So, Zhao Yun immediately chased after him, and Han Dang could only bite the bullet and fight the opponent.

However, Zhao Yun saw through his side and was ambushed. His morale was greatly reduced, and he had no intention of continuing to fight.

Moreover, Han Dang's heart was also beating drums. Now that Zhao Yun had seen through it, did the other party have any backhands waiting for him?

It is dark now, especially in the complex terrain on the mountain, there may be ambushes somewhere.

So after being repelled by Zhao Yun again, Han Dang had no intention of going up the mountain, and finally had no choice but to lead his troops back.

Zhao Yun chased all the way down the mountain, making sure that Han Dang would never dare to return again, so he finally led the army back to the mountain with satisfaction.

Afterwards, some scouts were kept on guard, and Zhao Yun could free up his hands to deal with the next target.

In this way, Cheng Pu in the east fell into Zhang Liao's attack, and Han Dang in the west was also repelled.

Now there is only Chen Wu's army that went up the mountain from the north slope.

The north slope is the most complicated and steep side of the Zheshan terrain, and it is very difficult to walk.

Even during the day, it takes a lot of effort to go up the mountain, let alone at night.

Now Chen Wu led the army and had just waited halfway up the mountain, but he was already tired and out of breath.

"General, climb up that steep slope ahead, and the road behind will be easy!"

The guide pointed to the road ahead and told Chen Wu, and Chen Wu looked up.

In front of him, there was a steep slope like a city wall. The slope was very steep, and it would take a lot of effort to go up.

But it has come to the present, even if it is difficult to walk, you have to grit your teeth and move forward.

Therefore, Chen Wu frowned and said: "Send the order, the whole army will speed up!

Originally, the progress of our team was a bit slow. If the military plane was delayed, everyone would be unable to eat and walk around! "

The mountains here are high and the forests are dense, and when the voices from other directions reached here, they were already inaudible, so Chen Wu didn't know the movements of the other two armies yet.

Even though he just heard a burst of shouts to kill, Chen Wu thought that other teams had rushed to the top of the mountain to fight Zhao Yun, and instead became more anxious.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This steep slope was very tall, and it lay across in front of Chen Wu like a dormant dragon in the night.

However, in order to rush up to join the other two armies, Chen Wu forced his soldiers to speed up their climb.

Fortunately, he was well prepared and ordered one of the soldiers to bring ropes and other equipment for climbing before he came.

So immediately arranged for them to go forward, all the first batch of climbers, to open the way for the army.

These people were all carefully selected by Chen Wu, and all of them were people with strong skills.

I saw them pick up the rope in their hands and throw it upwards vigorously, and the end with the iron claw was embedded in the rock crevice on the mountain.

After pulling hard and making sure it was safe, he immediately climbed up the mountain like a spider-man, using both hands and feet.

In a blink of an eye, he was submerged in the darkness and could not see the figure.

These soldiers seemed to be competing with each other, one crawled faster than the other, and all of a sudden they moved forward at the same time, no difference between the top and bottom.

However, one of the soldiers here was born as an Orion. He was used to walking through forests and mountains since he was a child, and he was the fastest among them.

At the last moment, he did not hesitate to cut his palm, and finally he was the first to successfully climb the hillside.

However, when the man had just climbed up the hillside, he saw a pair of feet right in front of his eyes.

Others were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that there would be someone faster than him.

So he couldn't help joking: "Brother, I thought I was the fastest, but I didn't expect you to be even better!

In order to grab the first place, my hand was scratched, come and give me a hand! "

The other party looked down at him with no expression on his face.

Seeing this, the man hurriedly urged: "Hurry up, you are already number one, why are you still so stingy!"

Under his urging, the other party finally bent down slowly, stretched out a hand and grabbed his wrist.

The man felt the grip from his hand, and immediately pushed his feet hard, and was about to jump up to the top of the slope.

However, he had just come up and hadn't gained a firm footing when the other party suddenly let go of his hand.

You must know that the person's center of gravity is not stable at this moment, and the support point of the whole person is in the opponent's hand.

Letting go of the other party is tantamount to killing him.

The man shouted immediately, but until now, he finally saw the other party's attire clearly.

The man on the opposite side was dressed completely differently from him. He was not a friendly army, but Zhao Yun's army.

It turned out that after Zhao Yun dealt with Han Dang, he immediately rushed to this side without stopping.

As soon as I came here, I heard a rustling sound coming from the foot of the mountain.

So what happened just now.

The man lost his support and instantly fell back. After screaming in the air, he fell heavily to the bottom of the mountain.

At this moment, Chen Wu was looking up at the situation on the mountain, the place where the man fell was right in front of him, and even splashed a few drops of blood on his body.

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