When things are done, the opponent will be caught off guard and Liu Ke's navy will be wiped out in one battle! "

"Hahaha! Wen Gui's plan is so clever, it opened my eyes!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Quan's depressed mood finally improved slightly after hearing Pan Zhang's strategy.

But he didn't make a decision right away, but looked at Zhou Yu: "What does Gong Jin think of Wen Gui's plan?"

Zhou Yu frowned, pondered for a while, and finally said slowly: "This plan is feasible!

There's just one more problem. "

"What's the matter?" Sun Quan asked nervously.

"Shipbuilding is a big project after all, and it is absolutely impossible to complete it overnight. According to the usual time, it will take at least three months to build a warship.

Even if all the artisans were assembled overnight, it would probably take at least a month.

In other words, this month we still have to face the blockade of Liu Ke's navy and the onslaught of the infantry.

If you can't hold on, then the built ship will lose its meaning! "

Sun Quan couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Hahahaha, what Gongjin is worrying about is true. But it's too small for me.

Now I have one hundred thousand soldiers in my hand, backed by the strongest city in the world, the treasury is full, and one supply is enough for half a year.

Can't you hold on for a month?I have made up my mind, so I will implement it according to Wen Gui's plan. "

After saying that, he looked at Pan Zhang again and said, "Wen Gui, since this plan came from you, then I will appoint you General Lou Chuan.

Specially responsible for supervising the construction of warships, I only give you one month, the survival of Xiangyang, the life and death of soldiers is up to you! "

When Pan Zhang heard the words, he immediately issued a military order in a firm tone: "My lord, within one month, the battleship will be completed. If not, please behead me!"

With Pan Zhang's guarantee, Sun Quan was naturally very happy, and personally poured a glass of wine and offered it to Pan Zhang as a grand gesture.

Pan Zhang drank the wine in one gulp, and immediately said, "My lord, the military situation is urgent, and the last general should set out now!"

After saying that, after cupping his hands and cupping his fists, he turned and left the hall. Although walking was somewhat inconvenient, he was extremely determined.

After Pan Zhang left, Sun Quan immediately began to make arrangements.

In fact, there are not many requirements, and they all revolve around a unified purpose, which is to try our best to last for a month.

All outside the city was abandoned, and the army retreated inside the city, relying on the city wall to defend.

No matter how fierce the opponent's attack is, he must buy Pan Zhang a month's time.

After the order was given, everyone immediately went down to make arrangements.

All the generals unanimously moved their residences to the city wall, and prepared to keep vigil here day and night.

And Lu Bu had already returned to Longzhong camp overnight after breaking through.

Liu Ke couldn't help being shocked when he saw Lu Bu's embarrassed look.

You must know that Lu Bu's strength is unmatched in the world, and it is like this today. Something big must have happened.

"Fengxian, why is this so? Could it be that Wanshan has fallen?"

Lu Bu's original task was to guard the gate of Wanshan, so Liu Ke asked this question.

And Lu Bu fell to his knees in an instant, and said with a remorseful expression: "Your Majesty, I am guilty! I was lured by the enemy.

Suddenly rushing to the foot of Mount Xian, he fell into Zhou Yu's treacherous scheme and was besieged by Jingzhou's army, causing heavy losses.

If General Ling Tong's navy hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid I won't be able to see His Majesty!

This is all the crime of the minister, please forgive me! "

Liu Kewen said that his face did not change.

After a long time, he finally said: "This second brother-in-law of mine is more courageous than his elder brother, and he didn't hesitate to use tens of thousands of troops to ambush Feng Xian alone.

Looking at it this way, Fengxian, you have a very serious complexion. "

However, Lu Bu was not moved by the praise, but instead said in shame: "Your Majesty's words have broken my humble minister."

However, Liu Ke then said sternly: "Okay, since the other party can't wait to attack, then I can't be indifferent.

The order was passed on, and tomorrow morning the three armies will send out together to take Xiangyang directly.

As for Fengxian, before I gave you the right to directly mobilize the troops of the headquarters without asking for instructions, so this time you are not acting arbitrarily if you send troops to pursue.

But after all, a lot of soldiers and horses have been lost, so if this is the case, the official will be demoted to three ranks, and they will be used in front of the battle! "

Hearing Liu Ke's words, Lu Bu was very excited and couldn't stop kowtowing to thank him.

Afterwards, Liu Ke's eyes suddenly became sharper, and he looked beyond the crowd and looked into the distance: "Xiangyang, I will definitely win!"

At dawn the next day, the army was ready to go outside the city, and there were Ling Tong and Gan Ning's naval forces by the river.

Under Liu Ke's order, the three armies dispatched together and rushed towards Xiangyang in a mighty manner.

As soon as the soldiers and horses arrived outside Xianshan, the scouts sent the information to Xiangyang.

Sun Quan couldn't help but twitched when he heard this, thinking: "What should come is finally coming!"

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