Although gold is precious, how can it compare to food, salt and iron?

So Liu Ke arranged for these people to go to various places to do business, and exchange gold and jewelry for the most valuable things today.

Seeing that Tang Gu was not tempted, Sun Ce was very happy that he still had a surplus to send over, so he rewarded him greatly.

But two hundred shi of grain can't last long at all, and Zhao Yun's soldiers and horses may have already caught up.

So Sun Ce understood that this was not a place to live for a long time, and he had to return to Jiancheng Wancheng as soon as possible.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu guessed right, after Zhao Yun was misled several times by the clues left by the other party, he simply ignored them.

He thought to himself that the other party escaped yesterday, so he must not have brought much food and grass, so he must supply supplies along the way.

So he simply rushed towards the nearest Anzhong City.

At this moment, Sun Ce had finished repairing, and marched again with the food and grass sent by Tang Gu.

So when Zhao Yun chased Anzhong with great effort, the city was already empty.

After Ma Mao was beheaded, Anzhong was temporarily under the jurisdiction of Tang Gu. He was counting supplies when he heard Cheng Cheng's army arrive.

Tang Gu hurried to the top of the city to check, and was horrified to find that it was an enemy army.

"The general guarding the city, I am General Zhendong, Marquis Shunping, Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong, and I am under the order of the Emperor of Han to wipe out the rebellion.

Ruoer and others are still Hanchens, open the city gate quickly! "

When Tang Gu heard that it was the famous Chang Shan Zhao Zilong who came here, he couldn't help but thump in his heart.

However, although his strength is not good, but his bones are strong, it is naturally impossible to surrender directly.

I only heard Tang Gu say: "General Zhao, please forgive Tang Gu for not being able to make amends in person. It's just that Tang Gu was ordered by His Royal Highness King Xiangyang to guard the land.

If there is no order from the King of Xiangyang, I will never dare to open the gate of the city. I hope the general understands! "

Anyway, Tang Gu has made up his mind to say good things casually, but he just won't open the city gate.

Regardless of Zhao Yun's threats or temptations, he remains indifferent.

If according to Zhao Yun's character, the other party was so stubborn, he would definitely break the city and capture him alive for punishment.

But now Zhao Yun's most important task is to chase down Sun Ce and Zhou Yu who are fleeing.

If you attack the city impulsively, it will definitely delay the time greatly, and will make the opponent escape instead.

Therefore, Zhao Yun finally tried his best to restrain his inner impulse, and finally said bitterly: "It's important to chase the enemy chieftain Sun Ce, let's go!"

Before leaving, he did not forget to turn his head and shout to the city: "Tang Gu, you are so stubborn that you will fight against the heavenly army.

After this general has finished handling the task at hand, he will definitely visit again in another day. I hope you can still be so stubborn! "

After finishing speaking, he ignored the other party and led his troops away, heading towards another city.

It wasn't until the figure of Zhao Yun's soldiers and horses left that Tang Gu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he was just pretending to be tough just now, there are only a few hundred remnants in the city, old, weak, sick and disabled, vulnerable to a single blow.

If Zhao Yun insisted on attacking the city, Anzhong might not be able to hold on for half an hour.

At the same time, Sun Ce's soldiers and horses had already left a long way, and they finally got rid of Zhao Yun's pursuit completely.

The situation of the other soldiers and horses was similar to his, except for Han Dang's soldiers and horses who ran in the direction of Fuyang, who received Liu Ke's key treatment, so they suffered heavy losses.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Ce's soldiers and horses finally got rid of Zhao Yun's pursuit and rushed to Wancheng.Then several other armies also came to Wancheng to join them.

But when Sun Ce counted it down, he still couldn't help feeling distressed.

Because of this war, I lost a total of [-] soldiers and horses, and now I only have [-] soldiers left.

With [-] soldiers and horses, even if there is a strong Wancheng, it is absolutely impossible to stop Liu Ke's [-] troops.

Therefore, Sun Ce had no choice but to send his generals to various places to mobilize troops and horses, preparing for a decisive battle with Liu Ke in Wancheng.

All the soldiers split up and rushed in all directions, among which Dong Xi was going in Jiyang, forty miles south of Wancheng.

Originally, when fleeing north from Xinye to Wancheng, they had to pass through Jiyang.

But because the opponent was chasing very urgently, they even sent a surprise soldier to guard the road to Jiyang early.

In the end, the soldiers and horses could only bypass Jiyang and rush to Wancheng from other directions.

This time, Dong Xi was preparing to return to Jiyang and move all the existing sources of soldiers, food and grass in Jiyang to Wancheng.

In fact, at the same time that Sun Ce made such an arrangement, Liu Ke also had new instructions.

Liu Ke, the pursuer, also lost track of the other party after arriving in Fuyang.

In the end, he had no choice but to vent his anger on the city of Fuyang, and finally took Fuyang that day.

Then with Fuyang as the center, scouts were sent to search around, but they couldn't find each other after all.

However, his scouts came into contact with several other pursuers.

Therefore, those who chased the deserters had no choice but to march towards Fuyang to join Liu Ke's army.

When everyone arrived, Liu Ke was very unhappy when he heard what happened to everyone.

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