A burst of cheers broke out in an instant and went straight into the sky.

"Wind! Wind! Wind!"

Seeing the morale of the soldiers and horses in the city like a rainbow, Liu Ke showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then suddenly raised one hand, the roar that was originally shaking stopped abruptly.

If other people see this scene, I am afraid that they will all be terrified. The fighting power of a forbidden army is the strongest!

Liu Ke looked down, and finally said slowly: "Heaven bestows auspicious winds to help me defeat the thieves. The three armies will use their lives and move forward together! Let's go!"


Amidst the mighty sound of horns, the army finally moved slowly, and under the leadership of their respective generals, they walked slowly towards the bank of the Han River.

Naturally, the first to bear the brunt was responsible for leading the bamboo raft Gan Ning.

I saw him wearing a close-fitting black leather jacket today, standing proudly at the bow of the boat holding a knife.

This leather jacket is said to be collected from sharks in the East China Sea. Not only is it invulnerable to swords and guns, but what is even more rare is that it is completely unfettered in the water.

After hearing the sound of the horn, Gan Ning immediately led countless bamboo rafts to march to the opposite bank.

The icy north wind, with a slight coolness, inflated the sails on the bamboo raft and quickly drifted to the other side of the river.

Xiangyang was originally separated from Fancheng by a river, and the movement there had already alarmed the defenders above Xiangyang City.

At this moment, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu stood on the top of the city, looking at the north bank with serious expressions.

"Is it finally time to start?"

It was the first time for Sun Quan to face such a big scene, so he was inevitably a little nervous.

On the contrary, Zhou Yu looked calm, and slowly comforted: "Zhongmou, don't worry. There are thousands of iron cones I arranged underwater.

No matter how powerful Liu Ke is, it is impossible for him to come here unscathed.

As long as all the soldiers perform their duties, half of the enemy soldiers will die before they go ashore! "

After hearing Zhou Yu's comfort, Sun Quan felt a little better.

It's just that the north wind blowing against his face still makes him not completely at ease.

Just when Sun Quan was restless, Zhou Yu had already started to form troops.

"Huang Gai, Jiang Qin, and Chen Wu, you three will each lead [-] soldiers and horses to guard the Han River.

Seeing the enemy army entering an ambush, all arrows were fired immediately, completely trapping them to death!

Cheng Pu and Han Dang, each of you will lead [-] troops to garrison the east and west sides of Xiangyang to prevent the enemy from attacking the west and take the opportunity to land from other directions!

Pan Zhang, Xu Sheng, you two lead your troops out of the north gate to meet the enemy, and support the other generals at any time.

Zu Mao, um... You should stay in the city temporarily to prevent someone from taking advantage of the chaos to destroy it! "

All the generals who were named took orders and left in unison, only Zu Mao hesitated.

Because everyone else got the chance to go to battle and kill the enemy, but he was the only one who wanted to stay in the city, and he felt a little bit annoyed.

However, Zhou Yu couldn't be blamed for this, because after Zu Mao came back drunk that day, Sun Quan had already become suspicious.

If Cheng Pu and Han Dang hadn't risked their lives to protect them, they might have had to be imprisoned for a while.

So, in the end Zu Mao sighed helplessly, and could only follow the order.

The three generals Huang Gai, Jiang Qin, and Chen Wu each led the naval forces, only relying on the south bank of the Han River, and they were ready to fight.

In front of them is an iron cone area with a width of two miles, so the three of them don't have to take the initiative to move forward at this moment.

Instead, it is not too late to launch an attack when the enemy's ships touch the iron cone and cannot continue to move forward, and they are all blocked on the water.

Especially Huang Gai, as a navy in the middle, he saw the enemy army sailing from afar, shook the iron whip in his hand, and was ready to meet the enemy at any time.

The enemy ship was getting closer and closer, but when he saw it clearly, Huang Gai's heart was shocked for an instant.

Can't help but ask: "How could this be?"

It turned out that the first boats that the enemy came to came were the simplest bamboo rafts, and there were only three or five people on each bamboo raft.

Such a lineup really doesn't look like the enemy's main attacking force.

Huang Gai was full of doubts, but he couldn't be careless, so as not to fall into Zhuge Liang's tricks.

So, he immediately shouted: "The whole army is ready, the enemy army enters the ambush area and immediately attacks!"

I saw that the soldiers under him immediately started to act nervously, with bows and arrows in their hands, aiming at the enemy ship, ready to launch at any time.

Seeing that the enemy ship was about to enter the ambush area, the experienced veteran Huang Gai couldn't help but hold his breath and stare at the enemy nervously.

At this moment, the bamboo raft walking in the front stopped suddenly, as if it was stopped by something.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gan Ning was standing on the first bamboo raft. He controlled the direction and finally came straight to the enemy's ambush area.

After the bamboo raft paused, it immediately shook violently, but Gan Ning remained motionless as if roots had taken root under his feet.

After his bamboo raft shook, all the other bamboo rafts following him also responded.

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