As for Zhang Liao, he was naturally shocked.

"I didn't expect Zhou Gongjin to come so fast!"

As soon as Zhou Yu returned to Fuyang, he rushed to support him, and traveled all day and night.

If it weren't for the heavy rain the night before, I'm afraid we could have arrived last night.

After this delay, I could only become more anxious, and finally arrived at the foot of Xinye City after driving all night.

Especially last night, it turned out that Zhou Yu saw that the soldiers had traveled for so long and was going to rest for the night to continue this morning.

Unexpectedly, when he stopped on a low slope to observe this side, he was shocked to find that the direction of Xinye City was ablaze, lighting up the sky in the distance.

Zhou Yu had a keen intuition, and instantly judged that something must have happened in Xinye City.

And this matter must be related to the king Sun Ce.

So even though it was midnight, he insisted on asking the soldiers to continue on their way and head towards Xinye.

However, there is a saying that goes that Wangshan ran a dead horse, and looked at the fire not far away.

Who is content to walk all night before finally reaching the outside of the city.

When he saw the battle between Sun Ce and Zhang Liao from a distance, he rushed to support without any hesitation.

In order to avoid being attacked from the front and rear, Zhang Liao had to temporarily withdraw from the city gate, and did not leave his back to Zhou Yu.

"Thief, don't hurt the king!"

When Zhou Yu approached, Zhang Liao was already ready, so he yelled at him for not being able to attack by force.

I hope that the other party sees that they have a large number of people, so they can retreat wisely and leave Xinye to them.

But how could Zhang Liao do such a thing?

Immediately, he slashed his sword, and said viciously: "Hmph! My son Zhou Yu, don't speak such wild words!

Sun Ce has become a turtle in the urn, and sooner or later he will be captured by this general, so don't waste your efforts, it is better to surrender as soon as possible! "

"Bah! Xiaoxiao's generation, who speaks big words, is not afraid of making people laugh out loud!

Since this will give you face and you don't want it, then wait for everyone to become a fan under the Jingzhou iron cavalry! "

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yu didn't delay any further.

With a wave of the whip in his hand, he took the initiative to bring the men and horses to kill him.

Zhang Liao frowned, but he wasn't surprised, he just thought that the one who should come still came.

Although the thousands of cavalry that Zhou Yu rushed over would not have much impact on Zhang Liao.

But don't forget that there are still countless infantry coming from behind, and when those people are all there, Zhang Liao will not be able to leave even if he wants to.

Zhang Liao became more and more anxious, and he hurriedly thought hard about how to deal with it.

"General, why don't you accept it as soon as you see it, and withdraw from the army!"

Someone under his command tried to comfort him, but Zhang Liao didn't want to accept it.

Such a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity to capture Sun Ce alive and solve the war in Jingzhou once and for all is in front of him, and everyone is excited.

But seeing Zhou Yu's large army getting closer, Zhang Liao's idea of ​​continuing to fight was constantly weakening.

In addition, under the leadership of Sun Ce, the defeated soldiers in the city launched a counterattack again.

Zhang Liao's army was caught in a back and forth battle in an instant, so Zhang Liao finally got his attention and prepared to leave quickly before Sun Ce's army completely surrounded him.

Zhou Yu's eyes were like a torch, and he saw through Zhang Liao's decision at once.

He was pleasantly surprised in his heart, but he was merciless in his mouth, and continued to shout: "If you want to teach Zhang Liao to escape, you must capture him alive!"

The morale of the two sides was reversed again, and finally Zhang Liao couldn't hold on any longer and voluntarily withdrew.

Even so, Zhou Yu still didn't believe it, and sent thousands of cavalry to chase him out.

As soon as Zhang Liao's troops left, the front of Xinye City was finally vacant.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu hurried forward and finally joined Sun Ce's defeated remnants.

Seeing Sun Ce's distressed appearance, Zhou Yu said distressedly: "Your Majesty, you are shocked! It is Gong Jin who came late!"

Sun Ce's face twitched, and he said weakly: "Gong Jin, don't blame yourself, for this defeat, all the faults are borne by one person alone.

It has nothing to do with you, it has nothing to do with everyone in front of you, it's the lack of leadership. "

"Your Majesty, don't say that. As the saying goes, the master humiliated his subjects to death, and now you have received such a big influence.

As a subject, Mo Hun cannot be redeemed for a hundred deaths, how dare he let the king take responsibility? "

Because of this big defeat, Sun Ce's spirit was not very good. Even if he was rescued at a critical moment, he still didn't let him show his face.

Looking at Sun Ce's state, the soldiers under him were also very worried.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhou Yu found that Sun Ce's overall mental outlook was very bad, his brows were furrowed and he was listless.

He understood that this disastrous defeat had dealt a severe blow to Sun Ce, so he became devastated.

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