He himself was also on the boat. Seeing that Cai Zhong was not standing still, he immediately bent his bow and set up an arrow, and shot at him.

With a whoosh, the arrow flew towards Cai Zhong right in the back of his heart.

Cai Zhong let out a cry of pain, and threw himself forward to the ground without breathing.

Cai Mao did not expect the enemy to come so fast and so swiftly.

Hurriedly leading the army behind to fight, but thinking that Zhang Yun had suffered from the deep draft of the big ship before, he dared not continue to take risks.

Zu Mao had few soldiers, so it was impossible for him to go forward.So the two sides had to shoot each other across the water.

All of a sudden, feathered arrows were flying all over the sky, and every boat was shot full of arrows.

After shooting for a while, neither of them could do anything to the other, and after the arrows were exhausted, the two sides had no choice but to retreat.

However, Zu Mao could retreat, but Cai Mao could not.

Because not only did he fail to do any meritorious service this time, but he also damaged Cai Zhong.

If you go back like this, you will become the laughing stock of everyone.

I am afraid that he will be despised by His Majesty in an instant, and there will be no chance to stand out in the future.

Therefore, Cai Mao pretended to retreat, but actually returned to clean the chains after Zu Mao left.

As soon as Zu Mao left, he heard the sound of the iron chain again, so he had to go back again.

Seeing that Cai Mao actually left and returned, his anger increased greatly.

"Cai Mao, I was going to spare your life just now, but I didn't expect that you didn't know what to do.

That being the case, don't blame the general for being merciless! "

After speaking, Zu Mao immediately launched an attack.

This time Cai Mao only brought a small boat, and most of his soldiers and horses were waiting behind.

So as soon as they fought, Cai Mao pretended to be invincible and retreated.

Seeing this, Zu Mao immediately pursued him.

Unexpectedly, just a few steps away, he hit the rocks with a bang, no, it should have touched the iron cone.

Zu Mao's face changed drastically, because according to what he knew, it was impossible for the boat he was on to touch the iron cone.

So why?

It turned out that after Zu Mao left, Cai Mao was cleaning the iron chain on the surface, but in fact he secretly tampered with it.

Therefore, the distance between the current iron cone and the water surface has increased by three points.

Zu Mao was unprepared and immediately fell for the trick.

Cai Mao smiled triumphantly: "Hahaha, Zu Mao, you guys want to restrain this general with iron chains, but you didn't want to shoot yourself in the foot with a stone!

Now I will see how rampant you can be? "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zu Mao was accidentally poked into the bottom of the boat by an iron awl, and he was instantly unable to move an inch.

After Cai Mao laughed triumphantly, he finally started to attack.

What he fired directly this time was a rocket, and Zu Mao's ship was set alight in the blink of an eye.

The raging fire shot up into the sky, which instantly alarmed the soldiers on the other lines of defense.

The one closest to here is naturally Jiang Qin. Seeing that it was his own ship on fire, he hurried over to rescue it.

Unexpectedly, before he arrived, he saw a person on the deck dancing and shouting at himself.

It's just that due to the long distance and the strong wind on the river, Jiang Qin couldn't hear what the other party said at all.

He thought it was the other party calling for help, and immediately ordered the ship to rush at full speed.

In fact, the other party was warning him that the iron cone under the water had been tampered with, so don't come over.

But it's too late!

When Jiang Qin could hear the man's words clearly, the boat was also inserted by the iron cone.

His complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly sent all the people to rush to the deck to warn the opponent's attack.

However, Jiang Qin was still a little far away from Zu Mao. At this moment, Cai Mao's target was still on Zu Mao who was closest to him, and he would not take him into consideration for the time being.

Although Jiang Qin could breathe for a while, he had to watch Zu Mao fall into trouble.

Almost all the boats that Zu Mao brought were on fire, and the fire was out of control.

In order to avoid the fire, the soldiers had to jump into the water and swim back.

However, in this way, they immediately became Cai Mao's living targets and were shot and killed one by one.

Zu Mao saw that Ya Zi was shocked, but there was nothing he could do.

Because it was finally his turn.

At this moment the fire has engulfed the ship, leaving only an area on the deck.

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