However, although the altitude is not high, it still has a certain momentum in contrast to the surrounding plains.

Zhe Mountain runs from northwest to southeast, with a length of fifteen miles. At this moment, the defenders on the mountain are all in the southeast direction, attracted by the battle on the mountain.

So Zhao Yun took advantage of this time and went up the mountain from the west.

Fortunately, the terrain of Zheshan is relatively flat, and the forest on the mountain is lush.

Under Zhao Yun's deliberate suppression, the enemy has not been alarmed.

In this way, the army slowly approached the mountain, and the sound of fighting from afar could still be heard around.

At this moment, a scout suddenly returned and reported to Zhao Yun.

"General, the distribution of the enemy troops on the mountain has been thoroughly investigated.

Now there are still about [-] enemy troops, all on guard on the easternmost mountain, and all their attention is on the bottom of the mountain. "

When Zhao Yun heard this, he showed an expression that he had known this for a long time.

Although he could charge up directly now, Zhao Yun would not act recklessly.

While Zhao Yun was preparing to wipe out all the enemy troops on the mountain, he did not disturb the large troops down the mountain.

Then he rushed down the mountain suddenly, and when the enemy was unprepared, together with Zhang Liao, they completely defeated the enemy.

Therefore, Zhao Yun thought for a moment, and then began to arrange.

Since the defenders on the mountain are all in the east, it is actually not difficult to wipe them all out.

Except that Zhao Yun led five thousand soldiers and horses to attack quietly along the top of the mountain from the west.

He also ordered his two lieutenants to lead two thousand soldiers and horses to raid from the north and the south to block the opponent's way down the mountain.

When the time comes, we will launch together and discipline those defenders who have no way to go to the sky and no way to go to the ground.

After everything was arranged properly, Zhao Yun finally started a formal attack.

At this moment, the guard on the top of the mountain was standing on a protruding boulder, looking down nervously.

"General, this place is dangerous, please don't stay here for long!"

A school lieutenant beside him reminded him, but the guard frowned and said: "Now General Cheng is defending against the enemy on the mountain.

It's fine if we can't go down to support them in person, should we still be afraid of danger, even looking forward and backward to cheer them up?

You don't need to persuade me, I will be here today to cheer for the soldiers on the mountain! "

Since the Lord General said so, it is not easy for others to say anything.

In fact, they were all very concerned about the battle below, so they watched the battle nervously together with the general.

As for the movement behind, no one paid attention to it.

Zhao Yun led the soldiers and horses in his hands to approach slowly, and now he was not far from the defenders, and he could even hear the other party's words clearly.

There, there is a relatively flat area where the troops are basically stationed.

Zhao Yun discovered that there were about [-] troops on the mountain at the moment.

However, more than half of them were gathered at the front, observing the battle at the foot of the mountain.

But there are still some soldiers who didn't join in the excitement, some were exercising, some were repairing their armor, and some simply slept in the camp.

So these people are relatively scattered, doing their own things.

Zhao Yun is planning to wipe out all the defenders this time, not one can be let go.

So he simply took advantage of the time when most people were watching the battle, and dealt with those scattered soldiers first.

Therefore, Zhao Yun sent out a small team, all of whom were brave and skilled at fighting.

They touched it quietly.

The first people to be taken care of were those who were sleeping soundly in the tents, and they had already gone to the west while they were still asleep.

Then, there were some lone soldiers in relatively remote places.

These people were still doing their own thing, so they were quietly approached by the other party to solve them, and then dragged into the grass to hide.

In this way, after a while, many defenders died in a daze.

However, this kind of behavior will inevitably be exposed. Under the scream of one person, the others were finally alarmed.

At first, the guard just arranged for two people to rush to see what happened.

Immediately, the blood and corpses in the camp were completely exposed, and they were so frightened that they hurried back to report.

In this way, Zhao Yun knew that concealment was meaningless, so he immediately rushed out of the dense forest with the army.

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is here, if you want to survive, put down your weapon quickly! Otherwise, don't blame the general for being rude!"

The name of Changshan Zhao Zilong is already very famous among the Jingzhou army.

So some soldiers turned pale with fright as soon as they heard it.

But the leader of the defending army is a master who does not believe in evil, and he is loyal to Sun Ce and Cheng Pu, so naturally he will not surrender easily.

He picked up his weapon and shouted: "Don't worry, everyone, these are mobs, let's see if this person will be captured!"

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