The thick smoke was naturally an illusion created by Han Dang, and he continued to head south immediately after finishing.

Going forward, you will arrive at Fuyang, which has been owned by Liu Ke, and the guard will be Cheng Lian.

This man fought bravely and was cautious. When he saw the smoke and dust billowing in the north, he immediately led his troops out of the city to deal with it.

"Who is coming?"

"I am Han Dang, a subordinate of King Xiangyang, and I was ordered by the king to recover Fuyang.

If you are sensible, quickly sacrifice the city and surrender, and you can avoid death! "

Cheng Lian was furious when he heard the words, and rushed forward immediately.The two sides fought for a while, regardless of the outcome.

However, Han Dang has a mission, so it is naturally impossible to really attack the city.

Therefore, Han Dang retreated to the formation, and before leaving, he said, "Huh! Since you are stubbornly resisting, tomorrow the Japanese generals will personally order an army to take your life!"

After finishing speaking, Han Dang led his troops and left swaggeringly.

Cheng Lian was in the rear, so naturally he didn't know what was going on in Wancheng.

He really thought that Sun Ce's large army had already arrived, so he didn't dare to take the initiative to pursue it, and could only watch Han Dang leave helplessly.

However, Cheng Lian was still restless, he was afraid that the other party would really launch an army to attack the city tomorrow.

So he immediately wrote a letter of appeal for help, handed it to his confidant, and sent it to Liu Ke's base camp quickly.

The messenger did not dare to delay, and marched overnight.

Unexpectedly, just twenty miles out of the city, he was captured by Lu Bu's night patrol scouts.

When the messenger saw that it was Lu Bu's army, he hurriedly told him so.

Lu Bu was overjoyed when he heard the words. He believed that the enemy's move was probably a trick of suspicious soldiers.

First, he pretended to attack the city, and the frightened defender had to stick to the city, not daring to go out to pursue it, and then took the opportunity to retreat.

Therefore, Lu Bu immediately chased in the direction of Fuyang.

In this way, Lu Bu made mistakes one after another, and was led further and further away by Han Dang's suspicious soldiers.

The other suspicious soldier also performed well, Zu Mao haunted the surrounding cities, attracting pursuers to run here and there.

In this way, Zhou Yu was finally able to retreat safely, and after several days of rapid marching, he finally came to the champion city.

If you want to go south, you can only go through the turbulent water next to Champion County, and after a few days of marching, people are exhausted, and the most important thing is that there is not enough food and grass.

And Champion County used to be a storage place for grain, so it happened to be replenished nearby.

It's just that Champion County has already changed hands at this moment, and it is guarded by Liu Ke's subordinate Hou Cheng.

When the other party saw the army coming, he didn't know the enemy or friends, so he hurriedly sent someone to check.

When the scouts reported back, Hou Cheng turned pale with shock.

No matter what, he never thought that Jingzhou soldiers and horses would appear in his city.

But it didn't take long for Zhou Yu to lead the army.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses stood at the foot of the city, and the momentum alone made Hou Cheng consciously out of breath.

However, he had some backbone when he arrived and did not surrender on the spot.

Even so, Zhou Yu did not hesitate, and attacked unceremoniously.

After half a day of fighting, Champion County was defeated, which can be said to be very fast.

It's just that the only fly in the ointment is that when the city was broken, Hou Cheng also took advantage of the chaos to leave the city to join Liu Ke.

When the soldiers learned about it, they were worried that he had leaked their location, so they immediately volunteered to chase and kill Hou Cheng.

However, Zhou Yu was not too anxious after learning about it.

He persuaded in a calm tone: "Generals, don't be impatient. Although Hou Cheng escaped, it is not in the way.

The champion is a hundred miles away from Wancheng, and the opponent can arrive at least tomorrow.

Then when Liu Ke got the news and led his troops to chase after him, our army had already approached Xiangyang.Are you still afraid that he will fail? "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hou Cheng lost Champion County and fled eastward in embarrassment.

Zhou Yu immediately took over the city, and then moved out all the food stored in the treasury.

This time when the army escaped from Wancheng, they did not bring much supplies.

There was not much left that was consumed during the escape in the past few days, and Zhou Yu even limited the supply in recent days.

In this way, the soldiers can only tighten their belts and persist.

In the battle just now, Zhou Yu just said to capture the city, reward the three armies, and unlimited supply of wine and meat, which instantly aroused everyone's fighting power.

Therefore, facing the earnest eyes of the soldiers, Zhou Yu could not break his promise, and immediately began to prepare.

And Zhou Yu was also very excited when he saw what was stored in the treasury.

Because there are quite a lot of food stored here, roughly counting it, it is enough for the army to support Xiangyang.

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