If Liu Ke really retreated and lost this opportunity, if he wanted to defeat the enemy again, he wouldn't know when it would be?

So in the face of such a temptation, Sun Ce's face was uncertain.

Finally, he finally gritted his teeth and said: "Hmph! Since ancient times, there is no sure victory in military affairs, and a [-]% chance is enough to fight.

What's more, the army is retreating hastily in the rain at this moment, no matter how you look at it, the odds of winning are more than [-]%.

The so-called God and not to take, but to be blamed, this is God gave me Sun Ce the opportunity to defeat the enemy.

If you can't grasp it, you will be guilty of the sky!I have made up my mind, no need to persuade me again!

Zu Mao ordered you two to lead [-] cavalry each to go out of Wancheng and attack the enemy's left flank.

Han Dang led [-] elite soldiers to prepare outside the city. When he saw the enemy fleeing, he immediately rushed forward and entangled him.

At that time, Gu Jin and the army in the city will be dispatched together, and the discipline Liu Ke will be wiped out! "

Sun Ce arranged all the orders in one go, even Zhou Yu couldn't say anything at this moment, so as not to refute the king's prestige.

Therefore, he could only nod his head cautiously, not knowing what to think in his heart.

After Zu Mao and Han Dang received the king's order, they immediately went out to prepare for the army.

Zu Mao was about to lead his army out of the city when he suddenly saw a figure galloping towards him.

"Governor, what's the matter, may I trouble you to come here in the rain?"

It turned out that although Zhou Yu could not change Sun Ce's mind, he still had to explain to the two generals Han Dang and Zu Mao.

He ignored many red tapes, and said straight to the point: "General Dayong, this expedition is different from the past.

You can't get a glimpse of the enemy's reality just by looking at it from a distance, so you must be careful this time.

If there is any abnormality, lead your troops back immediately, and don't fall into the enemy's tricks! "

Hearing Zhou Yu's words, Zu Mao showed a bit of embarrassment: "Thank you for the reminder, the governor, I just strive to be the first for the generals.

If you fear the enemy and cherish your life, you will be afraid..."

What a kind of person Zhou Yu is, as soon as he heard what the other party said, he could understand what he was going to say next.

So, Zhou Yu immediately said: "General Darong, you don't have to worry about these things, I will explain to the king.

If it is really pursued, all the faults will be borne by the governor!

You know, although you only have [-] cavalry, your every move will affect the follow-up actions of the entire army.

If you are not careful, our army will fall into a place of eternal doom, the general must be careful! "

Seeing Zhou Yu's seriousness, Zu Mao was finally persuaded.

He clasped his fists and nodded deeply, and finally led his troops out of the city.

And Zhou Yu finally relaxed a little until the figure of the other party disappeared outside the city, and then immediately went to Han Dang again.

At the same time, Zhang Liao didn't know what was going on in Wancheng at all. He was still braving the heavy rain and commanding his men to retreat, especially to protect the supplies.

But Zhang Liao didn't have time to take care of it, which doesn't mean Liu Ke didn't care either.

He knew very well in his heart that the transfer of the army would inevitably cause people's hearts to fluctuate, and the enemy army would never let this opportunity go.

Therefore, Liu Ke immediately approached Zhao Yun and ordered him to lead Baima Yicong to guard nearby.

It's good if the enemy doesn't move, but if they really dare to attack, they should teach them a lesson immediately.

At this time, Zhao Yun was wandering outside when he suddenly saw a group of figures coming from the direction of Wancheng.

It's just that due to the heavy rain, it's hard to see the reality of the other party.

Zhao Yun's nerves tensed instantly, he immediately formed a team, and then hid behind Longgang, ready to give the opponent a surprise attack.

Zu Mao led his troops to rush over quickly, and did not see any abnormalities along the way.

So his heart has already begun to relax, thinking that this time the enemy must be retreating, otherwise how could he allow himself to come without blocking it?

In front of his eyes at this moment is Zhang Liao's team, marching through the mud in the rain.

Zu Mao was overjoyed, and said to himself: "The other party is so relaxed, it's time for me to make a breakthrough!"

Without hesitation, he immediately ordered the whole army to speed up and rushed towards the opponent.

The horses that Zu Mao's army rode were all bought from Liangzhou at a high price, and the speed was very fast.In an instant it was unstoppable.

The violent sound of horseshoes immediately alarmed Zhang Liao's army. When the soldiers saw it, they all fled to Longgang in horror.

Zu Mao didn't stop, and continued to chase after him. This time, he wanted to wipe out the roots and wash away the humiliation of losing streak with the blood of the enemy.

When he arrived at the foot of Longgang, suddenly a group of figures jumped out from behind the post and stood proudly on the top of the post. It was the white horse Yi Cong led by Zhao Yun.

Seeing this scene, Zu Mao's heart instantly turned cold.

But now the cavalry has already charged, and the speed is so fast that it is impossible to turn again.

Therefore, Zu Mao had no choice but to grit his teeth and continue to move forward.

After Zhao Yun appeared on the top of the hill, seeing Zu Mao's cavalry, he immediately commanded and charged.

The most elite cavalry from both sides finally collided in this downpour.

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