"Everyone is going crazy, Cheng Pulai too!"

"Hahahaha! Good time! You were lucky the day before yesterday, and you escaped. This time, you will not be so lucky!"

Dian Wei was not afraid at all, and went up to meet him with a big laugh.

Both sides come and go, not giving in to each other, and the battle is very fierce.

And under the cover of Dianwei's forward army, the rear army is also continuously rushing to land on the beach.

In this way, Cheng Pu not only failed to drive Dian Wei back into the water.

On the contrary, the opponent has more and more troops, and it was a bit difficult to deal with it at first.

But as the number of people increased, they gradually gained the upper hand, until now, they began to suppress Cheng Pu's soldiers and horses and beat them hard.

Seeing this, Cheng Pu became more and more panicked.

If this continues, I'm afraid my ten thousand soldiers will not be enough to kill the opponent.

So, Cheng Pu immediately made a feint, jumped out of the battle circle, and was about to lead his troops to retreat.

Of course Dian Wei couldn't let him go, he saw that he was holding a pair of halberds, pointed at Cheng Pu and cursed: "Jingzhou rat, you are going to run away after fighting for dozens of rounds?

It's a man's, so stay here and have a grand battle with this general! "

Dian Wei's words were extremely harsh, but Cheng Pu is not a young and vigorous young man who is ready to catch fire.

He calculated the comparison of the strength of the two sides, and thought that it would be pointless to continue the entanglement at this moment.

Therefore, he decisively led the troops to withdraw, without being affected by Dian Wei's radical method at all.

When Dian Wei saw this, he felt as if he was being ignored. He became angry and immediately led his troops to chase after him.

"Rats, go away, save your life!"

Then, a funny scene followed.

Cheng Pu, the defender, fled in a hurry, while the attackers pursued him closely.However, such scenes did not last long.

Because Cheng Pu had traveled a few miles, Chen Wu who heard the wind from here ignored Ling Tong in the water and came directly to meet him.

As soon as he reached the foot of Wanshan Mountain, he saw Cheng Pu fleeing in embarrassment.

"General Demou, what happened? Why are you so panicked?"

When Cheng Pu saw the person, it turned out to be Chen Wu who had rushed to meet him, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Zi Lie, be careful, there are enemy troops behind you!"

When Chen Wu heard this, he froze for an instant, and quickly clenched the sword in his hand.

But this man is quick-witted and calm in times of crisis.Seeing the terrain here, he immediately paid attention.

"Demou, you continue to retreat, I am here to ambush. But when you see the enemy passing through the mountain pass, you immediately turn back and fight back.

You and I are flanked by two armies, discipline him whether he can come or not! "

Cheng Pu was on his way just now, and after Chen Wu pointed out, he himself looked up at the surrounding environment.

He immediately said pleasantly: "This plan is very clever, Zilie is clever, I will do as you say!"

While speaking, Dian Wei's pursuers were not far away.

In order to avoid being discovered by the other party, the two sides immediately prepared according to the arrangement just now.

Dian Wei saw Cheng Pu's troops stop here for a moment, then continued to flee.

I just thought that the other party was tired and rested here for a while, and without thinking too much, I continued to chase after him.

This place is called Wanshan, which is a small mountain next to the river bank, and there is a bigger mountain behind it, named Moqi Mountain.

The two mountains are sandwiched, leaving a gap in the middle, which is the only way to Xiangyang.

So when they came from the opposite side, they couldn't see Chen Wujun lying in ambush behind the mountain.

So Dian Wei plunged headlong into the ambush circle set up by the opponent.Not far ahead, Chen Wu suddenly appeared from the mountain.

Immediately afterwards, arrows and stones were fired, pouring down unceremoniously at Dianwei's soldiers and horses passing below.

Dian Wei's soldiers and horses were caught off guard, and were instantly injured by arrows and boulders.

Even Dian Wei, if he hadn't erupted suddenly at a critical moment and pushed away the boulder that hit his head, he might have been seriously injured.

Not only that, Cheng Pu, who was running away in a panic, immediately turned around and fought back when he heard the movement here.

"Oops, I've been ambushed by thieves, retreat quickly!"

However, how could the enemy easily let this big fish go?

When the ambush army on the mountain attacked, Chen Wu had already led the rest of the people to the back of the valley.

Therefore, when Dian Wei retreated, he was horrified to find that an enemy army had already been waiting for a long time on his way of retreat.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Dian Wei suddenly saw that the back road was blocked, and his face turned pale with fright.

Before he fought with Cheng Pu, he became addicted to killing unconsciously, and led his soldiers in pursuit.

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