I saw him take the initiative to take a step forward, and said slowly: "Could it be that His Majesty is planning to use Zu Mao as a trick?"

"Haha, Kong Ming is really resourceful, and he saw what I was thinking so quickly.

It's true, Zu Mao has a high status in the enemy's army, so it is impossible for the enemy to give up on him easily.

So when the time comes, I am going to send people to negotiate and exchange Zu Mao for Zhang Yun's body.

Take the opportunity to explore the opponent's force distribution along the way, so as to plan for the subsequent attack! "

When all the generals heard the words, they immediately shouted in unison: "Your Majesty's ingenious plan is really a blessing for the country!"

Therefore, Liu Ke ordered Huan Jie, a native of Jingzhou who had an old relationship with Sun Ce, to come forward and order him to carry out the plan.

Huan Jie did not hesitate, and accepted the task straightforwardly, and drove a small boat to Xiangyang on the other side that day.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


As soon as Huan Jie boarded the south bank of the Han River, he met the guards patrolling the river.

A group of soldiers like wolves and tigers rushed forward in an instant and pressed Huan Jie to the ground.

Looking at this posture, if Huan Jie didn't make it clear, he might be doomed today.

Huan Jie quickly took out the talisman from his arms to show his identity.

Seeing this, the guard let go of his hand in doubt, but still stared at him vigilantly, for fear that the other party had a conspiracy.

It wasn't until Huan Jie got up to tidy up his appearance and expressed his intention that he was brought back to Xiangyang City by a group of soldiers.

At this moment, a meeting is being held in the palace hall.

The theme of the meeting was naturally the two attacks against Zhang Yun and Cai Mao, as well as the capture of General Zu Mao.

Although Zhang Yun and Cai Zhong were killed in the battle, Zu Mao was also taken in by himself.

Especially Han Dang, Cheng Pu and others who were relatively close to Zu Mao were worried.

Han Dang was even more worried and said: "Oh! We were too early to start.

If Zhang Yun hadn't been killed, he could be exchanged for General Zu at this time.

Now that Zhang Yun was beheaded, he naturally lost the room to turn around, so General Zu's situation is in danger! "

Although it sounded like he was worried about Zu Mao, in his words there was a sense of blaming Sun Quan for being so impulsive.

Therefore, Sun Quan heard it in his ears, although he was calm, he was still a little dissatisfied.

Seeing this, Pan Zhang, as Sun Quan's confidant, immediately spoke out to argue for him.

"That Zhang Yun, a villain who betrayed his master and begged for glory, killed him as soon as he killed him, what's the pity?

In my opinion, I think it is better to kill.Killing him is also a warning to others, so that those villains with evil intentions will weigh everything! "

Hearing this, Han Dang muttered dissatisfiedly: "Wen Gui, I just said that if you kill Zhang Yun, you will lose the bargaining chip to negotiate with Liu Ke and return to General Zu Mao.

How did you become a villain in your mouth? "

Pan Zhang was still about to say something, when a guard came in to make an announcement, blocking his words.

"Report! Lord Inspector, Liu Ke sent an envoy to come and see him!"

"What? How dare he send an envoy? Immediately rush back to Jiangbei!"

Han Dang, who was worried about Zu Mao, immediately reprimanded him.

However, Zhou Yu immediately said: "Slow down! Liu Ke suddenly sent an envoy over, maybe there is something urgent. It's better to listen first!"

Sun Quan didn't want to make the relationship so stiff, after all, Liu Ke is his brother-in-law.

He also agreed: "Since the person has arrived, let's see what Liu Ke's conspiracy is! Bring him up!"

So Huan Jie was brought up by the guards.

As soon as he saw the person coming, Kuai Yue jumped out immediately, pointed at the person and shouted sharply: "Shameless villain, how dare you go back to Xiangyang?"

Huan Jie didn't panic at all, but calmly said: "Hmph! Who is the villain, you know, I know, all the scholars in Jingzhou know it well, so why talk too much."

It turned out that Huan Jie was originally from Changsha County, Jingzhou, and was originally under the command of Liu Biao.

It's just that after Liu Biao's death, he assisted the eldest son Liu Qi, and later, after the son Liu Qi died of illness, after tossing and turning, he defected to Liu Ke.

So after Liu Cong succeeded to the throne, people like him who followed Liu Qi and opposed Liu Cong were naturally regarded as traitors by the opponent's supporters.

However, from Huan Jie's own point of view, it was Kuai Yue and others who betrayed Jingzhou and handed over Liu Biao's foundation.

So when he saw the other party, he would naturally not feel timid.

When Kuai Yue heard what the other party said, he immediately cupped his hands and said to Sun Quan: "Lord Inspector, this Huan Jie is a shameless villain. Please bring him to justice!"

But Sun Quan didn't care what kind of person Huan Jie was before.

He only cares about the purpose of this person's visit this time.

Therefore, Sun Quan comforted Kuai Yue first, then looked at Huan Jie and said, "Bo Xu, I have heard about you for a long time. I don't know why you came to Xiangyang this time?"

Regardless of the hostile gazes from everyone in Jingzhou, Huan Jie replied reservedly: "This time I came here for General Zu Mao's life!"

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