armor and white horse, he was called the white horse righteous follower.

This army was originally owned by Gongsun Zan, the governor of Youzhou, and after Gongsun Zan's demise, he was restored by his subordinate general Zhao Yun.

In the end, as Zhao Yun returned to Liu Ke, he became a trump card in Liu Ke's hand.

Baima Yicong are all cavalrymen, able to conquer and fight well, and made great military exploits in the process of Liu Ke's pacification of the world.

Therefore, Zhou Yu hurriedly ordered the outermost soldiers to take precautions, and at the same time urgently mobilized troops from the city to stop them.

As the opponent continued to approach, Zhang Liao, who was deep in the center of the encirclement circle, finally found it.

His face suddenly beamed with joy, and he said to himself: "Bai Ma Yi Cong? It's Zilong coming!"

Then he shouted loudly, motivating his soldiers to rush forward and meet the reinforcements.

The leader of this cavalry was Zhao Yun. After Zhang Liao led the front army to leave, Liu Ke suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if something big was about to happen.

He immediately thought of Zhang Liao, so he sent Zhao Yun to lead five thousand white horses to catch up.

In this way, no matter what situation Zhang Liao encountered, with these cavalry around, nothing major would happen.

Zhao Yun hurried on, and finally caught up outside the city of Fuyang.

When he heard the shouts of killing coming from the direction of Fuyang, he immediately felt bad, and rushed up.

Sure enough, Zhang Liao's army was surrounded by the enemy, and the situation was precarious.

Zhao Yun no longer hesitated, leading his subordinate Bai Ma Yicong to rush up immediately.

The outermost army was Cheng Pu's army, and he was naturally aware of the sudden situation behind him.

So Cheng Pu quickly directed the army to turn around and defend, preventing Zhao Yun from joining Zhang Liao.

However, the opponent's speed was extremely fast, and he had already reached the front of the formation in a blink of an eye.

In Cheng Pu's haste, he could not form an effective resistance force at all.

The temporary line of defense was torn apart by Zhao Yun before it could be deployed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Defend, defend!" Cheng Pu shouted, preventing the infantry from defending.

However, you must know that the combat effectiveness of the infantry is not as good as that of the cavalry, let alone the white horse Yicong who has already charged.

The Jingzhou infantry, which Sun Ce was proud of, was torn to pieces by the cavalry led by Zhao Yun like paper.

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