However, after Zhao Yun obtained Zheshan, he already thought that the other party might come to take it again.

Learning from the lessons of the previous guards, he made many warnings on the mountain early.

In addition to sending twice as many outposts than usual, they are also equipped with secret outposts to ensure that as long as someone passes through, an alarm will be issued immediately.

Therefore, when the three-way army arranged by Zhou Yu rushed to the foot of the mountain, Zhao Yun got the news.

But such news still shocked him.

Unexpectedly, this time the opponent made such a big determination and sent a full [-] troops to seize it.

With only [-] horses in hand, it's really hard to defend.

Zhao Yun couldn't help feeling a little headache, but now that the enemy army had arrived, he couldn't sit still and wait for death.

Therefore, arrangements were made immediately to wake up all the soldiers who were still sleeping and prepare to meet the enemy.

The mountain to the north of Zheshan is steep and not easy to climb, so we can ignore it for the time being.

Then there are [-] enemy troops on the east and west sides. It is really difficult to decide which side to fight.

Finally, Zhao Yun finally had an idea.

It turned out that after Zhang Liao's troops returned, they were stationed again in the east of Zheshan and west of Longgang, on the only road in the middle.

Although the movement of the enemy army has not been discovered yet, Zhao Yun believes that as long as he intentionally creates some movement.

Zhang Liao at the foot of the mountain must have heard the wind and rushed to the rescue immediately.

So, Zhao Yun began to arrange.

He personally led the main force to the west to stop the enemy.

At the same time, [-] troops were left in the east, only to start attacking immediately after the enemy army reached the halfway up the mountain.

And it must be as loud as possible to make the enemy think that their main force is here, and on the other hand, it will alarm Zhang Liao down the mountain.

As for Zhao Yun, he would take advantage of this opportunity to sneak up in front of the western army, and after defeating them, it would not be too late to withdraw to deal with the northern enemy.

Therefore, Zhao Yun acted immediately according to his ideas.

The army on the east road was led by Cheng Pu. When he came, he happened to pass by the position between the foot of the mountain and Zhang Liao's barracks.

But fortunately, Chen Wu was very careful, suppressed along the way, and finally was able to enter the mountain safely, without disturbing Zhang Liao's troops below.

Under the leadership of Cheng Pu, the soldiers progressed very quickly, and they were already halfway up the mountain in a blink of an eye.

In half an hour, the entire Zheshan Mountain will be in his pocket.

It's just that Cheng Pu was too happy, and accidentally touched a trap in the forest.

I saw a bamboo spear sweeping across, and immediately more than ten soldiers walking in front were killed or injured.

When Chen Wu saw it, he was terrified. He didn't expect the enemy army to be so cunning and even have a mechanism.

But in order not to disturb Zhang Liao's army down the mountain, although Cheng Pu was hit by the trap, he still gritted his teeth and did not dare to make a loud noise.

Even those wounded soldiers could only hold back the pain with a stick in their mouths.

Under Chen Wu's arrangement, fortunately, the defenders on the top and bottom of the mountain were not disturbed, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

However, before Cheng Pu had time to be happy, a soldier stepped on the mechanism again!

I saw a stone ball suddenly falling from directly above, several soldiers were not able to dodge in time, and were hit instantly.

Without even saying a word, he died.

This time, although no one screamed, the pressure on the hearts of the soldiers was indeed enormous.

Therefore, the soldiers could only be more careful, as if they were going to use all their strength with every step they took.

At this moment, the people arranged by Zhao Yun finally came to the mountain.

With the help of the night, they could barely see the approximate position of the enemy army below, and launched an attack without hesitation.

The rolling stone smashed down from the top of the head. At first, the soldiers thought that some unlucky ghost had stepped on the trap again.

But after a while, everyone realized that they had already been discovered by the enemy.

These terrible things on the head are all thanks to the other party.

And the defenders on the mountain did not forget to shout loudly when they attacked.

The sound of killing, the rumbling sound of rolling boulders, and the screams of the enemy army all mixed together, which instantly alarmed Zhang Liao at the foot of the mountain.

"What happened?"

"Reporting to the general, the voice seems to be coming from the mountain, as if an enemy army is coming to attack the mountain!"

"Not good! Sure enough, the prime minister hit the mark! Quickly order the whole army to attack and support Zheshan!"

Zhang Liao heard Liu Ke and Zhuge Liang's arrangement on the spot, so he already knew that the enemy army would come.

It's just that I didn't expect this moment to come so quickly, and I couldn't help but act that night.

But although Zhang Liao was not panicked, he immediately ordered the team to be rectified, and then rushed up the mountain impatiently.

The movement on Zhang Liao's side also alarmed Cheng Pu's army in an instant.

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