"In the palace, there is a panic, what is the proper way?"

The man got scared and panicked, so he hurriedly got up and reported: "Second son, the governor, the little one should be damned, he offended the two nobles, but there is something urgent to report!"

Zhou Yu stepped forward, frowned and said, "What happened?"

"Guanglu Cheng Kuai Yue, Taizhong doctor Kuai Liang, Taifu Changshi Songzhong, Sanqi Changshi Fu Xun, Zhonglang Cai Mao, Zhang Yun and several other adults gathered outside the palace, saying that they have something important to see the king. .”

Upon hearing this, Sun Quan frowned immediately, not knowing how to respond.

And Zhou Yu instantly understood the purpose of these people, and his face became very ugly.

All these people outside the door were originally under the command of Liu Biao in Jingzhou, and they were all relatively powerful gentry in Jingzhou.

There are five great families in Jingzhou, namely Pang, Huang, Cai, Kuai and Ma.

However, the Pang family represents Pang Tong, and the Huang family represents Huang Zhong. They are all loyal to Liu Ke, which naturally represents the will of the entire family.

The representatives of the Ma family, Ma Liang and Ma Di, were headed by the two brothers, who defected to Liu Bei.

The rest of the Cai and Kuai clans voluntarily surrendered after Sun Ce defeated Liu Biao and entered Jingzhou.

Sun Ce originally looked down on these villains who betrayed the master, but he just considered that his foundation was not stable when he first came to Jingzhou.

Therefore, we can only appease Cai Mao, Kuai Yue, Kuai Liang and other people from small and medium-sized aristocratic families.

But they came suddenly at this moment, and they knew that Sun Ce was seriously injured, so I am afraid that the comers this time are not good.

Therefore, Zhou Yu immediately said with a serious face: "Second Young Master, the purpose of these people's visit may not be as simple as visiting the king.

There may be a bigger conspiracy, so be careful!

It's just that these people are all from the Jingzhou Group, and they share the same spirit, so it's hard to deal with them. I need to find some helpers.

Here, I will leave it to you, Second Young Master, to deal with it for the time being! "

When Sun Quan heard this, a very embarrassed expression appeared on his face.

After all, he was young and seldom dealt with political affairs. At this moment, he suddenly pushed himself to the bright side, which inevitably made him feel a little nervous.

However, it wasn't that Zhou Yu deliberately wanted to make things difficult for Sun Quan.

Instead, he wanted to exercise Sun Quan's ability to handle political affairs through this matter.

Because he is very aware of the injuries Sun Quan suffered, and it is absolutely impossible to recover in a short time.

Naturally, he couldn't continue to work hard during the recuperation period, so the burden of Jingzhou's military affairs naturally fell on the shoulders of the second son, Sun Quan.

After all, even though Zhou Yu is the governor, the officials recognize Sun Ce, or even Sun Ce's second brother Sun Quan, not Zhou Yu.

Now these representatives of the Jingzhou Group came to pay a sudden visit, and it was obvious that they were here to force the palace to persuade them to surrender, and it happened that Sun Quan would deal with them first.

Even if the worst happens and the talks between the two sides collapse, Sun Quan can still use Sun Quan's inability to think deeply as an excuse.

In this way, there is still room for change after the event. You must know that at this moment, the army is overwhelming, and no matter what, they cannot completely tear themselves apart from the Jingzhou family.

So, just as Sun Quan reacted, and just when he refused aloud, Zhou Yu had already left in a desperate manner.

He was looking for representatives of several great families who came from Jiangdong with Sun Ce this time.

There are Zhang Zhao, Gu Yong, Bu Zhi, Yu Fan, Zhu Huan and others.

These people were originally aristocratic families in Jiangdong. When Sun Ce broke with Yuan Shu, they chose to support Sun Ce out of their own interests.

Later, as Sun Ce captured Jingzhou, they coveted the richness here, and brought some family power to Jingzhou.

Therefore, Jingzhou has formed a situation in which the local Jingzhou faction and the Jiangdong faction check and balance.

Since the Jingzhou faction is dispatched together, it is natural to call all the people from the Jiangdong faction.

After all, they moved to Jingzhou because they supported Sun Ce. Naturally, they were more inclined to Sun Ce in terms of interests, and their will to fight was relatively firm.

After Zhou Yu left, Sun Quan was left standing alone.

He took a deep breath, tried his best to calm his restless heartbeat, and finally walked towards the outer mansion.

The palace is divided into two floors, inside and outside. The inner palace is where Sun Ce and his family live, and the outer palace is where Sun Ce handles government affairs on weekdays.

Just as Sun Quan walked to the courtyard gate of the Inner and Outer Mansion, he heard louder and louder noises, followed by a group of people.

It was Cai Mao, Kuai Liang, Kuai Yue and others who came to visit Sun Ce.

When everyone saw Sun Quan, they immediately rushed to Sun Quan's side without hesitation of the guards' obstruction, and surrounded Sun Quan.

Then one by one talked in a hurry, and the situation was very chaotic.

At the beginning, Sun Quan could hear some of them clearly, they were asking about Sun Ce's injuries, and the army was coming, so he should respond quickly.

But as everyone talked more and more excited, the scene became more and more uncontrollable.

Sun Quan only felt that there was noise in his ears, but he couldn't hear anything clearly.

The anger that he had suppressed all the way was finally released uncontrollably.

"Shut up! Brother Wang is receiving medical treatment. What do you all mean by making such a noise here and affecting the treatment?"

When a big hat was buttoned down, everyone was stunned for an instant, and the noise stopped abruptly.

Because in everyone's impression, Sun Quan was always a young man with a weak crown, and he seemed quite gentle on weekdays.

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